Dear LGBTQ loves, dear latinx loves, dear Muslim loves, dear immigrant loves, dear loves of color, dear disabled loves...

Dear LGBTQ loves, dear latinx loves, dear Muslim loves, dear immigrant loves, dear loves of color, dear disabled loves, dear survivor loves, dear women loves. I love you. I love you.

I love you.

I am sorry we have failed you. I am going to fight like hell alongside you for the sake of all of our lives.

Lol that was super gay, kys

Wanna go on a helicopter ride?


And by doing this, how are you fighting op? Seems kinda weak

You may call me a commie, a liberal, a SJW and all sorts of other names. However ever I will never stop fighting for justice.

Fuck all you right-wing bigots.

Someone really doesn't like William Andrews. And that person is William Andrews.

what are "loves" by the way? Why are you talking like a four year old, OP?

Fight for the rights of all to express themselves and believe what they want to believe. Fight for free speech and fight against the social conditioning.

I am William Andrews and I smash Fash

Yeah, you do that. But i don't want your help boi. You're the reason my people get lazy

>Free to Love

Someone shop that into 'Free to Leave'

What is your definition of "justice"? How can you fight for justice when you do not even believe in objective right or wrong? Justice without morality is asinine. The two go hand in hand. If a society is becoming an amoral consumerist wasteland, no amount of SJW bullshit will save it. The heart is sick and needs to be healed.

I'll smash your ass you fucking poofter.

I am fighting for the world to be a better place. In order to bring all marginalized people up we must bring down the white cis gender males


Fake, gay, and saged

Kys larp fag

That's just the way it has to be done.


When we take power again, all this talk will be considered hate speech