Before you call me "retard" notice the fact that I can type really good and I don't make any spelling eras. I even use periods and quotation marks which is a lot better than most. I have down syndrome which means I have an extra chromosome. Doesn't make me less of a human. Now I support Trudeau because Trudeau changes the whole culture of Canada. Under Harper it was modeled after the white straight cis able bodied able minded rich conservative middle class MALE. Now under Trudeau all people are taken into account weather they are trans gay people of colour athiests or disabled. This is why i support Trudeau winning a relelection so i can keep my job at tim hortans and continue been a good canadain.
Why I Support Trudeau As A Person With Down Syndrome
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Try harder next time. sage
My ideal society is one in which people like you are swiftly killed pre-birth
Send picture of credit card, friend.
enjoy ban you horrible troll
My parents hold onto that.
what you just said is illegal that is promoting genocide.
One day I when I was unemployed and feeling suicidal I stopped to get some fries at McDonald's and they had a tard working there happy as could be and I thought, "if he can do it so can I" and gradually stopped feeling sorry for myself.
That being said equality sounds great but what's happening is it's equality for everyone except the straight cis white male.
Thats not genocide, thats abortion, whats it like with an extra chromasone? do you ever just snap and can't control yourself? do things just not make sense?
No i can talk but its hard to talk deep with people and i just cant understand math even when most can easily understand it but i can still think and enjoy things
>LARPing as a retard
this is a good thread
What do you mean by talk deep? do you not understand expressions? or the tones in voice?
What are you strongest at, if not math
>on Sup Forums
>larping as a retard
you haven't been here long if you think retards don't come here
Why do we let Downies vote?
we're all retards here, fren
I would be disgusted to have a monster like you serving me food. Sage DOWN.
No, just a retard pretending to be a different kind of retard
>a leaf
>a retard
Can exist something worse?
All canadians have down syndrome. This isn't news.
>go to mcdonalds
>see black man working the grill
>risk getting sick or eat the meal i already payed for
>spelling eras
Holy kek, check'd
im only good at eating and sleeping i have struggle typing this
have you considered a craft? like wooden car carving, or metal working, or even reading if you can do it well
No im really bad at that stuff and suck at reading. I will just work at Tim Hortans as a cashir my whole life because they pay me enough plus government pays so i can live.
Trudeau would have aborted you
Leafs always shitposting. What else is new, day if you're happy then why are u here?
because what else am i going to do?
Consider it, the reason people think downies aren't human is because you dont actually do anything. Take up any hobby, maybe even gardening
I cant do that tho i don't own any land
there is a place for shitposters like us. we hold the power there
come fren
Grow mushrooms, you'll be the coolest downie, have money, never get arrested cause your a downie, and you don't need land
If your good at being a cashier then look into a job that has that same skill set but a little more in demand. If you're good at pushing buttons on a register you might be good at pushing buttons on a cnc machine, or operating something at a plant. It's worth a shot. I believe in you.
Haha what's a relelection you retard
> implying downs would write like this
> t. social work
>Down Syndrome
In my America people have 46 chromosomes
>[ ] Truth
>[ ] Doubt
>[x] Lie
You're full of shit, user. The truth is you hated that bastard Harper: You followed him and dragged him into the car and took him out to the Hortons. He woke up, and you smashed his face in with a bag of milk. And then you stomped him... you stomped him because he was white cis male and he treated you like shit. You stomped him for all the years you had to take it. You stomped him because you're such a weak fucking downie, user, and you wanted to erase all memory of it. Go on, try to deny it.