How redpilled is your city? My city is doing well
How redpilled is your city? My city is doing well
>he isn't a rural or suburban retard
Ah, good ol' EDL
By city i just mean where you live
If its bad and your white come to comfy newcastle
I live in Rugby.
It's multicultural as fuck, so fucking many Eastern Europeans due to factory work being abundant here.
There's a few Asians here in Newcastle but they are mostly qt's
Warsaw... Not bad, a lot of nationalists but also quite a big number of foreign students-shitskins, but that's not really a problem. Compared to Berlin, Paris and London it is heaven on the Earth
Whats london?? you mean londinistan?
Pompey represent.
I thought we were pure, but some kid got raped a couple of days ago. Still waiting but it'll probably turn out to b a mudslime that did it.
proudly part of the city that attacked a paediatricians office because it had the word paed in it.
But yeah everyone is based round here. Feels good.
Although we don't seem to have a great EDL following which is gay..
Since you said that i assume your from london and are a blackfrican american or something. and 81% is white with a nice 7% qt asian so its a pretty good place
Areet lad
Why not start the movement?
alreet mate
Not everywhere in Britain is like London you cunt.
My whole country is redpilled
It's alright
I fucking wish mate.
Im sorry
Hopefully manchester will take the pill soon
I'm white and even I know that Geordie's aren't white. They're barely even human.
>I'm sorry
That was painted on the side of a mosque and the muzzies are all upset about it.
go suck a dirty Muslim cock you slag
Newcastle's quite multicultural actually
There's racism but the same goes everywhere
oh thought it was legit someone saying they loved isis xD
Its multicultural to a point however there is a strong edl presence and there is an expectation for everyone to know that where they are is a english city
Your post just proves how fucking stupid you Geordie's are. I know you're white I'm just taking the piss.
EDL are not a racist organisation, at least, its not meant to be
"Multiculturalism hasn't failed. Islam has failed."
I'm male.
Males can suck cock, also its hard to detect sarcasm over Sup Forums wont lie
Its not meant to be but its become that
fellow /brit/ers do you think us Mancunians are alright?
It's hard for you to understand sarcasm because you're a stupid Geordie.
Edl are a joke. Last i saw of them they were all getting jailed for battering some micks
I love Newcastle though, and i say that as a paki
I personally think yall are okay but your accent can be unbearable, i guess the same is for us sometimes
I Live in Bristol. My city gets worse by the hour.
That awkward moment when "Muslamic ray guns" guy was ultimately right.
EDL and British nationalists will be always be cancer though.
liverpool accent?
Don't really see mancs having much of an accent out of salford chavs desu. Even within the region there are big differences though with the far-east and heywood lot speaking pretty differently.
Honestly? never really minded it
My city voted at more than 70% for Macron
Why are the English so grotesque?
Rip, which city?
Dont moan or we will take your potatoes again you degenerate
fuck off irish traitor
>Calls the Irish degenerate
Not great
I live 5 mins from didsbury mosque too, fuck
you're a Mackem arent you
I went to Manchester once. I stayed the weekend with a few friends.
I was shocked.
It was a hot weekend and one part of the city had a huge mix of Muslims, black people, tanned slags, hipsters and hippies with dreadlocks. There was slutty looking women just walking around the city holding alcohol and eating at McDonalds. I couldn't not see any Muslims. There were always around me. Some of the building were multicoloured and there was street art everywhere. One picture was literally this huge painting of two black guys kissing. Fucking weird shit.
The cleaner looking parts of the city just looked liked an average city. Though there was mostly white people.
God help me.
Originally Cheltenham, which I think is ok.
Budapest is dumb and unaware.
But no shitskins allowed so pretty redpilled
You sound like one
There's a lot of Muslims but atleast it's not as bad as Birmingham and I fucking hate the hippies with dreadlocks, tanned slags? Stay away from them, if you're going near them make sure you wear a hazmat suit mate.
My area is almost all white AND we have deer. Pretty damn comfy
What minorities we do have are Chinese, Filipino and one Sikh family. And I BBQ with all of them.
I think the only black guy within 2 miles is someone's adopted son. He's on a tag. For assault I think.
Lake District actually.
Shitty suburb of paris. Every city in a 30 km radius from paris gave macron at least 70% of the votes
Leeds is a really nice city
I'd put it up there with Newcastle
Ive heard about the dune coons in birmingham. its a real shame
How does it feel to post a zionist movement group tommy is a zionist and the EDL loves israel. Only decent movement we had was national action and they got banned...
That sounds lovely
Where I live its pretty much all white apart from a few pakis with shops but they arent bad
So you're an inbred farmer?
Birmingham is ok. It just seems a bit rough and industrialised
There's some lovely parts to it but it's not a patch on yorkshire or Northumberland
Last time i was in the lake district thats all i saw
My mayor is a muzzie so I'd say no.
Im sorry canada-bro
Thank fuck I left that cucked shithole
A fellow Geordie? Nice, is that on Grey's street?
I'm an 50 minutes away from the closest city but people on the outskirts call themselves by the city which is like 5% of the land.
come back, son
pretty redpilled imo
You aren't welcome here.
Next, to the theatre-royal i think
I'm actually from Herefordshire but moved here for work.
West county, very white and can be openly racist with no repercussions.
can't bash herefordshire desu
I can bash Geordie scum like you though.
and i was being nice to you :( tbf your on the welsh border so your a half bred welsh. filth
Have you ever been to the west road? Think that yellow spec is near us mate. Newcastle isn't all good, but the outskirts are comfy and the majority of people are redpilled.
why are you such a cunt?
i live in west denton my frendo
Also fuckton of antifa protests in the town center
why can't the Irish make food?
Shits and giggles innit?
So I'm assuming you have. Newburn here, so not too close to it but place is a shithole. So is all of Benwell infact.
Fucking hell my city needs help.
where you from?
fuckin ell never heard a bong say that phrase on here lad
>even a single area is less than 50% white british
we're fucked
grandparents live in benwell, its not great xD but hey at least it isnt londonistan
do you really think these people are "redpilled" in any way
their thought process: FUCKIN PAKIS YOU'RE BROWN GET OUT
Absolutely. 3 red tumours. Without action we're fucked.
My mam ran a barber shop there and it had its windows smashed every night.
ah well, pakis are most likely muslim scum anyway
I live in a town in Cornwall with no non-whites. Feels good.
Feel bad for her, we need to save benwell before i falls