A brick of gold is now worth less than a bitcoin

Has everybody lost their mind? A bitcoin is worth literally nothing as in NOTHING. The gov can shut down the bitcoin blockchain any time, no questions asked. They cannot shut down gold.

Only gold counts.

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>They cannot shut down gold.

That is literally unconstitutional.

anyone who actually followed this executive order instead of fucking burying their shit is a complete retard and government cuck.

>the block chain can be shut down
lol no

ETH skyrocketing tonight, get in /pol

Why is gold valuable, you cant eat or drink it, it does not give you shelter or kids, It is pretty that is all. OH because the jews say it's valuable Mr Goldman!

a gold bar is 400oz which is over 500k kiddo

You're pretty dense..

Isnt it weird a truck load of gold is worth millions more than a truck load of food?

>The gov can shut down Vietnam any time

Analogy 100% complete

Gold is for jews,

buy DGB you fucktards

Can someone please explain to me why gold has value in today's world. It's literally the most useless metal.

Got in with $60 in February.

bitcoin has always been a speculative currency, but gold isnt necessarily worth its historical value either.
i think that in today economy, there are no fundamentals. none.


A [commodity] is now worth less than [other commodity].

Who cares?

Just like letting Muslims rape your daughters, but you guys seem ok with letting it slide.

It is the most corrosion resistant metal and it does not oxidize. It's also rare

>A bitcoin is worth literally nothing as in NOTHING

Apparently it's worth something.

A matter of perspective. If the end of world and I have ham sandwich would I trade for bar of gold, NO. I let you starve then if I want to carry around bar of gold just go pick it up. The guy who really wins is the one with the gun who takes sandwich and gold!

>You missed the bitcoin boom years ago
why even live anymore. Fuck, I'd be a millionaire by now.


The only currency to hold value in the future will be guns and ammo.

>Has everybody lost their mind? A bitcoin is worth literally nothing as in NOTHING. The gov can shut down the bitcoin blockchain any time, no questions asked. They cannot shut down gold.
>Only gold counts.

Ok George, we all know you're fucked.

For the most part pedofiles and drug traffickers are the only ones who need bitcoin. Everyone else are just following a stupid trend To gain the illusion of being smart while benefitting really bad people.

Gold does not gain or lose weight when it changes states, not at all, it is 100% recyclable. This s why it has been used as currency for so long, even if one group melts down all the coins when they conquer somewhere else and restamp them they are exactly the same weight. Gold was simply the first form of counterfeit proofing money across multiple countries, it could be brought into a different country, melted down and tested for purity and then recoined in the exact same amount.

Fuck off schlomo.

You can still speculate on the market, though.

Well, food grows in the trees

Good luck exchanging your Gold for drugs, crypto-ransom, or smuggling it out of China.

Govt can't shut down bitcoin blockchain senpai.
It's decentralized and global, hence no one government can shut it down.
Globalism is freedom in this case: it prevents one government from oppressing it's people by diversifying across multiple governments.

When asteroid mining kicks in and we mine one made out of gold what do you think will happen to its value?

This may happen in your lifetime.

What's the cause of rising value of bitcoin?

Is it buying drugs and other shit online?

>>the block chain can be shut down
>lol no
Yes, it can. Remember China? Remember how they control the Chinese internet?

I hate Germans so much. The Blockchain cannot be shut down you dumb Kraut

Remittances and speculation

>muh drugs

Hello time-traveller from 2010

Gold is easier to bury then daughter

OP is a faggot.
Brick =/= Ounce

People want their money out of the (((banks))) hands. Crypto currency is the future buy now

How do they shut down bitcoin again? Kill a bunch of nerds who manage the network and take their computers away?

Not really. A truck isn't worth millions.

>ctrl + f 'greater fool'
>0 results



There is no way that China could block anyone from running Bitcoin software on their own personal machines. The censorship they have now barely works as is

I don't use drugs. i just know you have to use bitcoin on the darknet

It's not the same
back then Sup Forums went crazy about it and bitcoin threads flew by, it even has its own board now
Next thread would be
it was exciting, but as a fool I didn't believe this shitcoin would ever take off.
now just look at it, worth thousands.
Fuck, man

>govt can shutdown bitcoin

It literally can't. It's all over the world, and on the dark web.

Yet it still happened

Gold is shiny. Unless you have a king willing to work his people for gold, it's as useless as bitcoin.
Actually bitcoin is a lot better than gold so there's that.

ok bud keep procrastinating while i make dollars out of thin air

Technical applications. Gold has incredible physical properties.

>>muh drugs
>Hello time-traveller from 2010

Where do you get your weed from if not the no-light interwebz?

Bought verge at 6, sold at 19
Still feels bad

>There is no way that China could block anyone from running Bitcoin software on their own personal machines.
They can fucking block the connections between the personal machines people own. You do understand how blockchain verification works, right?

Gold is a Jewish scam
If the world turned to shit no one would be interested in trading your shitty nigger metal for anything of value

It has a lot of electronic applications

Also, all gold that exists on Earth is to believed to have come from the collision of two neutron stars which is why it's so rare.

>It's all over the world, and on the dark web.
Do you even know what the "dark web" is?

The bitcoin can easily be shut down. In order to buy a bitcoin, you need to get an exchange and wire money. If you cannot do that, because the gov says "you cannot", then it is over for the bitshit.

>A useless metal has value because of muh history.

Commodities are the only things that have real value.

i know some people switching to bitcoin from art pieces

I don't *buy* drugs, that's fucking degenberate. Buying drugs from Tor and drop points will get you rolled into a jail cell, our cops are pretty wise to this shit.

the device that you are using to type that message contains a small amount of gold and it would not work anywhere near as well without it

afaik most bitcoin isnt even traded, but hoarded by like 10 major investors

i give afew to a nice russian gentleman and he kindly give them back to me isnt that nice . think i will cash out and buy a few nice new toys before the bubble bursts :)
literally for some people

>Global emp is used
>internet goes down

Oh wow what do you know you're left with literally nothing. Kek

Nice Jewish memes friendo

gold was valuable before jews existed

>Bitcoin is worth nothing

An item is worth what someone is willing to pay for it. Dumb fucking kraut

Yeah, I do. It's clear you don't understand lmao. Once one service is blocked, another would pop up instantly.

not buying as much bitcoin as you can now before it goes to 1 billion usd in a wiemar style implosion of the American economy.

You can buy drugs and guns with bitcoin making it valuable

And what will you use your gold for?

And have you ever heard of a VPN or Tor you dumbass ahmed?

don't be too myopic OP
don't get me wrong, I looove my gold stack but that does not prevent me from diversifying into crypto which is in a bull market atm with no end in sight

>The stated reason for the order was that hard times had caused "hoarding" of gold, stalling economic growth and making the depression worse
This is literally what apple and all these rich fucks are doing with the income they have in offshore accounts

Anymore who has a computer can take over the management of bitcoin.

Food,women,guns,drugs are all that is valuable.
In 1988 soviet union freshly chopped firewood was worth more then paper money.

This nigga knows what's up. Just like in my post apocalyptic Russian subway simulator.

>implying I was advocating for gold

Kek. Fucking retards

the mother of all speculative bubbles

Ergo, Bitcoin is worth nothing.

>"hoarding" of gold, stalling economic growth and making the depression worse
there is no way people still believe that after we got off the gold standard an we STILL had stalls in economic growth!

china blocks connections at the hardware switching level, this means the router and network card itself drops all outgoing and incoming connections, mimicking a dddos attack. they allow through what they control, the big 4 or 5 government backed web portals like wechat and taobao. another reason why iphone is so popular in china is because android phones have a lot of google features disabled.

one way chinese people get around this is by using coded language in public/monitored forums. (since all swearing is filtered blocked and banned)

Wanna know something interesting? The Chinese did exactly the same thing by banning conversion of BTC to Dollars in all of China back in January, so the price of BTC doesn't drop. You could buy, you couldn't sell.

>Buying drugs from Tor and drop points will get you rolled into a jail cell, our cops are pretty wise to this shit.

Dude, the worldwide biggest non-light interwebz marketplace is run from Russia and everyone knows it is sanctioned by the Kremlin. This shit makes 500 million in transactions per week, all overseen by the KGB (yes, KGB!) and the Kremlin, to spy on literally everybody who does anything wrong in this world.


I dunno btc is reading gold's lunch lately.

long run economic growth is determined by technological progress and the size of the labor force and capital stock. currency is irrelevant. it only can influence things in the very short run

Still can't do shoot about it. The government doesn't know who has gold and who doesn't.

Rumor is that the Chinese are about to let them cash out into RMB. This will trigger a MASS sell off and the price will drop back to the 'normal' of about $1000.

Japan is going to let its citizens cash out in over 100K places too.


>The gov can shut BTC

No thats not possible you retard, you would need to shutdown the whole Internet

Valueable in successful societies that already have excess of wealth , the whole arguement for gold is that it's safe currency if paper collapses , which is fucking retarded

Thiese threads always bring out the sourest of grapes. Wait until Ripple becomes the new Swift and some altcoin with a public board of directors becomes a universal reserve digital currency. All the while you kept reposting memes about buying drugs on "darknet" and hoarding gold you'd be selling at a loss.

Did a handler let you off the leash, retard? There are many mediums of exchange for bitcoin. These include Coinbase, Kraken, Coinmama, Bitcoin ATMs, etc. All allow you to sell your coins for cash.

>yfw you realize that both gold and bitcoins obtain their value through collective belief.

>VPN or Tor will save you

>No thats not possible you retard, you would need to shutdown the whole Internet

Nope. The only thing is to create a closed-level internet rather than the current open-level.

In other words, as in China, you just allow all sanctioned traffic e.g. accessing certain websites, while disallowing all other file and information traffic.

The blockchain would be disallowed and mining becomes impossible. If enough Western countries do that, the bitcoin becomes irrelevant on a world stage.


>real value can only be created by central banks, goyim