>The killing of human beings is prohibited.
>A foetus is a human being.
>The killing of foetuses is prohibited.
What is a human being, Sup Forums?
>The killing of human beings is prohibited.
>A foetus is a human being.
>The killing of foetuses is prohibited.
What is a human being, Sup Forums?
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Wtf is that pic?! She looks like she ate a child.
I think it is in cases of rape and that kind of stuff, but it shouldn't be just birth control. I'm no doctor but I think if it can survive outside the womb it's too late to abort.
hope this is some weird fetish photoshop
That's why you don't catch me fucking horses anymore
>>A foetus is a human being.
Incorrect. It's a cluster of cells with the potential to become a human being. Until it could survive unassisted outside the womb, it isn't a person.
something about fertile white women
>a festering mass of brown nipples
Have you ever met a nigger?
Yes. I didn't want to be a pappa.... Plus the lady was a mentalcase.
I dodged a bullet
Are people on life support no longer human beings?
Yes! Remember the niggers
America would be totally fucked without abortion
>brown nipples
user, I...
If you're not attracted to that you're not healthy.
Abortion would be a trouble if human life had inherent value.
Depends if they're brain dead, if they are they're no better than corpses.
Abortion is for the better anyway, the world could do without more niggers, asians, and spics.
>>The killing of human beings is prohibited.
This is where you wrong m8. Government can kill or allow to kill whoever they want and call it good thing and imprison you if yo say it is not. BASED.
Abortion is murder, but some fetuses are niggers.
>are human beings that survived the birthing process but are now on life support no longer human?
>what is a human being
Thankfully that is a scientific question. Easily answered, at the moment of conception you become uniquely human with 23 pairs of Chromosomes that are specific to you! Ending this gestation unnaturally is ending a Human Being. People with morals know this a "Murder".
if its for the sake of your gut enlargement fetish then yes
If you don't have pink nipples you're not white
prove me wrong
I dont see a problem with it
It's because they are tall and they look less like bloated balloons during pregnancy and more like humans.
Are you kidding me? I dont need to stick my dick in her to do that to her. She has man tits like all of em. Huge gross nipps. A big fatty stomach. And a stink gash with a forest of hair. Ooooo
>inferior poor/stupid genetics
>retards and genetic rejects
>23 pairs of Chromosomes
Why should morals be logically consistent?
You know what's not morally justifiable? Procreation. How can you justify bringing someone into a pointless existence where it's easy to suffer? I mean the fact that you have to put in a lot of effort to even enjoy life really proves that non-existence is superior to existence. Non-existence is technically flawless too. Call me what you want but anti-natalism > natalism if you're not a selfish psychopath, and if you are, then you deserve to suffer.
For the betterment of society, yes.
>A study of 109 juvenile offenders indicated that family structure significantly predicts delinquency. Adolescents, particularly boys, in single-parent families were at higher risk of status, property and person delinquencies. Moreover, students attending schools with a high proportion of children of single parents are also at risk. A study of 13,986 women in prison showed that more than half grew up without their father. Forty-two percent grew up in a single-mother household and sixteen percent lived with neither parent
With the vast majority of abortions coming from single parents or soon-to-be single parents it is in the best interest of a society to condone and promote abortions.
Females are disgusting creatures
In cases of forcible rape, incest, or when the baby has some horrible and early detectable disorder, or if there is some highly likely chance the labor will kill the mother.
Other than that, no. Its murder. And im glad it is illegal here.
It is sad how you burgers are still arguing over shit that is settled of the rest of the world. Its like ID to vote. Common fucking sense.
Gotta go now been hours since i have eaten a burrito and i am fukn dying.
This is all just a temporary fix and even curse for Eve having laid the devil. None of this exists in future or in Heaven and if she never did that, we wouldn't be here and they would be alive in the garden. Sept 23 has lots to do with this too
I need more preggo porn for my fap folder
post more
Of course. Most abortions are done by blacks.
>abortion is illegal in a shitskin country
Why am I not surprised?
It's funny that you think you have made a valid point.
Yes, it should be mandatory if
>Not White
>No good genetics
>Not healthy
t. Down Syndrome afflicted subhuman
It should be mandatory that abortions always be done on the mentally retarded/handicapped.
Yes, when they are horribly disabled, would you want to live in such a state?
Pregnant women is a redpilled fetish i demand pics
This ^ upvote
Get off of this website get off of the internet
Most abortions are done by minorities in poverty stricken areas. their babies would grow up to murder and rape people like you. We shouod ENCOURAGE poor people to abort their children thst they can't provide for. We also have minorities purposely racing to have many children to get benefits.
We have problem on the horizon and thats overpopulation. At some point SOON, with the exponential rise in population, we'll reach a point in which we have too many mouths too feed and not enough food. It's already that way in most the world. It'll become worse with time.
Is human starvation and suffering a better alternative to you then the abortion of non aware, non conscious, babies with zero understanding of reality?
If your only argument against abortion is found in a book written by 1st century cave men then that's a problem and you're an idiot.
If your only argument is that it "feels"... Ok stop right there. You're wrong.
Strip away your "feelings" and your 1st century fabled stories on morality and look at try and see the utility of abortion.
The problem with you people is that you are driven by your emotions. In your over emotional oittle pea sized brains, you envision a fetus about to be aborted and then you envision that said fetus has a complete understanding of reality, with full conscious awareness. This simply is not the case. You again refer bsck to your emotions when you envision the life the fetus is being "robbed" of. You picture it become the next president. Curing cancer, etc etc bullshit.
Meanwhile, there are 7 billion humans already here and most of them are pieces of shit who contribute as much as a monkey does to humanity. You believe life is sacred and that's simply not the case. Stop takijg the bible literally.
Jesus christ this scares the shit out of me
That doesn't look like pregnancy. It looks like a Xenomorph layed an egg in her stomach and it's trying to get out
Post preggos
Those who actually consider the impact of having kids on the offspring and the world at large are the ones who have none/fewer but should be the only ones.
Isn't having a world filled with more idiots a la Idiocrisy just creating more suffering?
plants are living things.
ending a seedling during growth is murder.
ending the life of a plant before natural death is murder.
>not knowing women's nipples turn brown when they are preganant
its not like you would impregnate a woman anyway, but its always good to know.
Which one of us is not a mental case...
What in the fuck, did big fat fucking Lenny have a sex change?
Not even being edgy, but people die every day and none of you care at all, how do you motivate yourself to care about dead fetuses?
The right question is not what morally justifiable. Morality is subjective.
The right question is what rules make up a working society.
Abortions seems to affect mostly poor and dumb, and reduce subsequent crime levels. It also doesn't seem that they are a major factor in declining population, so unless you are planning on banning contraception this approach won't help.
I see no reason to be against abortion.
Killing a nigger fetus is always justified. Killing a white fetus is murder.
>Banning abortion is based on the idea that it will stop women from having abortions.
>History has shown that women will just use wire hangers when safe abortion procedures are banned.
>Banning abortion will not stop abortions, it will just lead to more injuries.
And obviously, you can't punish women for having abortions because:
1) They're doing something that is equivalent to an animal gnawing off its own leg to escape a trap. There is no mens rea.
2) Attempting to punish women would deepen the divide between men & women, and not in a good way. There would be sex strikes.
If I left you unassisted when you were first born you wouldn't be alive today. What a bad argument
Wait... isnt this a copypasta....
why does a deer fetus develop into a deer but you develop into a person? easy the deer fetus has deer dna and the person has person dna. thats what seperates you from a deer. the fetus has human dna from the moment of conception. the same dna as an adult human
She's pretty. Moar? Also, as some of you virgins don't realize, plenty of white women have brown-toned nipples. There's a lot of variation in nipple tone.
why does a deer fetus develop into a deer but you develop into a person? easy the deer fetus has deer dna and the person has person dna. thats what seperates you from a deer. the fetus has human dna from the moment of conception. the same dna as an adult human.
see proof
It looks like she could die from that any moment.
If it`s a mentally disabled child beyond any curing - yes, it is justified. Also if it`s an OP.
>Implying I am against abortion
You are correct, but how would you suggest realistically implementing the global control of population? Particularly one based on who is deemed inferior?
>white woman
>black nipples
prolifers in a nut shell:
>you need to keep that baby avortion is murder, God wouldnt want that, all life is sacred
>no it doesnt deserve any healthcare, its not my job to pay for it, i dont care how sick it is
pathetic how they cherry pick from the bible
problem is she is dyed blonde, ugly color, praised only for being rare (and aryan)
If you are ok with murder in certain circumstances then you can justify it to yourself.
I'm more interested in removing the source of power that the elites use through mass mobilised child sacrifice to satan/moloch
>those chestbursters
How many facehuggers did she suck off?
>women become more gross
>why dont you want this grossness!?
>already admitted I don't
>repeats self anyways
Wow you're so special and knowledgeable. Brainwashing ahoy! I want a description in words about why the "aesthetics" of females are worth it. Or their personalities. Never heard anything close to this in 29 years. You won't start now. Enjoy the zika and throat cancer. Maybe some super gonorrhea
Whites have like 2-1 kids on average, its the shitskins that keep popping out 6gorrillon babies, waiting to be spoonfed with our money, let them starve
>reverse image-search
>"vore captions"
You went to some weird places to grab that picture, didn't you?
This was my suspicion too, some weird vore fetish photoshop
And the world has reached an unemployment rate under 5%. No matter what way you choose to define it or redefine it it's still bullshit.
This pretty much sums it up.
Every time some Jeebus loving socon cries about 10 gorillion dead babby I do not give a flying fuck.
If you want to outlaw abortion than work 3 jobs instead of 2 so you can pay for little Jamal and Jorge and Mohammed to be glorious children of God.
World is overdue for a population bottleneck inducing pandemic anyway. Fry the little fuckers.
Well that's all I needed
The gut doesn't lie.
it is also white trashy Swedes doing it here, somehow the retards poop the children, while others need to work for them
woah that's pretty edgy of you my dude
user, it looks like the condom broke. I know that we just met, but I want to keep the baby.
It'll look just like us!
Pregnant White Women are the bomb.
It can be justified because an embryo/fetus doesn't actually qualify as an "individual" prior to a certain point in a pregnancy. This is why they die when removed from the organism that hosts them.
Sure, they're made up of human tissue and may one day develop into an individual human, but they are only part of a human until that happens.
As a result, they don't get the same rights and protections as human beings.
If a fetus is considered to be a human being, there should be nothing wrong with physically removing it from another human being who does not want it there.
proof different sub-species mixed
figures why she is blonde
>using emoticons
how new are you please answer
>the killing of human beings is prohibited
Found the problem right there. It shouldn't be prohibited in many different circumstances. Violent criminals? They should be pruned from society. The mentally feeble? Eugenics is the answer. Habitual substance abusers? Straight to the oven. Those greedy business men that destroy the economy? Public disgracing and execution, and their entire assets should be seized and their family should be forced into poverty. Those open border advocates? Lined up against a wall and shot.
Not every life is precious. The world is overpopulated. We got to start weighing lives against each other andestablishing criteria for who gets to stay and who has to go. If we pretend everyone is equal then the trash, and not the meek, will inherit the Earth.
"and the BABE leaped on her womb when he heard the salutation of Mary"! And Elisabeth was fill with the Holy Spirit and prohetized about Jesus on Mary's womb!
A protoplasm didn't leap!
"and women will loose their natural affection" in the last days.
Do you really want to know?
At some point, yes. Eventually, someone somwhere will have to FORCE population control.
Earths population isn't a stready increase. Its a rapid, exponential increase. It'll reach unattainable numbers soon if we punch in the numbers and play out the scenario.
I dont think abortion is the answer to population control
At all but we should take the positive results where we can get them.
I dont know the solution.
Maybe war
Maybe forced contraceptive
Or 1 child per family
I take weird vore fetish-shit over race-mixing any day. Niggers are repulsive.
Yes. Not asking so I can pick on you. Genuine question because your manner of typing seems like youre new or from reddit.
Just privatize the reproduction of our species already.
>I mean the fact that you have to put in a lot of effort to even enjoy life really proves that non-existence is superior to existence.
And imagine what it's like in shit tier countries