
Hey, Argentines - if you are so desperate to have the Falklands back, why don't you come and take them. You've never tried that befo-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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Kill yourself imperial scum Falkland as well as Akrotiri and Dhekelia belong to their rightful owners

Rightful ownership?
Pic related my guy.

Why do you Brits even want them? What is the benefit?


Keep them,just like the Muslims
Keep them

>British cuck for Argentenig

Buddy London is India by now

Do you even know the history of the islands? Granted we should never have taken them but at the end of the day they've been British for about two centuries and there were only a handful of argies there in the firsts place

Other way around


Sadly, its more like pakistan.

Oil m8. It's even more valuable than potatoes.

>We wuz white people n shiiiieeeet
>Portray yourself as pic related

What did Argentina mean by this?


Sandwich Islands?




Don't you have a navy to lose?

all this thanks to the superior french technology even a jungle monkey can sink a boat with an Exocet missile

Someone should make an EU4 mod where Britain has cores on fucking everything.

>Georgios Grivas

>General Grivas

no wonder you guys won

Spanish rape children need not reply.

Except Portugal, but yes I agree. It'd be fun as fuck.

>Larping as a Spaniard

Just stop.

>Native archers
>Still BTFO'd them
Thank you, Blas de Lezo

ahahah you have no idea how based that guy was
he made his money he later used for Independence by selling commies to the Nazis


>Spanish rape children need not reply

t.Normand-Viking rape baby

7 in fact.

yes, i guess french war tech needs to be kind of idiot friendly since your entire populace are africans.

but whats worse is that they hit another 9 ships with bombs that failed to explode. bongs were really fucking clueless and got lucky, their entire fleet was hit by obsolete equipment.

thes mongrel english are witnessing the death and break up of their precious little u.k

it's hilarious

whos doing the Larping

aaawwww the good old days haa

vote tory little goy

Fun fact we have a shit load of gas in our waters but our Gov. gave it all to the EU for free :^)))

t. literally raped into existence by people who lost their home to Moors

Come back to the union.

oh mommy we need you !!!!

vote tory goy we are like you

t. Literally being raped by a country you made to house moors

Honestly Varadkar isn't the worst. Not a bad thing to have a gay PM when the notion of importing fag-hating muzzies is about.

The only reason that people know of Colombia is because of your drugs

t. Currently getting raped out of existence by lower-class rape children

Britain is only going to be remembered for their progressiveness.

And at least our demographics are exactly how we want. Enjoy your Muslim mayor in London

>Britain is only going to be remembered for their progressiveness.
How about the two World Wars? Industrial Revolution? British Empire?

>responding to banter seriously

Ah, with the amount of shitskins you're letting enter in your country that is going to be forgotten sooner or later.

Your country time is running out