>preaches traditionalism for women
>"You need to have kids and become a housewife! It's the only way you'll be happy!"
>Has a career
>No husband
>No children, despite being in the optimal child-bearing age
Is Lauren tricking us?
>preaches traditionalism for women
>"You need to have kids and become a housewife! It's the only way you'll be happy!"
>Has a career
>No husband
>No children, despite being in the optimal child-bearing age
Is Lauren tricking us?
It's just another case of the jews telling the goyim "Do as I say not as I do"
Yea. Because the Jews want the whites to continue breeding.
She's 21 years old. If she's still single at 26+ then maybe you'd have a point
she's 21 you fat fuck, her career goes out the shitter if she settles down this young. i know, mehmet, its preferable to fuck your cousin at age 12 and start a family asap, but perhaps not in this case.
Lauren, we know that's you.
just post tits or gtfo
I want to give her beautiful half-asian kids.
shot being a shill a pointing out obvious flaws in "/ourgirl/" are you a shill or something?
this girl married the indian when she was 19. no excuse
>he's never heard of controlled opposition
>he really believes jews don't play all sides
Why would anyone think that Based Lauren, Queen of Kekistan, would be tricking us?
she's sacrificing her life in order to better ours.
21 is OLD HAG territory. Bitch should've been married and making baby years ago.
>her career goes out the shitter if she settles down this young
Cunts shouldn't have "careers", kike.
Lauren needs time to shitpost IRL before she settles down. Give her time or better yet, fuck off as it's none of your concern.
She's only 21, give her a bit of time
Shes 21, and is on a power trip. In 3 years she will be irrelevant.
come home white man
She's young, at her age she should be playing CS:GO and studying 20 minutes a week
and yet she does more for us than you will ever do
to be fair not doing anything at all and just living your life is already better for white interests than an aspie yelling jooooos at everything that moves
Maybe she just hasn't found the right person yet.
Take the stay at home daughter pill
Looks like the "let's use their misogyny divide them across gender lines" shills are out in full force. This strategy will fail too, just like all your previous ones.
If she got married you'd probably complain about her choice of husband so STFU and worry about your own shit, leaf.
>thinking that 21 is young for a woman to find a husband
A girl should find a boyfriend at 14-17. At that age, she is most likely to fall in love because of her hormones, and she is also most desirable. She should marry at 16-19, and have sex when she does (but not before). At that age, she is most fertile.
Thinking that marrying at 25 is normal for a woman is very modern meme, and it needs to die. You are brainwashed if you think that.
>21 is the optimal child-bearing age
What woman has good financial situation in this age except if she was born rich? And if the husband is same age as her, no way, they are too young.
That may be the case in your central european peasant world.
OP forgot Lauren is legally a man.
She is a trap so yes
Unfortunately, it has become modernised in recent decades. And i do mean unfortunately.
underrated post
Obviously, you're the dense cunts that fall for it.
Not really. Unemployment rates are huge here, many young people struggle with money. I'm 21 like her and all I have is 10$ in my pocket, my bf works for minimum wage..That serb lives in a fantasy world.
A simple hypocrite for the sake of shekels.
The message is the same, has always been the same since God created us.
The human desire for children is the purest of blessing reflecting God's own ambition to have an offspring he can be proud of.
As a whole though, whites are the ones to fully act Godly, with kindness like Christ himself. So have yourself a handful of sons and daughters, like our father Jesus Christ.
sry, slovenian, i haven't seen the flag quite well
She's 21. Has another 10 years to find someone. And older women have more intelligent, taller, and healthier babies.
Not sure how it's any of your business anyway, you fat ugly autist.
I want to have kids and become a housewife
one on right is a 10/10 in england
She did not say it's the only way.
>21 is OLD HAG territory. Bitch should've been married and making baby years ago.
Says the beta cuck that has never even been in a relationship. Pretty amusing how you're telling others what to do, yet you can't do it yourself.
>many young people struggle with money.
Good, that means a steady supply of hot young hookers heading to the west to make money.
I only explained what is universally true in nature, i didn't imply girls actually marry that young in my country, you retard. Learn to read.
Here's the truth: We are at a time right now in society where the white race is under attack. White women, if they are awakened, will be the greatest push for the Identitarian movement. Now I do know not of Lauren is a jewish shill or not but right now we need women to speak out against the extinction of the white race. Women have always fought with men in times of crisis. They assumed masculine roles such as working in factories during WW2.
how do you feel about virginia?
Have you been having any more dreams about Lauren lately, my thirsty Finnish friend?
>>No children, despite being in the optimal child-bearing age
>Is Lauren tricking us?
She's hunting for a high-status male, because her fame/job allows her to scout many options.
>We are at a time right now in society where the white race is under attack
No we aren't, that fight ended in 1945, we lost btw
She also probably already has a bf but keeps it private.
fuck off muhammadina
>do what I say but not what I do
typical Jewish fascim
Tell Brock his money would be better spent on influencing normie sites where the average IQ is lower. You have no power here, this is money going down the drain.
The man who gets Lauren will have top alt-right credentials...whatever the fuck that means
Lauren is basically waiting for the next Hitler
you don't lose until you give up.
post pics of yer teeth
Ok fine then I guess all women should just whore it up, no point in finding a man anyway? Jesus christ you are a pussy.
>more important than white children
>Lauren is basically waiting for the next Hitler
She hates Hitler and the Nazis. She said her grandparents had to flee the Nazi occupation of Denmark.
>if you don't think cunts should be career woman whores you're a shill
Fuck off. It's MUHSOGGYKNEE to want women to be good wives.
A girls match should be arranged soon after she's born so she will grow up around the man she will marry and they will be very close. And she should marry immediately after her first blood.
>woman has good financial situation
A woman shouldn't have a financial situation. That's why she has a man to provide for her.
>if the husband is same age as her,
Of course a couple shouldn't be the same age, that's ridiculous.
He is a dyke you fools. Isn't it obvious at this point? Fucking virgins....
prime age for first pregnancy, virtually zero chance for sameface-syndrome or autism.
not getting pregnent when the chance arises would be race-treason.
>People still believe in this kike that is cashing hard from beta orbiters and right wing politic scene
Some people should really be gassed
At that age, people make dumb shit mistakes.
Mating strategies trought hormones (aka getting wet) are rabbit tier.
People like you are a part of the problem. Ad Hominem.
>older women have more intelligent, taller, and healthier babies
No, they have retard babies.
Does anyone have picture of LoSo's feet?
Those who effectively combat this mortal enemy of our people, who is at the same time the enemy of all Aryan peoples and all culture, can only expect to arouse opposition on the part of this race and become the object of its slanderous attacks.
-Mein Kampf
Then Lauren is waiting for her identitarian cuck boy
Thinks 21 is optimal child bearing age.
She's not a nigger.
I'm sure she'll be preggo by the time she's 25.
>i enjoy liberal usage of false dichotomy
she can have a career AND have children. She can WAIT to have children.
I know pol has an autismal hardon for marriage at 18 and 1850's morals, but christfuck you neckbearded gelatinous faggots need to think pragmatically and realistically
If you genuinely want women to be good housewifes you should be supporting Lauren in her quest to relay this information to young people instead of sperging out about the fact that she is not married at 21
shes a 21 years old girl who likes shes 35
those kind of shitty leaf genes dont deserve to have kids
So what if she isint doing it herself?
She's still redpilling people. You can be a total degenerate yourself but if you teach others good ways then you can redeem yourself
She's a 21 year old, I don't know why people look to her for advice on life.
>t. 21 year old
I want to add: If Lauren convinces 10 women to be traditionalist and they have 1-4 babies each it outweighs her lack of children and in fact does more good.
She's right she's just unloveable.
>normie sites where the average IQ is lower
>implying Sup Forums isn't easy as fuck to manipulate
>implying the average IQ here is any higher than normie sites
For every """intellectual""", there are a dozen mouth breathing shitposters. Also, being redpilled doesn't make your IQ higher.
Very true. And considering the size of her audience you can be sure she has influenced more than 10 young girls
Cant the girl have some fun? Shes american isnt she?
>She said her grandparents had to flee the Nazi occupation of Denmark
Why would they have to flee? Denmark cooperated with the nazis.
>she can have a career AND have children
No, that isn't posdible. Well, it's can be done but the children of career woman whores are neglected. Is that what you want, child neglect?
>She can WAIT to have children.
A woman could also drink during pregnancy. But it's generally accepted babies should be healthy and raised right.
Burger calling a mountain nigger fat
>check out this based black guy in a MAGA hat!
It was an occupation. They seized her familys trucking company
It's not like she is going to make that decision alone, she will be attracted to the man at that age, but the man should also have to convince her father he is the right suitor.
I want to impregnate her
Having a job and raising a child isnt equivalent to drinking while pregnant. Child neglect is not what I assume when I think of a career woman with kids. Maybe in Russia.
Fucking BASED!
She's ugly as shit.
She'll come around for the right man
Maybe she's unhappy and doesn't want others to repeat her mistakes
Post boipucci
It's a poisoned world, not one I'd want to bring children into.
She might be doing more by simply telling it as it is, which is easier to do when you don't have dependents to be used against you.
>She's 21 years old.
Holy shit. She looks 30.
I was going to come in here and defend her as being too hold to have kids without autism. I assumed she missed her window.
op just got turned down
imagine when she's actually 30 years old. She's not going to age well at all
>Having a job and raising a child isnt equivalent to drinking while pregnant
Either way the kid will be fucked from abuse and neglect.
>Child neglect is not what I assume when I think of a career woman with kids
Well, it's what happens. She's not going to be raising her kid while she's doing her "career". It will be neglected.
While the risk of autism does go up, I think it's possibly an exaggeration to prevent the white woman from ever having children. Women have been having children well into their 40s for generations.
Mothers and careers do not go hand in hand. Women need to have kids at a young age, which is exactly when an entrepreneur should be developing their career. Unfortunately biology fucked girls on this one, it's almost impossible for them to have both