Is the Libertarian party beyond saving?
Is the Libertarian party beyond saving?
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I remember being a libertarian for a good couple months
Then I realized morality has no play in the system and left it
Libertarian values would be nice if everyone was a saint and from the same ethnic group
But that will never happen
Fuck nazis.
Who gives a fuck about morality? Fucking lame ass. shouldn't you be getting ready for church fagg?
I'm a libertarian, debate me.
But first tell me what's a leppo.
It's a democratic front.
>Who gives a fuck about morality?
Good goy
Libertarianism is infiltrated by leftist cucks, I guess we need to vote republican now.
or just conservative in my case
wtf is a MKULTRA?
Jump on the Randwagon, 2024
The funny part is if the libertarians ever threaten the DNC or GOP the media will invent a new name for them.
Stealing votes from Hillary instantly makes you a racist sexost homophobe islamaphobe nazi.
WTF I'm now a "pleb for Jeb"
tier threads.
Libertarianism was in the best possible position this past election and they totally fucking blew it by nominating Gary "What is A Leppo," Johnson for the 400th time. They need to drop the "Dude, but muh weed, amirite?" ASAP, get some real leadership, and they could finally become a viable third party. It's now or never though if they don't clamp down in 2020 they'll fade into obscurity for sure.
They have always been beyond saving, ever since the 70's they have been nothing more than the dumping grounds for every failed politician of both sides
Whatever happened to that fat fuck. He literally destroyed the party.
>mods are deleting our shitty LARPing threads
fuck off back to with that trash
are they beyond saving for having principles?
Perfectly demonstrates how this is a jewish inventions just as communism and will result in the exact same thing: degeneracy
You are obviously underage based on your writing style.
Libertarians had a chance with Ron Paul. Meanwhile, some fat hairy man walked out naked on stage to present the libertarian platform this time around. I mean, seriously?
Pretty much this. Big L libertarians are more interested in having a social club than actually maintaining a viable party. They could have gained a lot more ground in '16 than they did. It's possible they'll get more down-ticket candidates into office in 2018. May have a better idea of what it could look like in 2020 for a presidential bid then.
Support the only US political party that actually runs things, laddie. The Deep State party is everywhere.
They've been beyond saving for a long time now.
Isnt Johnson even anti gun?
I heard that he was caught dropping a gifted historic replica pistol into a trashcan at their faggy convention
by advocating taxation, you are violating the morality of not stealing from others
Was this a psyop? Had to be.
Libertarian philosophy is very idealistic. It assumes fair play by everyone, e.g. no one will form organized groups that use force to get their way.
It suffers most of the same problems that Anarchy suffers from. 1. Any organized group can overwhelm a larger disorganized one. 2. Not all humans are equal. Not even in the same race. This means that some will quickly rise to the top and stay there. They will naturally pass their wealth on to their family and friends while cutting outsiders out of the good stuff.
Otherwise it's a beautiful bit of idealism, it's just not very realistic.
ayyy oogga booga fagg muh dick
Yes. Regardless of how he turned out, Trump's campaign platform while he was running was more in line with Libertarianism than Gary Johnson was.
Libertarian parties are autism congregations. Normal libertarians will just work through the mainstream right wing party.
Every political party is beyond saving.
Yeah, tossed the replica George Washington pistol that Austin Petersen gave him as a sign of concession for winning the nomination. A real shame AP didn't get it. He would have taken the party a lot further.
lol, are all libertarians retarded loke Gary Johnson?
>Is the Libertarian party beyond saving?
Meaning, the American Libertarian Party? No, it's beyond saving. It's a lower left center party masquerading as a right-wing party under the pretense that money is good because money can buy dude weed lmao and that makes them pro free market
>Is libertarianism beyond saving?
Never needed saved in the first place, hoorah
Yes it is a basket case. All kinds of nasty politician shit going on in there. Listen to this if you have one and half hour worth of time
Turn to Mises and Cato and other organizations like them for Libertarian stuff.
Libertarian Party =/= Libertarian
The entire party is a fucken joke, its as bad as the green party.
>selling your children being legal is beautiful
kek, what a nigger Johnson is.
On the other hand he is a sport bicyclist and you cant trust those people anyways
He needs to stay out of politics for the rest of time. Go smoke weed, Gary. Be free.
Underage b&
Children are the result of my biological functions, if you want to give (((the state))) a monopoly on violence and the right to tell me what I can and cannot do with my biology, when will picking my nose or masturbating become illegal? When will women breast feeding become illegal?
Probably because they're /x/-tier threads. Kill yourself.
Oh Joy. It's Libertarianism+
I argue that anti natural behavior should not be tolerated.
Selling your kids is not natural. If you cant treat your kids as you are supposed to do not produce kids.
Masturbation and breast feeding is natural.
Is Wheel of Fortune /ourshow/?
I'm 32 maple fuckerrr
I was a libertarian before realizing that a libertarian society can only function in a racially and culturally homogeneous society.
Now I support throwing commies out of helicopters.
MKUltra maybe if you go far the past for travel when it does to be for it good. Back to the future does for when the past present goes as far to be.
Yeeeeaaah. They did not run a very good campaign. Especially given how heated the rest of it was, with the two mainstream candidates. So many slip ups and gaffes like that when they needed to be presenting a strong, competent alternative to Trump and Hillary.
And then all the times they went out of their way to compliment the other two candidates when they should have been ripping the shit out of them. Oh well. Maybe we'll get someone with a bit more sense and tact in 2020.
>I argue that anti natural behavior should not be tolerated.
Define "anti-natural". There are observable occurrences in nature where creatures eat their young in order to ensure their own survival.
>If you cant treat your kids as you are supposed to
Who are you to decide how offspring are to be treated? How do you decide the way offspring are "supposed" to be treated?
No, Love Connection is
Gary "BAKE THE FUCKING CAKE" Johnson destroyed the party with his retarded cryto jew policies.
libertarian party is a complete fucking joke for self-centered, r-selected degenerates
Yep, Libertarianism is not a mass movement anyways
Since there are no courts in your lolbertarian fantasyland I will gather the people who think that it is not okay to sell your children around me and you gather the people that sell their children around you and we fight it out
So what you're saying is you have no arguments, and you only have opinions to share? That is fine, but don't make assertions and say things like "I argue" if you're mental capabilities are on par with a 12 year old girl and you can't back up your assertions with at least a modicum of half-reasoning.
You will understand once you get older.
Libertarianism is an ideology for children.
Yeah, all the strong Libertarians are now hovering around far right circles now
>fat guy in the middle wearing ANTIFA t-shirt
I'm not a Libertarian, but I think even the lolbertarians are better at arguing than you are.
yes. the us libertarian party is just run by kikes now.
> anarcho-whatever
You had to see it coming.
gary is a fag, and indeed anti-gun.
Libertarians are not anarchists, they are lukewarm pussies.
How is might is right not an argument?
If you start raping your kids in a libertarian society without rules what does you make you think your neighbors wont lynch you?
No, the leadership is just being coopted by SJWs like everything else. The majority of libertarians hate this shit.
>We're a serious political party but we call people "nazis" in 2017 because our only idea of a fascist is from WW2 Germany
>We also genuinely think the "alt-right" is anything but a mishmash of weebs and other deprived that roughly agree on a few things and have self-proclaimed "leaders"
just one fo them days
don;t care never will laws are diff in canada bump after bump even with a criminal reocrd it was never passed canada is a great place too ruin other countrys tech firms
Because neighbors always know when someone nearby is raping his own kids.
>Libertarian values would be nice if everyone was a saint
No one who was a libertarian says shit like that. This is a #cruzmissile level shill job.
I used to be a loser like you, but then I joined hairclub for men and it turned my life around.
hwo do we disable body java it would prevent all of this
>user makes babby's first ARG but no one figures it out so he just posts it on Sup Forums
Lets think your "logic" through, leaf
>In our current society the authorities do not always know if somebody rapes there kids
>therefore you can never be punished for raping your kids
well I guess I got utterly BTFO'd how will I ever recover?
You stupid maple nigger should take a buckshot hit to your face so you resemble at least a somewhat human being
Bunch of Anti-Semitey Sams up in here.
>How is might is right not an argument?
I agree with the concept, but it's not an argument, if you can't understand that you should probably retry K-12 education. You made assertions here and when asked to explain your reasoning, you respond with "lol lets fight!".
You're a brainlet.
>If you start raping your kids in a libertarian society without rules what does you make you think your neighbors wont lynch you?
Nothing. Again, I don't disagree with the concept of might makes right and I understand that you cannot argue with some people. Is lynching someone an argument? No.
Please prove me wrong and answer my questions here in your reply and if you fail in doing so I will stop replying as you'll have proven yourself to be a waste of my time.
So when is the next antifa LARP event?
Can your mom bring us juice boxes and snacks afterward?
MK Ultra is confirmed to be real since decades ago you fucking retards. It even has a Wikipedia page, it's not hidden stuff.
when did the libertarians turn into cucks?
ncie try
Also, you seem to be operating under a misunderstanding. Libertarianism is not Anarchism, the state still very much exists in a Libertarian society.
The difference is that right now we have people who can legally investigate. You might say that they're not very efficient at it, and even that they're sometimes even child rapists themselves, but it's also a fact that they do arrest criminals and protect kids. In a libertarian society, it would also be much easier to go and form towns for pedophiles (and other criminals), away from everyone else.
When Hoppe made an unkiked version of it and nobody cared
Anti natural is everything that counteracts the nature intended existence and reproduction of your species.
Raping your kids traumatizes them and destroys the bond of trust within the family unit which is essential for survival.
Why do I need to explain such things to you?
Any "libertarian party" or another party for the matter is just the same, the libertarians just differ from most of what is the size of the institutionalized thief that is the taxes and where to use them. Those americans libertarians especially, just believe in freedom of anal sex and weed, their anti gun and freedom of speech rhetoric show how much of libertarians they are.
You see people made this thread because dear leader spencer said on TRS that libertarians are shit. These are all his talking points. Why don't you faggots just stay on TRS? Why do you have to come here and act like JIDF? Fuck off crypto-commie faggots.
The libertarians are totally out of subject in the current situation, we are living in a period when society will be increasingly tribalized and individuals are always weak against groups.
Do you think in a libertarian society moralfags like me would not try to entrap people who sell their children?
How can a race steal from itself?
who created this weird smacking nose it apparently dedicated too me in moot fuck you
I haven't kept up with them in my country since the election, but all I remember is that Gary Johnson went completely insane and they turned into Alt Left Liberals. I think. Hell they might have gone entirely plain jane liberal it was hard for me to tell.
But oh yes, they crashed and burned like the hindenburg. It was fucking weird. I voted for Gary Johnson once, a long time ago. Can't fucking believe it.
>Fuck nazis.
>Who gives a fuck about morality?
If you think the American Libertarian party holds any worth whatsoever you should probably jump off of the nearest cliff