>"If you take out the word 'Fascist' and put 'Catholic right wing', it's the same story. There's no difference."
Was he right, Sup Forums?
>"If you take out the word 'Fascist' and put 'Catholic right wing', it's the same story. There's no difference."
Was he right, Sup Forums?
More proof that Catholicism is based
No, since he's the cause of potentially tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people turning towards nihilistic atheism.
Congratulations Christopher, seems like he didn't learn anything from the 21st century.
Hitchens was a lifelong trotskyist shit, the only decent thing he did was get cancer.
Bowden > Peter H. > Literally anyone > Chris H.
My thoughts exactly.
Hitler wasn't Catholic.
Is dead atheist man enjoying hell I wonder?
yep, he was spot on.
Hitler embraced this weird "Positive Christianity" which was basically remove Jews from the Bible
So get rid of the Old testament (too Jewish) and minimize Jewish influence in the New Testament
Which is ultimately retarded because the story of Jesus cannot be understand unless you know he comes from the line of the Jews
That is not to say that Jesus is hurrrr durr a jew
Seemed like Hitler was just trying to gently phase it out in favor of Germanic Neo Paganism being cultivated by Himmler and the SS
Worst Hitchens
I used to enjoy watching him debate religious folks. Even his worst performances were still pretty brutal. Even being a little older now and not being anywhere near the sort of edgy anti-religious faggot I was, I still sorta miss him. He really did have a solid command of a great deal of literature that made him interesting to watch.
He totally brought the cancer on himself though. You can't smoke and drink like that for years and then get surprised when your health falls off a cliff.
Nice trips
The single most overrated lefty, he beats out Chomsky by a small margin
Faggot was just mad cause his little brother took the redpill while he was just drowning in liquor and nihilistic despair
He was an alcoholic degenerate crypto-juden.
>tfw when baptist right wing and you remember that you have no pope to call a crusade
He was a fat edgy faggot.
convert and find a latin mass
>not answering the question in the OP
>Not answering
>first word in my post was "no."
Go take a nap you halfwit.
Neither of those is a bad thing.
Fascism isn't the same thing as monarchism, which is what the Church REALLY likes. Kings and Popes, and all that.
Confirmed for only knowing fuck all. Hitchens turned on the left starting with the Yugoslav wars. The only leftist stance he held was the atheism thing. He and Chomsky were at odds for the last 15 years of his life. Please die alone.
The question was answered immediately. I don't see your answer, by the way.
>Magda Goebles
Le fedora tipping XD
The question was about the relation between Fascism and Catholicism you stupid syrupnigger.
The question was "was he right?" as you can actually scroll up and see it in the OP. Go take a nap.