Globalists BTFO!!!
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>El Savador
So all 7 of them?
Tell me when Mexico goes back.
You have no idea how many pupusa eating, drunk driving, firearm packing spics are in my area.
Thank you Trump.
20% of El Salvadoreans live within the United States.
nice. no more centroniggers here to give us chicanos a bad name.
I'm loving it
>First the white girls with the burritos
>Now this
What the fuck is a "Chicano"?
It's one of those things I can't be arsed arsed enough to search but you just peeked my interest enough to want to ask.
>I always assumed it was some sort of bender, or group of benders, as in "chicane".
Based Duterte has an app for that.
>libtards think this is bad
>Trump makes fat girls lose weight
>Trump makes cuckolds get in shape
>Trump makes white people stop making hispanic food
>Trump makes illegals self-deport and sends cartels back so Latin American governments have to fight them
>Trump makes DNC fall apart
It's like one of those infomercials for a product that can't possibly deliver on all its promises, but it's actually working somehow.
>pointing out a spelling mistake and not offering any actual insight
Hello Plebbit.
So all 7 of them then. El Savador has a population of literally who. 20% of nothing is nothing.
in MD their a shitload of these things. we also have plenty honduran and guatemalan specimen--no mexicans though. central Americans tend to hate mexicans
*there are
>May 31
Sage, fake news.
>What the fuck is a "Chicano"?
A spic.
We're not all French cunts like you, Justin.
>gang culture exist in racist America and is exported to 3rd world countries
Makes me think
MS-13 is a salvadorian gang you nut.
Disregard, I suck cocks.
Lol @ the guy writing this article not knowing the date tho.
a chicano is basically an identity on its own, created in south usa by spics from central america and mexico that take muh heritage thing a little bit farther than regular american heritage larpers
or just a spic in usa who jumped the border if you wanna be concise
Its a LA gang you moron
Yawn. MS-13 is about as real of a threat as the Drumpf monster libtards shake in fear of.
One click of a cheeto-finger would send all of them to jail tomorrow just by using surveillance data we've had for years.
>Billy Mays here for Trump
>A revolutionary new product that removes cleans and disinfects any illegal infested area.
>With his patented "MAGA" technology it can deport even the toughest illegal. I guarantee it.
>but that's not all.
>If you order right now we will through in Pence the shocking straightener getting those gay tangles straight again.
>this all come with a 8yr guarantee.
>order now
argies & costarricense are fine with me. They look white
wat % of returned were marasalvatrucha13?
That's actually worse considering it never happens.
I would honestly believe that.
Are you a shill? El Salvador's population is over 6 millions.
El salvador crying that they cannot absorb their own criminals back so its unfair. Lol. As if thats our fucking problem.
Yea, well you can thank California, and specifically Los Angeles for that one.
The problem is there is probably a dozen other wannabe gangs willing to fill in the demand the millisecond they got gutted. Everyone needs to go all at once, and we need to keep quietly gathering data until that day of reckoning can happen.
>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!
Trump is a globalist you idiot
If she doesn't know English how did she write that? I mean c'Mon already make your shitposts internally consistent.
Yes. And to expediate the illegal 'em exodus, possibly put up a bounty per illegal. $400 each illegal; $900 for a breeding pair; $2,000 for both breeding stock and young. That'll put Americans back to work!
We actually don't emigrate.
In fact we're being invaded by niggeraguans and dominiggers. Pls lend us Trump for one season.
When Americans think they know about something and they talk so confidently it, when in reality they are saying the most idiotic thing imaginable, just hilarious.
He's sent back over 30,000 gang members. That's quite a few.
>el salvador hates el salvadorans so much that they cry and shit themselves to take their trash back
The mexico of mexico.
You know, Duterte has the right mind of it. I love Trump, but I'm jelly that he's a few steps short of guns and bruises Duterte the Slayer. That's one foreigner I wouldn't mind catching the boat over.
>more people come to Turkey than those who leave Turkey
damn Syrians
We gotta unfuck our own country first, user.