If Asians are so smart, why are there so much third world shitholes in Asia?
If Asians are so smart, why are there so much third world shitholes in Asia?
Asians are not the same as asiatics
Good goy
Asians are susceptible to communism. This ruins their countries
But Australia and nu-Zealand were also colonies and they're richer than everyone else.
They also are members of the commonwealth and by extension defacto still heavily intertwined with the british economy, where places like Vietnam and Laos were just abandoned.
And America? Also was a colony, and has done quite well
Only Koreans and Japs
Asians means orientals. So real asians are Manchus, Koreans, and Japs. South Chinese, thais, flips and malays are denisovan, which causes them to be retarded like abos.
Because smart people know how to keep people in poverty
only succeeded due to slavery
black men built america
>and by extension defacto still heavily intertwined with the british economy
huh? we have more trade connections to china and america than the UK.
black men also built your cuck shed lmao
>We wuz nayshon builders n' sheeit
Seriously they need to block swede cucks off this site.
What next going to tell me its wrong not to let a refugee get some of your wife atleast once?
Brazil took 5 mill slaves from Africa.
North America took 400k.
That's why Brazil is so incredibly well built compared to USA. Faggot!
That's why Caribbean countries are such pinnacles of human achievement.
>Aussies and Kiwis
I think gallup polls count those countries as asian countries, last checked
Also, both have 10% asian population now... or more
Not all of them are, plus not all of their cultures are going to be as good as the japanese
The average asian, if you include contiental chinks, is dumb as fuck.
Japan and korea are decent, with a few outliners.
Japs have a terrible overwork culture, so they study a lot. But it is so extreme, it loops around and start looking stupid when a very prepared professional is wageslaving so hard they die with 38 years making some greedy ceo richer because of muh honor.
Chinksects do nothing but copy tech, and they suck at it. At least when the sushiniggers copy shit, they usually improve on the design. The fact that you're posting here, in this Mongolian barbecue fansite of ours, and instead of some Chink-made clone, is testament to how Jap/Jap-inspired crap is better. So yes, Nippers are vastly superior to Chinkroaches.
>what are Typhoons
>what are monsoons
Shitty climate + rainforests + far away from everywhere else.
Also this.
The average Asian cannot hold a candle to the west
you see and hear school statistics
But the one thing I don't show you or tell you is a western Country shows all the school results from every school but Asian countries only show one top tier school result
They don't tell you
Fucking IPhone
>be Brazilian
>leave house
>get shot 200 times
>child prostitutes steal your clothes from your corpse
Is a mulatto from the shithole that is Brazil really calling out other countries? Irony at its best.
>be brit
>have 1984-tier police state
>get bombed anyways
Are you genuinely retarded? These were settler colonies.
Not all Asians are equal just like not all whines are equal. For example, Portuguese, Spaniards, Italians, even Romanians are all '''white''' but are also all retarded apes. The same train of thought can be applied to Malaysia, Singapore, Philippinos and Cambodians.
I'm sorry darkey you can't win
The only time Brazil was good was when the fucking Portuguese had it
Not Singapore. Most Singaporeans are ethnic Chinese and Singapore has the highest national IQ of any country.
What the fuck are you smoking
Anything south of France,Austria and East of Poland are not true white
IQ is not a good estimate of intelligence desu
Mmmmmm maybe because fucking Singapore was a major trading hub the fucking City is a shit hole and not worth the land it on
Japanese CEOs earn a lot less relatively to CEOs in other countries.
Japanese and koreans are smart. Asians are not.
>be brit
>cant hear tv because the pakis are being too loud raping young white brutish girls next door
>put tv at maximum volume so you can watch christiano ronaldo rape your team
>suddenly hear a bang in your door
>oi mate heres the police we hear ya havent paid your tv license taxes we have to take ya with us
>get tasered by two female cops while muslims laugh at you from across the streets
>get put into police car
>suddenly hear the 5 bangs from the big ben
>its time to praise allah!
>every british men in the vicinity line up to prostate towards mecca
>british women with pakistani semen dripping from their hairy cunts quickly put on their burcas
>the queen comes dow the street and the british start chanting allahu akbar!
>kebab and potato chips flying everywhere
>suddenly an explosion blows five hundred british kids
>the oasis emerges from the dust riding a camel and singing
>but dont look back in anger
>I heard you say
>Israel is purple
kys, abo.
>SEA cucks
Decision making based on a short time is not the same of being able to create a successful life.
I doubt that's hard to understand. I know many who would be stupid in the eyes of an IQ test.
It takes time for technologies ideas and practices to diffuse throughout the world
abo BTFO
>be brit
>leave house
>get bombed by paki
>indians come in and poop in your corpse
>be British
>lose empire to a bunch of Africans with spears