Why are Trump supporters so unconcerned about Russia's meddling in the election?
Why are Trump supporters so unconcerned about Russia's meddling in the election?
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Because Russia didn't meddle in the elections.
I did.
there's never been any hard evidence
just 'anonumous insiders'
Because we're more worried about idiot democunts.
If Russia had actually "meddled" in the election I would probably thank them.
Because we have yet to receive our checks.
Clinton was impeached for lying about sex. How the fuck do they not have evidence on Russian collusion at this point in time??? Jesus fuck
Because the massive amount of fake news on the subject has caused them to harden against the idea.
The CIA literally tried to Iraq it. They released a report completely dependent on the idea that some amount (online posting) was done. And then tried to pretend it was hacking.
Trump didnt collude. Plus the bulk of the public is happy with the result.
Russia is a great country. The left is angry that they abandoned communism and has demonized Russia since the end of the cold war. Russia supports the traditional family and good Christian values and opposes the homosexual agenda to the ire of the left and the msm. Don't believe the liberal lies!
Because we would have voted for Putin over Hillary. Seriously.
Because even if the Russians did meddle, it's a good thing. We will win by any means.
Make America White Again.
>Political correctness is getting out of hand
>Build the wall
>Muslims and Refugees
>Not Clinton
>Not Obama
anything that makes lefties angry makes me happy. go ahead and cry more, please
They've been trying to hack us for years....why are liberals just now concerned about Russia?
Because they're not retarded conspiracy theorists.
Still waiting on any proof whatsoever that they did indeed meddle. Still haven't seen any proof that they hacked the DNC, in fact. And the Seth Rich story contradicts that claim.
Also, why are Trump haters so unconcerned with Hillary taking multi million dollar bribes from the Saudis and Chinese AND the Russians? Surely that's much more of an "influence on the election" than REVEALING THE TRUTH of the DNC's misconduct and outright criminality in some cases.
I'd imagine most of them don't have a fervent race-based hatred of Russians like niggers and jews do.
So, if mudskins and jews have a problem with the big bad Russians, feel free to head on over there yourself.
the emails were linked by the dnc themselves to push the russian meddling narrative in the first place
>why do people not care about my fan fictions?
Because cucks like you have zero proof of Russia meddling in the election.
Because every country does the same thing including USA. Look how promoting democracy went in Egypt .
You know that the longer it gets with literally nothing found, the more ridiculous this 1980s B-tier movie plot line is gonna get.
You fiend.
Because they are too stupid to know why it's a problem beloved country.
And the only care about what there being tolled rather than being done.
*for their*
>hillary the crooked corrupt conspiring cunt loses
>no matter how many people she murders and how much blood is on her hands she still can't pull it off
>democrats can't look at what happened and reflect upon that and change
>nope - like all liberals their failures must be someone else's fault.
>Pull Russia hacked out of thin air because Donald Trump told a joke about asking Russia for Hillary's "lost" e-mails.
>keep blaming Russia even though there is no evidence there
>make their followers mentally ill by saying Trump did a coup and impeachment will be around any moment now.
Super satan raises a great question. The answer is obvious. My parents my grandparents and siblings are obviously Russian insurgents here to vote Russian puppets like Drumpfy into office. Remember to check your closets and under your beds for Russians before bedtime. Good night and good luck.
>Because Russia didn't meddle in the elections.
If Russia did meddle, it was surely to avoid a war with us. I listened to their generals, the Russians, during the election cycle. They were outright talking of war if Hillary was elected. No they certainly did not like her. To them, she is a criminal. Outright.
If they did not meddle, then I suppose we all got just real lucky. Even Donald has brought us a hell of a lot closer to it than I'd like, but these days, he's starting to show sense again maybe.
Because they read rt.com, unbiased state news from the Kremlin, instead of biased American news that isn't even controlled by the government.
Because Russian interference in our Election is Fake News to push the media's anti-Trump narrative.
It's been 7 months since the election and there has literally be zero concrete evidence of any interference of the election or hacking of the DNC.
I hope they actually did.
Being a Russian vassal state is better than being a globalist vassal state.
No hard evidance of russia meddling (the cozy bear stuff could have been a proxy. thats their only "proof" for months now, and if you ask a trump hater for more you wont get any. but the media still portrays it like fact
Even if russians did hack the election, think about it, what did they do? they make DNC emails public which show corruption. we should be thanking them for whistle blowing if anything but the state loving press keeps on sucking their dicks.
Because it has yet to be proven that a single vote was changed or influenced. Just let it go libs, hillary was a bad candidate. Biden probably wins in a land slide.
>1 post by this ID
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Could it be because the Democrat Party is a criminal racket and needs to be destroyed, contrary to its own delusions of indispensability?
also sage sage fi dalla
Only Sup Forums, le_donald and Trump himself denies they meddled in the election.
His own cabinet even acknowledges it.
Russians aren't the bad guys.
Because we're not borderline retared white people, niggers, spics or neurotic, lying jews. No evidence, just "muh anonymous sources"
because almost everybody in is cabinet besides bannon were handpicked by the NWO.
go on, show me hard evidence, i'll wait
What in the fuck are these words even supposed to mean? Define in concrete terms, because I have yet to see or hear any shred of information regarding what Russia supposedly "did".
>meddling in an election
>exposing a criminal racket
It's what countries that are good global citizens do when other countries are about to make a very bad corrupt choice. You should thank them.
Because even if they did "meddle" (which they didn't, it's was probably Seth Rich before he got diversified) they absolute worst thing they did is reveal the truth about DNC corruption, which is a GOOD thing. Oh no! Help me! The Russians made me a more informed voter! What ever shall I do!
Second, it's not 1962, and we're no longer petrified by spooky scary Russians, especially since they're not even shilling the Marxist mind virus anymore, which is the whole reason we didn't like them in the first place. You are.
KANG Nigger said Russia couldn't hack the elections. Are you saying KANG Nigger was wrong?
The russian hacking the election narrative is just the same version of the fake news that "trump has no chance" during the campaign.
Hillary supporters wouldn't be concerned about it if she had won, so...
top kek
They didn't, show proof then, you won't I know
Even if Russia did it, nothing wrong or illegal
>1 post by this id
we all just traps on earth, bru
Bannon isn't part of the cabinet.
holy shit fuckin kek
Basically damage control for their embarrassing defeat.
>Murica is so powerful that their leader is a fucking puppet elected by proxy propaganda and memes
I hope she didn't cut herself on that edge
Kys yourself muh Russia faggots I'm getting sick of you niggers and in pretty sure you have the IQ of someone who's been lobotomized and probably has followed politics for the last year uninformed piece of trash
Show me hard evidence and I will be the first to speak up. Besides saying a foreign nation was meddling in our election is like saying the sun sets in the west. Did people really think this was the first time and it's only the russian's? George Soros meddle's in our election and nobody says shit. It's a complete fabrication to cover up for their failures and undermine Trump's presidency.
t. Russian Internet Defense Force
>Russia's meddl
American forged steal is stronger than Russian meddle.
Daily reminder
uhhhh Because they didn't? Why didn't the democrats come up with a more credible diversion to cover their criminality?
First rule of holes: When you're digging yourself into a hole, STOP DIGGING.
You don't double down hundreds of times and make it worse. (Or kill more people)
Here, have a medal
Is that headline real, Because if it is then it's the first time I ever agreed with Salon. and that scares me
>forged steal
You got it senpai. The only thing Americans can forge is signatures on checks they can't cash.
>implying Russian generals are dumb enough to attempt a war against superior nato forces
>implying Russia has anywhere to attack even if they were
Waaaay to rational of thoughts for liberal crybabbies and niggers.
Because the left has been acting no better than a petulant child. I don't care anymore that Russia might have meddle in our election. The left deserves Trump.
Trump stole the election from Hillary as fair as any politician could. She fumbled her lead even with the crap she threw at Trump. She doesn't deserve it if she can't out maneuver 2 political newbies (Trump, and Obama 2008)
you cant hack a paper baliot
I agree with this guy, there is a somewhat implied statute of limitations with these kind of claims. The longer it takes for the people making these claims to develop their case, the less interest in it there is in it.
Any non-ideologue who considers themselves informed has enough doubt about the "Russian Meddling" to not take it nearly as seriously as Dems and libtards want us to.