Visited Stockholm and Uppsala
AMA U.S. citizen back from 2-weeks in Sweden
Is it really as bad as it seems?
did you have sex with any of our beautiful women? they're for everyone
compare it to one of our big cities
kek, I don't know if they're being sarcastic or for real anymore.
On a scale of 1 to Nigger how infested was it?
How many germanic girls did you rape, Tyrone?
Define "bad"
Maybe it's a strange question, but how would you compare prices in Sweden and Murica?
>compare it to one of our big cities
Just like there are "no go" zones in every major US city--Philly, Baltimore, Cleveland--there are "no go" zones in Sweden's major cities.
Although, I visited a home "in the country" and they told me they had a car pull up into their driveway with "some men" in it, then pull back when approached by local neighbors. "Casing" homes seems to be on the rise.
>On a scale of 1 to Nigger how infested was it?
Stockholm in parts looked as bad as any large metropolitan area. One night we walked around the royal castle area, and the King's Park was filled with Muslim Paki families. We continued on to a large plaza and I saw groups of young men--the three A's (Asians, Arabs, Africans)--gathering in groups of 10-15. We walked briskly through that area on our way to the subway. I've never seen anything like it in a large American city in my entire life.
In Uppsala it was a little better only because it's a smaller city. I did hear about a recent house break in. Older man caught two intruders in his home in early morning. Chased them out. He's lucky he's alive, I think.
Which things did you find very different than what you are used to in USA?
Gasoline in Sweden is outrageous. Government encourages public transport. Gas was ~$6 per gallon. Other items were about par. Some grocery items were more expensive. There's not as much to choose from, too. Eating at restaurants is expensive, too. Clothes are more expensive, for sure, in Sweden.
I had one experience in a subway that I'll never forget. It's never happened in any city I've ever visited in US.
Later at night, Stockholm, standing on subway platform with my group. Two young Arab men walk around us. One of them is clearly inbred, poor guy, looked to have an IQ of 80 or so. Other one is clearly a "bad ass" tough guy. I'm holding my shopping bag; Mr. Tough Guy is eyeing it. He walks around us again. I make the mistake of looking him dead on in his eyes. I usually would never do this with a black person in any US city; I don't want the trouble. But on that platform watching Mr. Tough Guy, I kind of lost it. I thought: Fuck you, you want my bag? Come and fucking take it. I was challenging him and he knew it. He walked right close by eyeing me the whole time. I thought he was going to jump me. I had one clenched fist by my side ready to punch him if he charged me. I turned to follow him. He circled and I kept turning myself every time so that I could face him. He made a couple more wide circles of our group, then our train came, and we got on.
That was it.
>Which things did you find very different than what you are used to in USA?
In "daily life" I'd say Sweden is a more utilitarian society. There's not a lot of waste. Food is better, too, hands down. We ruin most all of our food here in the US. Fucking bread is tasteless here. Bread in Sweden tastes like real bread. Coffee is wonderful. Breakfasts are wonderful and healthy.
They import our shit TV. Although, they're just as good at Fake News as the US. I watched part of one show on Trump and it was all left-wing propaganda and hysterics.
At parties, too, the people usually "made fun" of the U.S. and felt very free to do so. I felt like punching some people in the head but of course I had to behave myself. One guy, a lawyer, when introduced to me as an American actually made a shooting sound as he played "toy gun" with his hand. Like a child. Fucking idiots seem to believe all the Hollywood shit they see on TV and in movies.
Only leftist retards go to parties. Real men are at home on the computer.
>kek, I don't know if they're being sarcastic or for real anymore.
You have to understand, they're ingrained with their socialist hive mind from birth. It's in their blood.
We were in a museum at the Royal Castle and a group leader was leading a group of school children around, I mean 3rd graders or something. And as we were passing a couple people in my group burst out loud laughing, but a bit quietly. I asked what was so funny? They spoke Swedish, I do not. They explained what they'd just heard the man explain to the children.
Man: And so, children, little Prince user was beheaded.
Child raising his hand: Why was he killed? Didn't they like him?
Man to child: No. They killed him because he was rich.
I fucking shit you not that's what they told me this man said to those Swedish children. I was appalled; they took it in stride.
>Only leftist retards go to parties. Real men are at home on the computer.
I don't know about that. Most of the men I saw had a layer of fat on them, like a harbor seal. There were some thin hipsters. And Norse types. Then there were a lot of manlets chugging around with that extra layer of fat, from the 20-hour days in night, I guess, and cold. There are two seasons in Sweden, I was told: Cold, and very cold.
You're lucky you went there now and not a year ago. There used to be large gangs of Afghan "refugee children" who would rob people at Uppsala central station. Somehow the police managed to stop it.
>You're lucky you went there now and not a year ago. There used to be large gangs of Afghan "refugee children" who would rob people at Uppsala central station. Somehow the police managed to stop it.
In Uppsala station the Roma lady was out every day playing her damned accordion. Roma all over Stockholm, squatting/begging.
Sounds like it's turning into a 3rd world shithole. Bet they get their own Ferguson-type riots before too long.
As a long time Uppsala resident i can tell you this is 100 % true
>At parties, too, the people usually "made fun" of the U.S. and felt very free to do so. I felt like punching some people in the head but of course I had to behave myself. One guy, a lawyer, when introduced to me as an American actually made a shooting sound as he played "toy gun" with his hand. Like a child. Fucking idiots seem to believe all the Hollywood shit they see on TV and in movies.
The main reason people make fun of the US, gun policies, Trump etc when meeting an American is because the vast majority of Americans who live in or visit Sweden are super-leftists. So the reason they make fun of it is because they expect you to agree with it like all other Americans they've ever met. This isn't even an exaggeration. I've met hundreds of Americans visiting Sweden or on exchange, and all but one of them (a super conservative but secularized Jew) has been extremely leftist.
Well, the hive mind wears off for some and we are not happy about our situation. Remember that SD doubles every election, it's polling at 20-25% now (10 years ago it was a joke, 15 years ago it was literally a 'what?'-tier party)
>Sounds like it's turning into a 3rd world shithole. Bet they get their own Ferguson-type riots before too long.
Just search "car burnings Sweden"
It's already happening to their scale.
It's not that cold here, desu. Around -5 or so in winter where I live (south), dipping down to -10 some times.
Manlets? Granted, I'm a manlet, but most Swedes are tall as fuck, 181cm is our average. It must have been a specific crowd, granted we have a lot of leftists though so it would probably be easier to find a leftie-crowd than a right-wing crowd.
Sweden is a shithole, I'm leaving soon.
We have them all over Sweden, though Stockholm (especially around the central station and t-banan) is the worst. Even if you go to Kiruna or Pajala there's going to be an "eu migrant" outside the store.
Dont use jew commie language, call them gypsies, no new words necessary.
>>At parties, too, the people usually "made fun" of the U.S. and felt very free to do so. I felt like punching some people in the head but of course I had to behave myself. One guy, a lawyer, when introduced to me as an American actually made a shooting sound as he played "toy gun" with his hand. Like a child. Fucking idiots seem to believe all the Hollywood shit they see on TV and in movies.
>The main reason people make fun of the US, gun policies, Trump etc when meeting an American is because the vast majority of Americans who live in or visit Sweden are super-leftists. So the reason they make fun of it is because they expect you to agree with it like all other Americans they've ever met. This isn't even an exaggeration. I've met hundreds of Americans visiting Sweden or on exchange, and all but one of them (a super conservative but secularized Jew) has been extremely leftist.
One professor asked me what I thought of the recent election and I think he was very surprised to hear me tell him, "I think the American empire is going the way of the British empire, which went the way of the Roman empire." He nodded his head.
I honestly did not have the heart to tell him what I thought about Europe, that they're all fucked, that they were fucked more than 30 years ago, and that 2015 would go down as the modern AD 406 Crossing of the Rhine when Erdogan released all those millions of migrants through to southern Europe.
Europe is completely fucked, and those who deny it don't know the history. It's happened before and it's happening again right now.
Doesn't Sweden have quite liberal gun laws?
Australia, it has overall great weather and even though it's filled with non whites it's mostly asians and not muslims, gypsies or blacks.
At least there's eastern europe. They are white enough to carry the torch, I guess, though somewhat dimmed.
>It's not that cold here, desu. Around -5 or so in winter where I live (south), dipping down to -10 some times.
It's all relative. You're talking in C not F, so that's cold to most US citizens. For folks living in warm climes, that's cold. There's no Central AC in any buildings in the entire country of Sweden that I know of, except to keep the computers cool, so that says everything I need to know.
Although, when we were there, weather was awesome. Very mild, even "warm" up to 80 F, and very low humidity.
Get a hunting license and you can get a hunting shotgun or hunting rifle, no automatics or high-capacity things.
Be an active member of a shooting-club and you can apply for buying a non .22 gun after a year, but it's up to the club.
Of course you can't carry the gun outside unless to/from a hunt or a club.
Not exactly liberal.
Both Western Europe and US is completely fucked.
I wish it was colder, wish I lived farther north (fuck moving and leaving friends and family). There's something cleansing and freshening about cold (as long as it's not permanent).
>travelling outside of America
Stop LARPing, nigger.
>Both Western Europe and US is completely fucked.
IMO, yes. It would not surprise me if the US began splintering apart in ~30 years. Or less. Europe will fall before the US, I think, though.
How big are the Arabs and Africans there?
Were you shocked by the brownness?
The US is even more non white than any country in Western Europe, we are only following your lead to suicide.
Even niggers so they are trash
Not really related but i feel like all the hot women in stockholm move to uppsala?
Why? what's there. No doubt less negros and muslims but that can't be it.
>How big are the Arabs and Africans there?
All varieties.
"Skinnies" like from Somalia to Africans that looked like they were professional ball players with white women.
Arabs, too. From small, inbred types to the slick and "cool" Iranian types I think you'd find in California/LA.
I was surprised, most European women I've spoken to (English, German, Swedish, even French) hated the Arabs and Africans. The French were the most reluctant or "careful" to be racist, but if you pressured them, the truth would come out in time.
The Swedish girls I know were very blunt about their disdain for these foreigners. Give your women some more credit.
>Were you shocked by the brownness?
Yes, not only all around me (I'd guess anywhere from 10 to 20%), which was quite high, I was not expecting that.
Also was not expecting the full Muslim/Arab garb. I've not seen it that thick on US city streets.
The propoganda was surprising, too. A poster on the escalator in Skansen was advertising weddings---with a lesbian couple kissing. And also Swedish National Day in June 6, right?--with a poster of a black woman and her two black children. For Sweden's National Day. Un fucking real.
Also shocked at the "attitude" most of the brown people had, like they owned the fucking place. That shocked me, too. Many walked around with a smirk like they knew they owned the place.
Well if there's chicks with like 1 dark skinned friend they'll defend multicult to the death.
If they got none they're usually pretty honest. Knew one girl who used to say nigger.
A better university, cheaper housing, less crime, more culture, less degeneracy, less pollution, no attack trucks, no stockholmare (who are universally hated by everyone who isn't from stockholm since they're the loud, rude and obnoxious). Not to mention the fact that if you live near the central station in Uppsala you'll get to Stockholm central station faster than over half of the population of Stockholm, so you can still work there.
A better question would be why the fuck anyone would want to live in the cesspit of AIDS and shit called Stockholm?
>The US is even more non white than any country in Western Europe, we are only following your lead to suicide.
That's not entirely true. Look at a map of US by county and race and you'll find wide swaths of all/mostly white areas. Perhaps same is true throughout Europe? But I've seen stats/read stories that many/most EU large cities are given over to ghetto-type living arrangements.
If so many people hate the forced "diversity", why aren't they taking a stand against it?
>The Swedish girls I know were very blunt about their disdain for these foreigners. Give your women some more credit.
Not all. 98% of mixed couples I saw were black men/white women in Sweden.
Not defending stockholm bro. It's turned into a right shithole.
Gypsies in every corner, muslims yelling. liberal art etc.
Immigration and technology really wreaked havoc on our traditional dating culture. We are a pretty timid people, and now women can fuck by moving the thumb and they get aggressively hit on by immigrants any time they go outside.
>Not really related but i feel like all the hot women in stockholm move to uppsala?
Few truly "hot women" that I saw. But, yes, there were some truly Scandic young ladies like you'd see in vids.
On the other hand, Swedish women age like shit. Most women over 30 looked ragged as hell, and those over 60 looked like they'd lived through the Great Depression. I think the winters and cold and lack of sunlight do them in.
You'd be hard pressed to find any girl here in the US who is racist. At worse, they might say "I don't like black guys", but that's about it. They would certainly almost NEVER say "this is a white country meant for white people", never-ever. It would be incredibly rare.
Like I said, give your girls some more credit. We are you guys in 20 years, absolutely fucked beyond repair. It would take a miracle or a huge war to fix this mess we are in, neither one seems very likely anytime soon.
They didn't vote for it, that's for sure. They don't really know what to do. A lot of the women are pissed off, I guess the men are just too pussy to do anything to fight it. I know growing up in my neighborhood, we would have probably formed gangs by now and gone and fought the Arabs on the street. We did stuff like that anyways for fun. Of course that was not the majority of what the United States is like.
And lose our job and be ostracized plus hung out on national television? Fuck that. Might get your home vandalized by AFA as well.
There are only 8 million white swedes, there are 200 million white americans. You will be wiped out centuries before we will be.
This must be a Stockholm-thing. I've lived in south Sweden all my life (Gothenburg and a minor city) and 99% of the mixed couples I see are a man with a se-asian girl, the final percent is white woman / arab or black man.
Not gonna happen, and you know it. Real shame. The end of this is what I think Malmo looks like now. Simply being run over, completely run over. It'll look like our Detroit in 20 or 30 years, you watch.
You should have visited during peak summertime. Women go apeshit crazy when there's sun out. Spend every opportunity they get to go sunbathing. There's chicks in bikinis everywhere lying on every small plot of grass.
There aren't many black men in Sweden though, semites outnumber them times three.
When I traveled to Commiefornia my mate told
me don't speak with niggers, ask information to any white,because niggers don't like whites, following this american niggers are more civilised. Imagine in sweden full of uncivilised somalis that recently get out from africa. At least in the monkeyland the slave owners domesticated our niggers in the past.
>On the other hand, Swedish women age like shit. Most women over 30 looked ragged as hell, and those over 60 looked like they'd lived through the Great Depression.
Lol, so you asked them how old they were or what? Scandinavian women age a hell of a lot better than American women, that's for sure.
Well, do that here and you'll literally get mowed down by automatic weapons or get a grenade through your window after a few weeks. Do you think our muslims fuck around? They are violent extremists, many have fought for IS, and they know that they'll get very little jail-time in our comfy prisons.
You're full off shit. There's 20,000 jews in sweden. There's no way there's only roughly 7000 when every other male is black. At least in stockholm.
>We are a pretty timid people
I saw this everywhere. I think most Americans really wouldn't understand this psychology at all. Swedes I saw looked like robots. Good socialist robots following government orders. It's what will do them in, and they don't know it. If they do wake up, it will be too late anyway.
>, and now women can fuck by moving the thumb and they get aggressively hit on by immigrants any time they go outside.
I did see this. One beautiful blonde woman talking with a very dark African outside a cafe. Also, this is gross, on the subway at night, there were two Swedish women in their 30s/40s, one in a wheelchair, poor thing, and her drunk friend, and one large older African man with them both. I think I was looking at them too long becuase the African man who was drunk a bit too went over to the non-wheel chair woman who was drunk a bit too and gave her a full on sloppy mouth kiss as if to show me what he was doing to this white woman. Every Swede just stood there like nothing was going on. Fucking sick.
Might be sampling bias but most of the Swedish women I've met traveling hit the wall hard at age 26. Granted they all seemed to smoke.
Granted you have far fewer hambeasts than we do
Well we also had guns ourselves. I'm well aware of what it is like growing up around dangerous minority gang warfare.
It just saddens me that Europe is going the same way as America. Europe was always seen as the homeland, safe and guarded. Never in my life did I think this would happen to you guys.
Did it feel strange to not be able to relieve yourself in marts?
>There aren't many black men in Sweden
I saw plenty. I was shocked by how many there were.
The stats are complete bullshit. I talk to people in these main "multicultural" countries and they all tell me they feel as though they are outnumbered.
>only a few hundred thousand
>only a million or so
I don't think so though.
I know the situation here, and its shifting... Fast
Alternative sites are growing, theres over 50% distrust agains MSM in immigration issues. The socialist PM got booed on by a massive crowd at Sergels Torg in the center of Stockholm after our hockey team won the world cup.
We have the only regional sub-division of the alt-right, we have huge alternative news sites that draw in more and more people. SD is set to become the biggest party, and we just deported afghans today.
NMR is gaining traction, Nordic youth and other nationalist groupings are on the rise.
Yeah, Malmö may be fucked, but over our dead bodies is going to bring the rest of us down with it.
I'm primarily referring to semitic peoples excluding jews: arabs, ethiopians and so on
We never voted to be CHINKED just like they didn't vote to be blacked. No one voted for any of this, there was no referendum it just happened.
did we fuck per chance?
I see large amount of coal-black africans every day here in Gothenburg as well.
>When I traveled to Commiefornia my mate told
>me don't speak with niggers,
This depends, too. Black people who act "normal" are OK if, say, you're walking around downtown Washington DC. If you're on the West Side of Baltimore or South Side of Chicago, you'll be killed.
The leafs right.
We have little control over our government. Also if people fear getting called racist more than death.
If you just accidentally say something that gets unintentionally interpreted as racist the media will hang you out as an evil racist.
If you get their news app almost daily you get notifications about the national party taking a shit.
Well, you don't open up to strangers here. If you'd talk to me I'd make the necessary small talk until I had an opportunity to escape, and I wouldn't say anything 'real'. I'm regarded as somewhat 'cold' even here though.
I think most are like this in one way or another, you're going to need time to get to know a Swede, I'd guess. Are people that open in the US?
Wtf are you retarded?
What is this shit. Sage.
Why would anybody give a shit?
>>On the other hand, Swedish women age like shit. Most women over 30 looked ragged as hell, and those over 60 looked like they'd lived through the Great Depression.
>Lol, so you asked them how old they were or what? Scandinavian women age a hell of a lot better than American women, that's for sure.
No, I didn't need to ask. I stand by what I saw: Swedish women age like hell. American women, of course, are fatter than American men. Our obestiy problem is well known. I'm not talking about obesity, though, I'm talking about aging from weather conditions. The older Swedish women looked like well-worn rock formations.
no they don't
>Did it feel strange to not be able to relieve yourself in marts?
I don't understand the question. Do you mean to make fun of Walmart?
We deported like 20 afghans dude. I mean it's good, but it's hardly a cause for celebration and saying that we turned this ship around.
I do agree that there is hope though, people seem to be waking up more and more every day (albeit still too slowly). I only hope that they don't wake up to Sup Forums-levels though, leave my se-asian qt3.14's alone.
I know what you mean, especially when they have this LEGO™ jaw.
>Are people that open in the US?
Down South there is a fake openness. In the Midwest there is more of a friendly openness about people. On the East Coast, no, it generally sucks there; where I live. But, all in all, the Swedes I met were very friendly.
not him but yeah they are especially older people
a lot of the time random people will talk to you even if they don't know you
You are correct about this, I don't know why some disagree. Swedish women after 30-or-so really start to look ragged. I blame mainly excessive alcohol consumption and sunbathing though, not anything genetic (at least not anything genetic that makes us age worse than other whites).
There's around 90,000 Somalians and 40,000 Eritreans in Sweden, and Sweden has limited immigration from other countries with black populations, so 150,000 is an upper estimate for the total number of black people in Sweden, or roughly 1.5% of the population. For these particular country groups you have roughly a 50/50 distribution over the sexes, perhaps 55/45, which means you have around 80,000 black men in Sweden. Stockholm and Gothenburg have the highest populations of both Somalians and Eritreans.
As for the interracial marriage rate etc, it's just not true. The vast majority of Somalians and Eritreans only marry within their own group. Sweden also has roughly 40,000 Thai people. Out of these, 80% are women, and most of them are married to or dating Swedish men. Swedish man/Thai woman relationships are much, much more common than black man/white woman relationships, and this is just one of the Asian groups. The fact that OP claims "98% of all mixed relationships were black man/white woman" shows that he's either blind or lying.
>The fact that OP claims "98% of all mixed relationships were black man/white woman" shows that he's either blind or lying.
I am telling you what I saw. I saw literally 3 or 4 couples with a white man/black (or Asian) woman. All others were white women/black men.
He probably noticed those cases more easily since it's so striking. I've seen countless Swedish men with asian women, but very, very few swedish women with black men. I can only recall seeing three instances of white woman (Swedish or not, I do not know) with black man since I moved to Gothenburg (about one year ago). In my hometown I never saw it, but even there I saw Swedish men with asians (which I don't mind at all, honestly).
I visited Stockholm twenty years ago and felt like I could fall asleep on a busy sidewalk and no one would bother me. It's amazing how quickly things have changed.