Can someone explain to me why Jews hate us, and want to destroy and erase all memory of us? When did this come about? After Christ?
Why Do Jews Hate Whites/Europeans So Much?
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Post original aussie bantz
lurk more faggot.
Have yet to see it.
It comes from their evil traditions (Talmud) which they place above the word of God (Torah). Jesus condemned them for their evil traditions saying they "made void the word of God" and they killed Him for it, but not before He told them they were Satan's children and would not escape damnation (John 8:44).
Since then God has taken Israel from the Jews and given it to the Arabs, and only by murdering 100,000,000 White Christians and making countless deals with Satan have the demon Jews succeeded in taking it back.
Jews are not like you or I.
They are profoundly different.
So if whites were all Buddhists, they wouldn't hate us?
Jews hate Christ. They are His murderers and the Bible clearly says this in 1 Thessalonians 2:15-16.
Jews hate Christ but they are also threatened by the power of the White race which God loves and chose to guard His church for 1,500 years following the death of His Son.
>he makes it everyday
God hates the Jews.
This makes me hate Jews more.
Try this on for size.
Jews associate the destruction of Christians with the return of their demonic antichrist "messiah"
>Why Do Jews Hate Whites/Europeans So Much?
It's not hatred as much as it is *envy*.
The Jews envy whites : how whites look, what whites can do, and most of all the land whites control.
So while the Jews tell themselves their God loves them best, every day they look out at the world and see that God actually loves white people more.
And like an enraged 4-year-old they envy what whites have and hate them for having it...because God's love for white people proves everything the Jews want to believe about themselves is a lie.
"The Jew is the lie that became flesh." -Joseph Goebbels.
>I wish for this war to end so we can finally free your people
Really made me think
Jews have a bloodlust that was implanted in them from the moment they lusted for Christ's innocent blood.
Pilate said "I wash my hands of the blood of this just person!"
This is known as the Blood Curse.
They're an odd ethny that hates everybody other than themselves. They hit on a bretty gud evolutionary strategy of extreme ethnocentrism + breeding for high verbal IQ (proved through mastery of religious texts). They use it to move in to others' societies and exploit the hell out of 'em through lying. It's just what they do. Polar bears hunt seals, mosquitoes suck blood, and Jews infiltrate and subvert the institutions of the goyim.
Obviously if you're not a Jew they're bad news the same way herpes is bad except for the herpes virus.
The only reason to tell a person (or a people) not to do something is because *they are likely to do that thing*.
The God of the Hebrews understood Jews well enough to make "Thou Shalt Not Covet" one of the Jews' "Ten Commandments."
The Jews' hatred of others is an expression of their covetousness.
Jews don't hate the irish or white people really. Like rich/smart jews in new york marry wasps more often that other jews, and obnoxious/pugnacious jews in new york marry Irish more often than other jews.
Jews are just parochial and tribal, and part of their retarded tribal identity is brainless leftism. WASPS on the other hand, turned into trash after WWI. And Irish are basically niggers. I"m not even trying to be a jerk about that; a musical parochial race of idiotic superstitious manlets.
God blessed christians with the greatest countries the world has ever known.
Jews get no country
Muslims countries are shit holes
is it rickrollin?
>Jews are just parochial and tribal, and part of their retarded tribal identity is brainless leftism. WASPS on the other hand, turned into trash after WWI. And Irish are basically niggers. I"m not even trying to be a jerk about that; a musical parochial race of idiotic superstitious manlets.
Explain why the jews are controlling the banks then? Doesn't sound very leftist to me, but maybe that's just me
>rich/smart jews in new york marry wasps more often that other jews
But like Kushner marrying Ivanka Trump (or Jews marrying the daughters of Clinton and Putin), that's genetic introgression - an attempt to insert one's genes into the dominant culture.
How frequently do rich/smart Jews marry races of *lower* socio-economic power?
even the jewish bankers are leftist
There is some supposed Talmudic tradition that states concentration of all worldly goods in Jewish hands as one of the conditions for the arrival of their Messianic Age, with Jews collectively becoming their own messiah. It's some weird shit and indeed not leftist, but the motivations stated for backing fraudulent "charities" and the like will often be.
Perhaps the foremost way Jews strategically lie is when they falsely impute guilt, especially hereditary guilt--cuz it lasts! The early Jews imputed guilt for imaginary crimes to the Egyptians. 1st century Christian Jews imputed guilt for imaginary crimes to the normal Jews. 20th century Jews imputed guilt for imaginary crimes to the Germans.
This is simple biological parasitism translated into human "philosophical" language. Morality regulates in-group social relations and serves an evolutionary end: the tribe does not destroy itself. To make this work psychologically, guilt-feelings must be introduced. The Jewish parasite exploits this feature of properly in-group behavior regulation by painting its targets as "sinners," with the victims typically being Jews themselves. This puts the host in a subordinate position--he must always pay back the Jews or their opportunistically chosen allies (think blacks, Mexicans, LGBTQ@&P%, etc.)
The lie of Jewish victimhood has the added effect of strengthening their ingroup loyalty. The Jewish elite are nihilists who own their will to power but the average Jew really does believe himself to be part of a group perennially besieged for no reason. In multiethnic societies, Jews use propaganda to spread Judaized consciousness to ally groups like those mentioned above.
Christianity is a snare for whites because it preaches moral universalism. It is just as possible to do wrong to a Jew as to anyone else. But in Judaism the goyim are animals and you can treat them how you wish provided you do not provoke backlash against Jews.
If Whites are to survive the current cultural attack by Jews, we must learn from them and put our own interests ahead of an imaginary "objective morality." Nature knows one law: the strong proliferate and the weak perish. And as long as we are playing by a different set of rules, we are weak.
tl;dr GTKRWN
P.S. Read Kevin MacDonald
>Doesn't sound very leftist to me
That's because Leftist-Communism isn't intended to be a system of equality. It's a way for the outsiders - the Jews - to prey upon of the compassion of the target cultures and suddenly make themselves equal partners in the society.
They do not do this with the best interests of the victim populations in mind.
they either fear europeans or it's some meme prophecy that has to come to fruition. Remember, the most advanced level jew bows to a rabbi
>the most advanced level jew bows to a rabbi
Rabbis are just G-d's lawyers.
They are possessed by Babylon , visuals and logic
No. They take in a few elite nonJews but not enough to dilute the Jewish gene pool significantly. They are trying not to inject their genes pointlessly into a vastly larger host population but to harvest a few good gentile genes for their own. The Jewish gene pool is rife with diseases caused by inbreeding as they have always been obsessed with racial purity (see MacDonald, A People That Shall Dwell Alone, ch. 2 & 3). They need a little fresh blood, but they make sure it's high quality. Jewish parents and rabbis are notorious for pressuring their kids to marry other Jews.
I have no doubt that they have more problems with their sons going shikse-crazy and their liberal daughters getting BLACKED now than before but marrying out the MAJORITY of the time? Hell no.
The jews try to blame the world for there problems they brought this upon themselves for crucifying jesus and then steal land from Palestine wonder why they are such enemys
Madagascar plan
They Abandon that plan.
Because they aren't "true Hebrews". Caucasians are the true Hebrews and the "Jews" you see now are no more than converted (Khazar's).
> Hebrews were taken captive by Assyria
> When released, it was near the Caucus mountains.
> White people are literally called "Caucasians" because we immigrated from there before we made our way to Europe.
> There are now campaigns funded by the "Jews" that promote not calling ourselves Caucasians anymore because they don't want us to discover our identity.
> The bible mentions a time called "The Time Of Jacobs Trouble". It quite literally mentions about "mixing with other people" and "serving other Gods".
> All of this is hand in hand with the anti-white rhetoric building world wide.
> Enjoy knowing you're one of Gods true chosen people that he's blessed for all these years.
because jews are butthurt that their shitty village in israel got btfo by roman empire
>this shit again
Fuck off with your superstition, liar.