Serbs were objectively the bad guys in the Yugoslav wars
ITT: objective truths Sup Forums doesn't want to accept
Other urls found in this thread:
>objective truths serbs doesn't want to accept
>nobody outside of serbia cares
Nazis are not /ourguys/
Did your uncle die maybe your mother or even a father shame they had to die in the war i f-feel bad.
They were only going for the ethic cleansing and misinformation tactics, making the bigger part of balkan "great Serbia"... i mean
only serbs think that, nobody remotely serious I've ever met from the west thinks that serbs weren't plain true evil in that war. and no amounts of shitty memes on Sup Forums is going to change that.
M8, we were bad, really bad
But m8, not every war is black and white and not always are there bad guys and good guys
Yugoslav wars saw more than 4 fighting sides at the same time, and all 4 committed equally bad crimes against humanity. Serbs were the bad guys in that war, but there were no good guys in that war either
who cares,they are christians,right wing and enemies of islam,they are /ourguys/
>Yugoslav wars saw more than 4 fighting sides at the same time, and all 4 committed equally bad crimes against humanity.
eeh, no.
from these 4 sides, you were by far the worst and did the most violent crimes. That saying a lot. the sooner you accept that(of course you never will) the better, for yourselves, cause nobody trust's you anymore.
can any serb in this thread tell me what this document means/is?
i think it's a croat PoW being discharged.
>shitskins are humans with rights!!
Geez whiz folks just TRY to not be gay
contrast adjusted if this helps.
sorry for hi-jacking the thread
Hitler was a bit spergy
>t. bosnjo from sweden
fuck you, you started it
Back to r_T you go
serbs are ok just hide anything with alcohol in it and everything will be fine.
The objective bad guys in the Balkans were the Americans.
kekistan 4 lyfe
>fuck you, you started it
is this what they teach you in your hillbilly schools?
za redova 3 cete, 3 bataljona 13 puka H.V. Mujo Babic (ili Bacic) iz sela Linipi (?) srez Dubrovnik okrug Mostar. Ko se prema naredjenju Komandanta Jadranske divizije oblasti br. 15656 odj---nesto--- naredba Romanijskog (?) puka br 816 ngi 7 ove godine odpusta (oDpusta) svojoj kuci po izdraznoj dvomjesecnoj vezbi (vjezbi).
Ima pravo na --nesto--- voznju vozilom i parobrodom od Sinja do svoje kuce.
Sa hradom je ---nesto--- zakljucno kod ove cete.
sa 28. ov. --nesto---
Va--nesto--- Komadira
poruc. (porucnik) [potpis]
jel' okej?
fuck you mujo
It wasn't a POW but recruit as far as I can understand from this document.
Trump is as much of a traitor as Clinton
The extent of my knowledge on the whole balkan conflict rests solely in a poorly edited video of some soldiers playing a catchy accordian tune. Where can I learn more about this period of history preferably without butthurt or bias?
Yeah, how dare they driving out the muslim hordes invading their father's lands?
Serbs were the good guys, or did you not notice they were killing muslims?
>we must protect europe from the muslim menace
>reeeeeeee the serbs murdered 8 gorillion kebabs reeeee they're objectively the bad guys
why did you guys chimp out?
Muslims are our friends
Had bosnian refugees in my town growing up, they deserved anything they got.
>all 4 sides committed bad crimes against humanity
>all 4 sides committed EQUALLY bad crimes against humanity
face it, serbs take the lead by far in terms of war crimes committed
>BBC News video
Hooktube that shit to prevent views. Just edit the domain in the url.
Thread anthem
>objective fact
austro-hungarian army ?
Hitler shouldn't have invaded Russia.
Thread theme (you wont be disappointed).
>muhh ebil Serbs
I'm not even Serbian but this shit is starting to get annoying
Well,someone didnt hear my advice and didnt hide the alcohol.This is what happens if you let a serb drink alcohol.
>one side lead paleo-al qaeda soldiers to rape, bake and behead
>one side killed 7k+ single-handled for no reason at all
>one side tractored 200k+ own chimping citizens out of the country
i call it deuce?
the bosnians chimped out. serbians were only protecting the integrity of their land. and later the safety of their people
In the future, please archive media renowned for trash journalism and clickbait.
That social class is a greater determinant of individual behaviour than nationality.
I can't tell, there is no insignia of any kind
t. toni blerim
you literally did m8. also, go back while you can.
>preferably without butthurt or bias?
you seriously don't know anything about the conflict if you believe that is possible keke. basically, who did which crimes doesn't really matter, these are important facts for future:
>croats are pretty much /yourguys/ with nazis and shiet, but are also objectively pussies that suck up to germans all the time so they can fuck up serbs
>bosniaks are mudslimes who are former serbs or croats who converted. removal neccesary
>serbs are kind of traditionalist more than nazi, half of bosnia belongs to us and half to croats
>montenegrins are serbs in denial
>macedonians are bulgars in denial
>kosovo is serbia, albos from kosovo are isis tier lunatics, while albos from albania are ok i guess
objectivelly, you purged 250 000 people because you were too much of niggers to accept that you won't be able to take serbian populated land if you decide to declare independence. serbian war crimes pretty much come down to muh srebrenica and muh bijeljina, everything else is either minor, either nato staged as a excuse to fuck us up.
this tbqh
dude you're everywhere, are you a bot?
ok. are you a bot?
So? They were bad to Muslims why do I care.
They were getting a shit end of the deal either way, considering how spread out serbs were in Yugoslavia compared to the rest of ethnicities. Even before SFRYugoslavia when it a kingdom it was basically all greater Serbia. Now Serbia is a crumb of what it used to be.
They chimped out because they had the most to loose and nothing to gain.
took him 15 seconds to read my post, archive the link, write the post and solve the captcha. he's a bot
th rate of growth of the Muslims was too fast. They went from a small group to very large in a short period of time and were pushing for an ethnic state of their own. They had built the numbers to put people in power and after letting them in, Serbia was in danger of having kosovo divided. That's why the Ethnic Cleansing. It was that or give up your country.
>>one side lead paleo-al qaeda soldiers to rape, bake and behead
only this never happened. one squad of mujaheddins doesn't equal to the shit you're stating here.
That's not true. Race is a better factor to judge criminality than income levels:
turks are white and based
>one side tractored 200k+ own chimping citizens out of the country
Let's ignore to mention that the reason those 200k+ chimping citizens left is because they were ordered to by the military of RSK (there are documents proving this) and that Milosevic himself called them cowards.
Also lets ignore the fact that most of those who died leaving Croatia died when Serb tank commanders LITERALLY ran over their own people to get away faster.
Meanwhile, you bombed UNESCO sites, executed POWs and civilians at Vukovar, had literal concentration camps in Serbia, ethnically cleansed at least twice as much Croats from their own lands, rocketed civilians in Zagreb, pillaged and destroyed anything belonging to Croats including churches, and even pillaging your own orthodox churches since half of your "soldiers" were football hooligans, criminals and other degenerate dregs of Serb society, lead by the whitest nigger ever born, Arkan Raznatovic
>one squad of mujaheddins
you should really learn something about vozuca, zenica, srebrenica etc. east-bosnia warzones
Serbs killed thousands of Croats and Muslim People, and Muslims and croats killed thousands of Serbs. Where is the Fucking Problem? We did the same stuff to each other. BUT IT SEEMS AS WE LEFT OUT THE BUTTHURTS!
you literally have zero knowledge of the war. You're even mixing up two separate conflicts on top of your retarded statements.
I don't like this meme, but fucking leafs...
>talking bad about Serbia
They did nothing wrong,Serbian soldiers, keep your head held high!
>Let's ignore to mention that the reason those 200k+ chimping citizens left is because they were ordered to by the military of RSK (there are documents proving this)
well once you're leftover from jasenovac and other camps, you don't play dice
you could understand this if you want
Serbs are the niggers of Slavdom.
Serbs arent white and have no right to kill other people because of their ethinicity
>Also lets ignore the fact that most of those who died leaving Croatia died when Serb tank commanders LITERALLY ran over their own people to get away faster.
pure folklore belief
>Meanwhile, you bombed UNESCO sites, executed POWs and civilians at Vukovar, had literal concentration camps in Serbia, ethnically cleansed at least twice as much Croats from their own lands, rocketed civilians in Zagreb, pillaged and destroyed anything belonging to Croats including churches, and even pillaging your own orthodox churches since half of your "soldiers" were football hooligans, criminals and other degenerate dregs of Serb society, lead by the whitest nigger ever born, Arkan Raznatovic
this is truth though, we all have our own retards aren't we?
There is a very good chance that Trump will not come out clean even if he does rekt the neoliberal establishment
How Serbs could even fall for the 'Jasenovac is almost reopened' meme spewed by the state propaganda machine known as RTS, when even an inkling of an attempt to do something like that would literally get us bombed by NATO instantly.
Did you seriously, unironically believe that Croats were just waiting for the chance to kill all Serbs?
WW2 happened 70 years ago. Get over it.
Af lmao
And we Montenegrins bombed the shit out off the Croatian cities on the coast and nobody is blaiming us,it feels kinda good.
Objective truths libcucks don't want to accept
>We have no reason to intervene in another nation's civil war
Fuck off shitskin Alberto. I'm half Croatian, the Serbs were ruthless in attempting to subjugate everyone, Catholics included, under their shitty rule.
>WW2 happened 70 years ago. Get over it.
third and fourth generation got over it, but hey - the flag, the colors, the thompson, `za dom` etc. in the villages that tool up to 80% of people in camps it's a signal, pretty straight dude
this is not an apologetic, just imagine median villagers and you will automatically understand what i'm talking about.
Biggest FP mistake in US history was stopping the Serbs. Sorry guys.
The Montenigrans basically are to Serbia what Austria is to Germany. The very mountainous, smaller,richer Country in the south that sometimes Claims to be different even though they have the same language and people as you, never beeing punished for the things they did in wartime.
Po obserwacji Bośni po ludobójstwie przez wiele lat. Kultury, muzyki i stylu życia, przynam, że jako ekspert do spraw byłej Jugosławii przynam, że chuj mnie obchodzi to ludobójstwo. Tyle razy broniłem Boszniaków przed agresją skrajnych debili nacjonalistycznych z Polski. Zawsze lubiałam ten naród, pomimo, że przyjęli obcą religie. Obecnie Większy ból mi sprawia to, że Serbowie sluchaja na żywo jak Raznatovic śpiewa, która nie umie śpiewać na żywo, słuchają ją tylko dlatego, że wyszła za mąż za 'bohatera Serbii'.
As long as you want your self to believe Serbs weren't that brutal
We should've just wen't 2v2 us and Serbs against Croats and their special flowers of Croatia
good eye
objectivelly the rest of muzzie army was borderline muhajedeen as well and 7k people weren't exactly murdered without a reason.
that's all fucked up, but they were tractored out because they knew if they stayed they could be killed. also, why the fuck did you think you have a right to suceed and not give the serbs in your country the same right, in the first place?
this. honestly, i don't hold a grudge against croats, but i get pissed when serbs refer to croats as bros, or other way around. no. you were saved from being carved up by 4 or 5 states, you got your authonomus unit even tho like a quarter of it had majority serbian population, and you still backstabbed, commited genocide, got forgiven, practically rewarded by commies and chimped out again in the 90s. we can remove kebab together, but it's strictly business.
How Croats could even fall for the 'Yugoslavia is almost turning into Greater Serbia' meme spewed by the state propaganda machine known as HRT, when even an inkling of an attempt to do something like that would literally get us bombed by NATO instantly.
Did you seriously, unironically believe that Serbs were just waiting for the chance to kill all Croats?
thanks, but i certainly think the lybia and iraq mistakes were bigger, and sadly the modern degeneracy is starting to make me believe your biggest mistake was stopping someone else, if you know what i mean.
richer is debatable, but the rest is literally spot on.
Serbs did nothing wrong. WE were infamous traitors, WE bomb innocent civilians illegaly.
Half croatian brit who is easy to trigger,are you the opposite of me from another Dimension, or just a cuck?
>300–6,000 fighters
active 300, the rest have been actively agitating local population to wage jihad using their techniques
more that 300 jihadists from bosnia leave to syria each year now, who do you think `educated` them to do so?
shit tons of money came from Iran and Saudi Arabia (then, they worked together in Bosnia, leaving a problems now)
also, some of those mujahedeen fighters are still here (they all got citizenships thanks to Alija)
Doesn't really matter it's funny reading from Croatcucks how they cry and blame the Serbs for Dubrovnik and their other shitty coastline cities,It makes me kinda jelous that we're not getting any attention
Nothing against Serbs in general, but serbs from Republika Serbska are junk, since they are mostly descedants of war criminals who slaughtered unarmed people, raped women and destroyed other people's religious temples
Acted absolutely same way as ISIS
And what is more surprising they even get half of state's territory
Serbia is a pathetic shithole of a country getting left in the dust by all of its neighbors. They have no future. Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania are all leaving Serbia in the dust.
It's a sad, irrelevant country that loses land to Albania. Pathetic.
leafbey you're so obsessed
>It's a Butthurt Balkan thread
I love these. I have no horses in the race so it's like entertainment every time.
Typically Croats win the arguments, even if that means Bosnians leave early and Serbs start shitposting once they run out of arguments tho.
The only reason Tudjman came to power in Croatia is fear of Milosevic. Had you chosen someone who wasn't an imperialist autistic quasi-socialist to lead your country, we would in all likelihood be posting under the same flag right now.
Slovenes and Croats didn't want to leave Yugoslavia, they wanted to reform it into a decentralized confederacy. Milosevic however, didn't want that, since he wanted all power to be concentrated in Belgrade (lucky coincidence, that would mean all power would be in his hands). We did not want a socialist dictator to rule us when communism was finally falling apart across Europe.
It wasn't HRT that convinced people in Croatia that Yugoslavia was turning into Greater Serbia, it was the "truth rallies", "yogurt revolutions" and other assorted attempts to topple legitimate governments in the republics and replace them with Milosevic yes-men.
It worked in Kosovo.
It worked in Vojvodina.
It worked in Montenegro.
But when you tried it with Slovenia, your bus people got told to fuck off by us.
Also, the Serbs in Krajina had every chance to get everything they nominally wanted with the Z4 plan, but they refused it since what they really wanted was to be annexed by Serbia. Had they accepted Z4, Croatia today would basically be like Bosnia, with a state within a state. Luckily they said no and got Storm'd the fuck out for it.
Serbia is a pathetic shithole of a country getting left in the dust by all of its neighbors. They have no future. Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania are all leaving Serbia in the dust.
It's a sad, irrelevant country that loses land to Albania. Pathetic.
If Nazzis had won moast of Sup Forums would be gassed.
lol Croats cry as much as Serbs if not even harder it's fun reading their shitposts
>Ebill Serbs!!!!
>muhh massacres
>muhh Vukovar
Either way they are both retarded
You're one of them buddy
Serbia is a pathetic shithole of a country getting left in the dust by all of its neighbors. They have no future. Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania are all leaving Serbia in the dust.
It's a sad, irrelevant country that loses land to Albania. Pathetic!
unfortunately this is true, this is why we (serbs) lost the war because it was a war with reality vs. milosevic's and other quasi-experts (from SANU) wet dreams about something that we missed one century before (nacertanije).
I'm a Montenegrin from Montenegro who came to Serbia to study even thou my dad bombed the shit out off the Croats he still gigles about it even today,but I'm just here reading the shitposts from the both side since the both sides are retarded.