LIVE with Bret Weinstein: Evergreen State College Racism
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I wish I would be alive 500 years from now, only to see what they refer to this time period as.
In Egyptology, they call the time periods in which the country was shitting itself and in total chaos 'Intermediate Periods'. As in intermediate between the good times.
I'd say we're in a whopper of an Intermediate Period.
>be jewish
>get accused of white privilege
how do they get way with it?
He made his bed, now he must lie in it. You bet your ass this kike was pushing anti-white angendas on campus, not so fun when the college niggers see him as white too.
>The happening
Holy fuck, the white guilt / PoC terrorists were checking vehicles leaving the campus just to find Weinstein.
Also of note is Weinstein said white anarchist kids are pushing a lot of the violence, almost as if they "owe" the blacks.
>Jews getting Jew'd by their own golem
Evergreen definitely needs to be investigated by the feds.
It's all post WW1 and 2 aftershocks. We're still dealing with the suicide of western civilization those wars created. I'm sure in the future they will refer to them as a single conflict.
We will rebuild, but it will take time. My best guess is The Darkening.
"Critical race theory"
In other words, majority vs minority marxism. "Whiteness" (like with "toxic masculinity") being an ideological metanarrative, whereby whiteness is always already defined in any way that can be thought antagonistic.
Has anyone outed these horrible racists to their communities yet? Surely they can all be ID'd.
>thinks affirmative action is good
>believes in "privilege"
What a fucking idiot, now I'm glad he's getting cannibalized by his own.
For societies to exist at all, means that there will be majorities and minorities, norms and deviations to norms. PC culture has got to a point where innocuous majorities and norms are seen as "supremacy", "oppression", whereby the associated demographics are to be shamed ("privilege")
>when we have the scientific method in the humanties great work happens
>uses guns germs and steal as an example
yeah fuck this guy. i hope he gets fired.
He'll be wearing that dunce cap soon
Holy fuck I completely forgot about Rubin.
Has he killed cenk yet for disrespecting our Lord Sam Harris (PBUH)?
the 3rd intermediate lasted almost 500years so you're good pham
It's a new kind of cult. Without deities, but just as full of fable and myth. I can't believe people still think there is systemic white male privilege in the west, because there is no evidence of this. There is RICH privilege in the west, but that is everywhere, even in communist countries, majority black countries, etc..
>Cause the crisis
>Be the '''victim''' of it
this is like double-jewish counter-meme agitprop
that was the point though. Communism was a fake meme-philosophy built to help a new aristocracy replace an old one.
I know the guy is a lefty but at least he seems to have genuine convictions about equity and liberalism, and he's getting played hard by those who've noticed how to exploit it.