Honest thoughts on Turks?
Get rid of Islam, stop sending migrants over to our countries, and then we can talk
Allahs best creatures mashallah
they are ok i guess as long as they stay in their nest and don't breed too much, exterminators are expensive
Subhumans with language that sound like someone is deepthroating you.
But its understandable if we will see your """"culture"""", if we can call it this name.
They had a pathetic barbaric empire that enslaved Europeans, murdered them, and committed genocide. Modern Turkey denies any wrongdoing of their empire. Pretty pathetic desu.
You guys gave your dictator Islamic president unlimited power.
You threaten the stability of the region.
My honest opinion of Turkey: bomb everything east of Istanbul and the Aegean coastal cities. Level it. Turn Anatolia into a hole. Muslim barbarian shitskins.
Mountain savages who come down from the hills and stole civilization from degenerate, faggoty Greeks.
So they got the worst of both worlds, basically.
Call me a liar.
They came from Mongolia you retard
turks are from the steppe not mountains, calling you a liar
I love Turkish women with their pretty eyes. Beautiful. Just no devil nose Turks.
Diasapora here
Warrior race chosen by god to conquer the world. Magnificent horse riding archers and wrestlers. Diet usually consists of meat with yogurt making them much more protein enriched than other races who just eat bacon (fat and shit protein). Turks pretty much cucked Eurasia for thousands of years.
You put the butthurt on effeminate eurocucks and libtards. If you were a European country instead of Asia minor you would be Sup Forums tier.
Conquering was the only good thing they were ever good at.
Sub-Human tier. Glad we helped put an end to the Ottoman Empire.
Isn't Georgia interest in a strong Turkey?
I mean they are good counterbalance to Russia.
There are some 2 or 3 Turks you could consider decent human beings, but the rest are inbred terrorroaches.
>roaches still unionically claiming the huns
Otuside of the last two, none of those are in any way related to roaches.
Message from kek?
>strong kebab
>good for kaffirs
Stop listening to (((them))) and get turkpilled on history
There hasn't been an ok Turk since Ataturk
Help me summon the mighty britroach
Mostly nice but dumb people.
In my country they clean shit and serve food.
Sadly, cant do much else.
I have nothing against them. Liked them more before Islam, though.
>Isn't Georgia interest in a strong Turkey?
>I mean they are good counterbalance to Russia.
georgians are christians and turks are a big lovers of removing and genocidings kaffirs
Selujuks were the first Turks arriving in Anatolia.
They should all be destroyed
so turks arrived from space? u idiot.
A lot of people declared turks have nothing to do with them.
Anatolian Turks aren't real Turks. The Real Turks are Central Asian Turks. I'm Uzbek (Central Asian Turk). We look way more Asian and not as Arab as Anatolians
kek, brits historically were allies to turks.
Beautiful women. I want to impregnante a turk and have little conquistador/byzantine babbys
top tier women
No your just a mongol rapebaby if you look at your dna your not full chink. Oghuz turks were never chinks
murderers. murdering kurdish people who fight the Islamists because Islamists are Turkish people's friends. living here in germany while claiming that their dictatorship is a lot better than the german democracy while nowadays most of the people look up to us.
You started out great but as it stands
>We don't like your government
>You'll never be allowed into the EU
>Going to Greece instead for holidays
>Will probably fall to Islamic jihadist
>Κωνσταντινούπολη deus veult
All medieval sources show Hungarians as Huns, so wtf are you larping about?
we have cooperation with turks too, but nobody trust them
Holllylll shit
some of the worst subhumans Ive ever meet. Shithole of a country and filthy culture.
oh and you are mudslimes as well. I honestly think you are nothing but roaches.
25 years in a culture, still not integrated
Hungarians are magyars
Do you still go there to holiday? Here the bookings tend to zero ... this could be a knockout in the long run for the industry.
That is brutal.
The guy was already clearly unconscious, why didn't the referee stooped the match?
A Turkish guy with his family once asked me for directions to the Hungarian border. I helped them out and we chatted about how traffic sucks. Wished him a pleasant trip.
>but I didn't mean it.
Turks used to have one of great civilizations. Now you're being over run by heards of arabs with low test and low iqs. All it takes is for someone to light a match on that pyre you call turkey. The coup was an attempt that was shut down by Erdogan. But now with the refugees, the Iranians and the kurds I fear Turkey's time is almost over. Its a shame
they can also steal and murder Tyskersvin. They are honestly just as damaging to a nation as Somalians.
because he wanted one more dead roach? Who can really blame him.
Let the pest control do their job.
Huns are Magyars. All medieval chronicles portray Magyars as Huns. Every. single. one. Even the papal bulls.
>Turks used to have one of great civilizations.
nah. They took over a dying empire and then squandered everything and turned the entire region into the cesspit it is today.
>White referee.
I will give you one guess. GOOD JOB SERBIA! One less roach to bother honest white men.
once they had the pole position ...
Subhumans living on borrowed time.
Europe will eventually snap you will be a target.
Quite literally the only thing that kept your people alive 100 years ago were the British fearing the Russians.
>5 posts by this id
damn nigga u mad
Huns are turks magyars came much later
fucking rapists scum
Pretty neat history, based up until recent times. Most people just consider them to be arabs however
>Completely obliterate Byzantium and what was left of Rome.
Seems about right for once.
nigga shoulda tapped
disgusting peoples
yes I am tired of you roachstains and your shitty threads about "muh Turkey". Your country is shit, your culture is shit, your people is shit and you are just another sandnigger.
Give back Constantinople, Smyrne and Thrace, Cyprus and High karabagh and Van lake. Then could be bro.
Yes we should all live in mud huts and eat fermented fish like your culture
Now that's just fucking unfair to the roach.
His opponent was clothed and wasn't soaked in exotic oils.
They make a lot of people butthurt so they must be doing something right.
Bad thing. They are notorious rapists of men
Magyars were refereed to as Huns by the Byzantine chronicles far before the first subhuman turk monkey made his presence in the region. The papal decrees refereed to Hungarians as Huns before the turks, as did the medieval Hungarian chronicles as well. You're wishful pseudo history is amusing.
Because it is common knowledge in Hungary that we are Huns, the burden of proof is on you to prove that we are not. Good luck with that.
parasitic roach scum, absolute filth. they are "european" when it means leeching off civilized countries, and slither off back to being part of the middle eastern world when they think they can ride the coattails of a jihad. the gateway of islamic terrorist mongrels into europe. remove kebab from cyprus, remove kebab from europe, remove kebab from earth.
whatever helps you sleep at night m8
You are wrong.
We have nothing to do with the Huns.
You're very good barbers.
honest? they need to be killed, every last one of you sand fucking camel fuckers.
Lmao we wuz hunz becuz we said so and our popez said so. You sound like such a nigger right now
kemalist ones are fine, ottoman larpers are cancer
Don't give the "roaches are European" shit any fucking credence, Nigel. It's embarrassing.
>.t Mehmet
Kill yourself. Or go back to your roach hive. Either is fine.
Turks were never Muslims in the first place. I hope kemalism will stay forever in Turkey
A literally retarded culture. Held back by islahm, held back by the Soviets, held back by national myths ("atatoork dindu nuthin"), wishes it could be European (yeah right) or relive the glory days (even other mudslimes hate them).
>they are "european" when it means leeching off civilized countries
how? They barely qualify as human.
I am tired, too - Sören. I bring the bread and beer, you bring the fish. We sing, we eat, we smoke, we drink. The song of hundred dead roaches in the wind.
Kemalism is dead, Erdogan killed it. FOREVER, he is now Sultan.
Nothing hurts them more than giving them no legitimacy. They are never European, will never be European, they are parasites and looters, that's it.
Ottomans never touched Rome, they only took over a heavily battered, tired old Empire from a passed age.
Huns on the other hand are one of the main reasons Rome fell
I enjoy how much your mere existence as a nation, triggers the neckbeards on Sup Forums.
>not understanding what the burden of proof is
>not understanding simple scientific concepts
Tell me subhuman, who's the nigger again?
I don't know what the fuck you are jew, but I am a Hun. All my ancestors tell me so, so before I denounce them as liars, I would like to see some fucking proof. Do you understand what the burden of proof is, jew? Look it up, jew, and then come back to me and prove to me without a doubt, with EVIDENCE, that I am not a Hun. Untill then, stay in your rat hole and don't dare insinuate that my forefathers were liars.
What do I care what turkik speaking arab shitskins think?
theyre fine, cant do any harm unless youre a cucked nord but cucked nords even get it from their women so cant blame roaches for that.
that beeing said, kemalist turks are a dying breed.
Little bitches that got chased away by the chinks, used as Cannon fodder by Genghis, who took 500+ years to finally defeat An old battered empire and got rekt into oblivion by poles on horses.
Meh/10 also fuck off out my clay.
We - the Vandals - fucked the Romans a bit, too. I am a genetic Vandal. The Vandals (King Geiserich and King Gunderich) are Valhalla tier. We fucked the whole north africa. And the Romans.
The greeks fucked each other and young boys. Im not all for that but it is true.