We are in the Game bois..
>PM Modi backs Merkel's EU leadership as Trump scolds Germany
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Yeah, I'm sure you'll be a great military ally when Russia invades Germany
Germany + Russia = Burger BTFO
Why are Pajeets interfering in European affairs?
You're forgetting that India has Russia first policy.
Get ready face humiliation now Burger.
WW3 when?
The funny thing is that the average Russian doesn't even like ugly brown Pajeets.
Not like you would welcome any more pajeets to wire money gack home
So, it's time to find another teat to suck
Cuz now we can
ITT: buttmad paki that India wont pay for his welfare
fuck off plox
Dunno whom you're shilling here.
Bring it on. We'll turn your country into a giant skidmark.
I don't like Pakis either. You're both filthy subhuman brown shitskins that need to be genocided as far as I'm concerned. Hope you nuke each other. Also
>supporting Merkel
>fucking architect of the EU
>good thing
Fuck off Poojeet.
>obama-era video
>think putin will choose merkel over trump
Poojeets get beaten by Russians in Moscow. Russians are proud whites and don't like filthy brown shitskins.
Wont nuke each other before each anglo saxon woman has a pajeet child in the womb.
Revenge for EIC limey prick.
The heart of the people matter a lot when the heads of nations get cut off.
There will be rebel groups in every nation. I doubt your country would be able to control that.
It's not all about munitions, but we beat you there too.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Indian children. Including in Europe.
Maybe, but British women arent.
>Implying alliances are solid and not dynamic depending on who can offer you the most. Germany has no power over world order, the US does, toppling the US benefits russia.
Mate get your head out of your arse. Pajeet women go wild for British cock. We've been cucking you for so long there are millions of Anglo-British in India. Indians are some of the biggest betas on Earth, and Pajeet women love White dick.
>implying pajeet lives matter
They're animals. Even they know it.
Only time can tell, meanwhile have fun watching this, don't miss the comment section.
>Shit ankle defends the poo invasion
Big surprise. Nothing against India but you guys give new meaning to brown nosing.
British women do.
Germany + Russia = Germany BTFO as well
Russia has more everything especially after Germany's demilitarization, huge countries like the US, China and Russia should have no allies
Germany should do business and partnerships with Britain, Poland or France instead so it and others don't get sucked in or overrun
Pajeet women are ugly tho, why do I care.
But, fact is, in the UK, we are cucking your beta limp wristed socialist voting "youth".
>biggest beta
No wonder, because we dont even have to work for it in the UK.
We earn more than you, your president sucks our president's dick.
Well done. You bagged yourself a cancerous libtard. I hope she starts pushing for Mudslime, Nigger and Chinese immigration to your country and cucks your shithole out of existence.
Nobody in the US trusts germany. We have much more in common with Russia due to their Orthodox backgrounds than we do you shitskin loving self hating heathens.
Russia will side with the US. It will be WW2 all over again. And you retards will be stuck footing the bill for trying to swing your micro cocks around europe (again).
in 20 years the new superpowers will be India, United Europe and China. The US will go through what USSR > Russia did. If you're an American reading this, this is your only chance to get out. First generation Americans will be treated like dogs in the new world, but your kids might be treated fairly IF you start to assimilate immediately.
>the long con
they copy indian pop culture because most russians hate the fuck out of india, right?
such proud white men!
>British women
It seems as though its your women pushing for NIgger, Mudslime, and Chinese immigration.
Turns out you cant even compete against niggers.
Meanwhile, my people put them in their place and "oppressed them" for two millenia.
Fact: Indians in the West, to this day, are racist to niggers; can you say the same for whites?
Denmark is least cucked Western Nation, I respect you guys because atleast your parliament and Venstre has the guts to protect your ethnic identity.
lmfao. that's nice, check out Russia's top 100 most popular music. I was actually surprised to see several American artists but I don't believe I see a single street shitter artist. How can that be?!
Looks like there are plenty of Russians who actually like America too. Don't think of other nations as being of one mind. Everywhere our culture touches creates fractures in monolithic societies.
>implying we wont find a reason to bomb your utopia before then
You faggots are seriously deluisonal over in the EU aren't you ? We have 400 military bases across the world. We occupy every major country. You are already under our control. The majority of the world aside from China, Russia and India belong to us. You are ours.
Nobody in the US trusts Russia either.
>calling anyone shitskin lovers
oh am I laffin
either way too uneven partnerships don't work, neither do partnerships between two powerhungry countries like Russia or the US
>Lady Mountbatten
Friendly reminder of our based Le Pen.
Lol bullshit. There are countless stats proving White guys are the most desirable group, while Indians rank the fucking lowest, lower than even East Asians.
Not to mention you have 4 inch cocks so fucking small they had to do a mass recall of condoms in your shithole. Lmfao.
>Why are Pajeets interfering in European affairs?
Because we aren't anyone's bitch yet
>being this delusional
>not realizing Nukes exist
most american "art" is rap; so you're saying Russian women worship negro dick?
>You would work so hard to lose your virginity just to spite some user online
>implying an intellectually superior liberal won't shame you for wanting to bring another child into this OVER POPULATED AND DYING world
>implying you won't adopt a nigger because she'll leave you if you don't agree
>Give russians weapons
>This time they spawn with ammo
Sounds like a fair deal. You dumb german cunts don't stand a fucking chance against a Russia with bullets. You guys are so incredibly delusional. It's why you got shellacked during the last two fucking world wars. Hubris is in your genes just like arrogance and stupidity is in the poo on the loo's.
>Trump bombs and tries to undermine Russia's allies in the middle east
>thinking Putin would side with him over his biggest trading partner
what makes you think I'm in the EU, dumbass? I was saying Modi is the one pulling the con
At least she will not be visiting refugee camps to get fucked like your daughter.
>We have much more in common with Russia due to their Orthodox backgrounds
muh christcuck
>Russia will side with the US
my side. Russia hated us cuz we imposed sanctions against them.
In the future, please use archive.is on media renowned for shilling and clickbait.
>India should be allowed to talk about pollution
Modi probably sees a reflection of India in the EU, a government uniting an entire continent of diverse nations.
Also, the EU is a useful ally against the chinks.
Really, a non-event that the media is blowing out of proportion, as usual.
Yes, in the US, not in the UK.
In the UK, we rank #1.
That is what the infographic, which literally surveyed 3% of the UK population, proves.
It just shows you how cucked British women are that they prefer 4 inch cocks to British dick.
Daily reminder your trudeau tier viceroy got cucked by a 60 year old Indian socialist.
Daily reminder that thousands of your teens, as they turn legal, get fucked by 40 year old pajeet men every day.
You are a disgrace, cross, and you know it.
Daily reminder that the Anglo only exists to get his job stolen by the Romanian, his TV by the Nigerian, his wife by the Fenian and his daughter by the Indian.
>implying anyone ever had hope or actually cared for France, after umpteenth terrorist attack this year
You put the "shit" in "shitpost".
>You dumb german cunts don't stand a fucking chance against a Russia with bullets.
that's what I said you dumb fucking inbred redneck fuck, can't you read? Russia and the US won't fight together, they will compete against each for the liking of smaller countries like they did in Vietnam, Korea or Afghanistan
>We earn more than you
LMFAO what?!
Show me some proof of your statement. I can't seem to find it.
Actually it's pop and some soft rock bullshit. Country music has a following too. There's nicki minaj, so there's a nigger for you but I'm not sure if she has a dick.
>not realizing we just shot down an ICBM over the water
>not realizing we've had this technology since the 80s
pajeet go home
Indians dont believe in any of that liberal bullshit, if she wants to become truly mutlicultural, she will have to accept indian culture and the hatred of negroes that accompanies it. India is modern day altrightistan.
>implying pollution isn't a myth made up by the Chinese to keep Indian manufacturing in check
>Russia doesn't like the US
>Liberals mad Trump is trying to better relations
lol this thread is turning out to be a fecal gold mine.
>We hate niggers too!
Haha based!
Actually that's exactly the sort of fucking woman that would. Turns out the kind of women that fuck smelly brown shitskins in refugee camps are the ones that marry smelly brown shitskins in India. KYS Poojeet.
Dumb Indians being dumb as usual. Can't wait until we nuke you all to hell.
>Modi probably sees a reflection of India in the EU, a government uniting an entire continent of diverse nations.
>Also, the EU is a useful ally against the chinks.
I highly doubt that EU will cross the Chinese/Russians given the current state of NATO
Indians are literally the highest paid ethnic group of size in the US.
>thinking you can shoot down 300 ICBMs coming at you at once
>not realizing how missile defence tech works
>not realizing there is only a 1/3 chance of it functioning correctly
Aren't you forgetting someone burger?
LOL sure thing Pajeet. No English girl from the town I grew up ever dated a Pajeet. Niggers, yes, they have coalburners, but Pakis and Pajeets on the other hand are looked down with contempt by the white working class. You are seen as nerdy ugly brown betas or terrorists. Now POO in the LOO.
Remember Indians have flooded the EU too and they know if Nationalism rises they may be thrown out alongside the Muslims and the Africans.
Soja Bhai, sapne neend me dekh lena whi shi rhega.
But unfortunately for you the result is white's will be in minority in England soon enough.
>No English girl from the town I grew up ever dated a Pajeet. Niggers, yes, they have coalburners, but Pakis and Pajeets on the other hand are looked down with contempt by the white working class.
98% of white women wont touch an Indian or Paki. They all see you as less then men because your so short and skinny and they think you're creepy.
Turns out that is the entire population of British and Anglo Saxon women.
Since you missed it
Wrong, we actually hate them. You are accused of hating them by your women who want to secretly sleep with them.
Don't you have a cricket match to lose?
Don't worry Poojeet, we will reverse the brown tide and then expel your subhuman subcontinental brethren back home. I hope America will follow suit and get rid of you parasites too.
You're shit at graph,s shitskin. I hope they aren't vital to your job.
Whites are still the most well paid group in the USA. That graph shows in comparison to other asian groups and to the nation as a whole, which would be dragged down by niggers and spics.
Actually I thought it was 1000 military bases
Indians kill yourselves and grace the world with freedom form your existence.
This is very true.
It's because pajeets never seem to bathe. They always reek. Even those who look clean smell like shit.
Really? I guess my wife didn't get the memo.
>with freedom form your existence.
Madarse mein English nahi sikhi kya?
>nuke you all
The US and India are allies against islahmic terrorism, if you tried that your country would be finished.
>98% of white women wont touch an Indian
Your anecdotes don't disprove reality; literally 80% of your female population under the age of 25 idolizes a half paki who was in a fag boy band.
Also, I just provided stats FOR england.
But I guess denying reality works well for you.
We have flooded NZ too and nationalism will never rise there cause your only nationalist party is a shitty old person's pension party.
This is actually true in Australia; this is not so true in England. But this has more to do with the fact that Indians in Australia are the programmer type, Indians in England aren't.
it won't end well for panjeet
If we are expelled, who will fuck your women?
And your economy will collapse too, but that's a different matter.
Asians earn more than whites retard.
Fact is we earn more because we arent cucked into studying liberal arts and the herbal jew.
>Mad Cause he didn't get a h1b.
*le virgin makes autistic observations meme*
Pajeets have it pretty good here in CA, you should come check it out. I have no trouble pulling elliot, do you?
>we will reverse the brown tide
Damn, I'm sorry, I didn't realize that you were retarded.
Enjoy the work while you can. I'm not sure you'll be as valuable when the government stops paying your employer to pay you.
How are you going to do that? London is already white minority. More and more of the new babies born in england are to foreign born mothers. And in the US majority of the babies born are already not white. So the future generation of whites is already destined to be minority. Whites are just doomed.
Oh really Pajeet? When the British were in India, even your fucking royal princesses were spreading their legs for the Anglo cock. We cucked you so much we made millions of Anglo-Indians.
When you get your arranged marriage done to your fucking cousin, remember that she has a 99% chance of having had some White dick in her. Now fuck off.
You mean "India-American Government"
>tfw Best public uni system
>Tfw highest pay state
>tfw excellent public transport
But I guess my state sucks cause you can't afford to live here?
>Implying the babies born to White mothers in London are white
You're still irrelevant, Pajeet.
Germany will never disclose the secret of affordable indoor plumbing to India.
>let's side with mudslimes XDDDD
There is a difference between this and what Biden does.
You posted sources from a shitty site that no one has ever heard of. Ask any Brit, they will back me up, Pajeet men are shat on by everyone, including by Pajeet women. Even the biggest sluts think of Pajeets as nerdy ugly brown shitskins. That One Direction faggot is only popular because he plays in a band with other White guys, if it was some all wog band no one would give a shit.
germany and russia... yeah i am sure the russians will def. trust you guys again. they already have a bad muslim province, why would they want two?
germany is a shitshow now. lose our number when your women are being liberated by the russians again. (if there are any left, achmed)
C'mon pajeet, you're no schlomo and you know it.
>Best public uni system
>public uni system
Literally a brainwashing center. That's not something respectable.
>highest pay state
Also not worth it since everything is way too fucking expensive. I can get a better house than you and pay a quarter of the price.
>public transport
Completely worthless. I own a car. I'm not going to ride with niggers or leave my life in another's hands.
You keep spouting WE WUZ KEKOLDERS n shieet when in reality, in the *current year* it is the Indians cucking the Brits.
Why do I care about your unfounded claims, when it is common knowledge that a good amount of "anglo indians" descend from English mothers rather than the other way around?
Take for instance, the majority of Anglo Indians in Bollywood. They are all the result of Indian dad + Your women.
Our Independence fighter guy, who I absolutely despise, Nehru, cucked a British admiral who was a complete chad of his wife, and he was literally a fucking grandpa.
Face it, Anglet Cuckson, your women are the ones getting fucked by us, every statistic, historical incidence, and even your last fucking viceroy confirm this.
Funny, isn't it?
That you used to colonize us, now it's us doing the colonizing.
>When you are 1% of the population and 4% of the Senate, 5% of the House, 10% of the "1%" and 15% of the Sillicon Valley CEOs.
buy toliets, not tanks pajeet
>I wonder what your Intentions are here, you guys always frighten me.
>Indian poos
Kek. They're two different kinds of cancer, autist. Know your enemy.
Two of the EU countries are about to have Pajeet Prime Ministers. How irrelevant.