Sup Forums btfo

how can Sup Forums recover

we can't
eternally btfo
shut it down goys it's over

Get a job, dumbass

FUCK that's a lot of effort to go to just to bait us.

I thought one of the major tenets of shitposting was not putting effort in.

>pozzfeed pissing in an ocean of piss that is Sup Forums

It is
When you try too hard, your own butthurt bleeds through.

Job, girlfriend, house, great circle of friends
I'm happy to be interviewed just to prove them wrong

Sup Forums BTFO everyone on Sup Forums committed suicide out of shame now it's just us shills left.

I feel like it just proves how much we got inside the heads of buzz feed. This just proves how massively we have baited them into creating an acted video for us.

damn we got ROASTED by henry and ashly

good job guys i dunno if we'll ever recover

False. I have a crippling ANIME addiction and poor social skills. Get it right, retards.

i mean look at this paragon of masculinity. the chiseled jaw, the complete lack of adipose abdominal tissue, the V shaped torso

how can we ever compete?

Also, when was the last time anyone on Sup Forums unironically said "Lulz"? It's like they went on ED for a quick rundown of Sup Forums and just went with what they read. Who even takes Buzzfeed seriously at this point?

Is that the devil is a part-timer?

>Who even takes Buzzfeed seriously at this point?

Betas and cucks. In other words your typical liberals.

>tfw I'm successful and my wife just found out she's expecting this week.

Pretty sure thats proof that i crush puss

Am I the only one that thought it was good? Like it's kinda a shit move to be making fun of people like that but I enjoyed it. Didn't like their incorrect usage of terms and overuse of lulz but I mean if I suspend my autism for a bit...

i still unironically use "lulz."

should I stop?


The final 30 secs with the overview of the city brought a tear to my eye.
Pressing F for all those anons who stepped into the world with good intentions but got chewed up and spat out.

>Sup Forums
>not btfo

you may pick only one

wtf I love pop culture now

I don't consider the fact that I visit a website as a large part of my personality, so I don't give a shit.

Yes. Lucifer a cute. A CUTE!

>before Sup Forums : just did my own thing
>after Sup Forums : just did my own thing but with gigs of reaction iamges

Well boys
its been fun.
foiled by buzzfeed again

Since Cuckfeed is enabling it, I'd say yes.

Clearly time to an hero. It just cuts so deep, so very deep.

shhh, no more tears...

Very redpill bro

Literally getting paid to be real life 'hurr durr I was just pretending to be retarded'-tier mongoloids. I mean what have they achieved? I'm not gonna watch their trash video, they aren't getting any ad revenue off me. I'll have forgotten about this piece of shit in like ten minutes, these dumb jews need to kill themselves.


I don't really see what's wrong with the video though. I mean, it's not wrong; I'm sure many of us have had similar experiences that have undoubtedly shaped the way we perceive the world around us.

If nothing else, the video just made me feel for the guy.

They beat us at our own game! Our own fucking game!! Our will has been shattered. We have been officially beaten. This will go down as an L. I am so sore right now. I still cannot believe that Sup Forums was defeated by pop culture normies. This is soul crushing. Lulz. Just lulz

Dat Google prediction

damn, i broke down crying
i think im done for sorry guys


>Sup Forums is one person

My friend started taking acid a lot and then decided that all of humanity is the same person reincarnated

>tfw you're literally hitler

the absolute madpersxns, they actually did it holy fuk

HOW can we even COMPETE with this level of mem


Just watched first minute or so.

>implying people on Sup Forums are ever that courteous to each other.

We just got le memed. No one's lulz-ing now

>even buzzfeed bullied us
also buzzfeedfags. WE know you're here. Put I'm in your article

damn cuckfeed wins again

So buzzfeed is making fun of itself basically BTFO

>saves roastie from getting hit by car
this documentary is shit

Ok, so snide comments aside.

What was even the point of this video?

10 seconds in
>dude is fapping to anime in workplace
>dude knows he is getting bullied and does not close the fucking door
I fucking hate this faggot
pause video, let the second hand embarrasement go away
>dude unironically ask for advice on women on Sup Forums from all places
>dude unironically ask for advice on women on Sup Forums from all places when he's 24

>yfw the liberals are the ones doing all the actual bullying

Are they really trying to pass this off as bait?
Who exactly is this video directed at? It reeks of normalfags failing to understand why so many men are being drawn towards hedonism.

Also there's already a thread about this. Use the fucking catalog.

you too huh?

I simply can't recover from this

saging in shame

An attempt to attack our masculinity; a very roundabout way of coming back to that same old insult "lol virgin nerd". It's really all they have

welp shit they got us, wrap it up everyone, time to kill myselves

This shit made me laugh so hard

Yeah I learned a couple years ago when I held a door open for a persxn

Sup Forums is dying. Even fucking buzzfeed was able to get under our skins. Fuck this. You can't deny that this made you feel even a little scared on the inside. (I'm a paid shill tying to provoke desu)

Honestly, I didn't even know this video was created, oh well

Fuck off cuntflap. We is plenty courteous n shit.

Really it's all just psychological projection

>Implying that people that browse Sup Forums have an interest in 3d girls

It's like they didn't even do their research

What does lulz mean again?

>An attempt to attack our masculinity; a very roundabout way of coming back to that same old insult "lol virgin nerd". It's really all they have

Well, it fails miserably at that and doesn't seem to realise that Sup Forums users mock each other for this same pathetic state of being.

>Are they really trying to pass this off as bait?
They're doing it as "bait" and not as an actuall jab at reality in case it backfires (like it did, you can you just check the fb comments on that post).

>w-we we're just b-baiting you1!
>we weren't s-serious!!


nice try buzzfeed. this wont magically turn south africa around or make racism and sexism incorrect

It's what the Geriatrics say instead of 'kek'

>2017 - Journalists don't do any work. Just sit on Sup Forums watching people shit post.

We have already won.

>three years ago sister dies on mothers day
>make casual post on imgur, a site she loved
>get told she deserved to die
>make post on Sup Forums because now I'm even sadder
>flood of support and condolences
if you arent a faggot or brown this place is actually full of nice people

It's a discipline that only comes with years of shitposting.

The ability to not REEEEEEE is about reaching another level of consciousness

>Know Your Meme


TOTALLY agree with this video. And it's always white men. Like, White bois sit inside and play video games, watch anime, and never exercise. I stopped dating white guys when my ex boyfriend was beat up after talking shit to a black guy to come off as alpha or something. When he was beaten and started crying, i just lost respect for him. How can i respect a white man if he can't even protect me? Black guys have swag, they can dance, they can rap, and they know how to have fun. I got tired of my ex bf trying to get me to watch anime. Grow up you white boi-children.

haha tyrone is the better option ladies ;)

>Sup Forums btfo thread
>know your meme
>people actually taking the bait

>I got tired of my ex bf trying to get me to watch anime.

What if we all made accounts on 4 chan and just posted a boatload of gay porn?

I thought it was well-made. But plenty of people on the chins have jobs (the FBI agents and ShareBlue, certainly) and would NEVER tell anyone to spend any money on a girl to try and make her attracted to you

That's pretty much what I imagined he would look like


But I'm just doing research

this. i was with my white ex-bf in town the other month when i saw a tall handsome black man swagger up to us and start break dancing right in front of me and aggressively thrusting his pelvis in my direction. needless to say i got on my knees and started sucking the ape off then and there in full view of passing shoppers. the look on my boyfriend's face was priceless. he later killed himself and i am currently pregnant with Jerome's baby.

>we care
Don't worry Buzzfeed, you kikes will face the day of the rope soon enough.
>the awkward virgins are just one many hackers named Sup Forums
>Dylann was also hacker named Sup Forums
>Kike propagandists are No.1 every conservatives hate list.

Does ED still relevant?

Well played Buzzfeed , well played indeed

You shill cucks will never understand pepe and my maymays. You can keep attacking our #based e-celebs but you never TRUMP the feels of kekistan! (I'm from T_d and being provoked)

>youtube thumbnail as a reaction pic

You're either born Australian or you're not.

I'm from buzzfeed - get rekt trumplets XD u mad?

No, and that's what'd make it all the worse/better.

The correct plural is goyim you putz.

Jokes on them, i've been called that my whole life.
That name calling just roles off me like piss on a non-stick frying pan.


>current year +1
>playing vidya

>we made a strawman video, look at how great we are!
Who is this supposed to impress or bother?

I thought you typed "buttload" instead of boatload. I was gonna ask if the measurement of a buttload would change since it was comprised of gay porn.

>A gay ass cuck and a Mexican talk shit about Sup Forums while using terms like beta, cuck, and lulz

Wew lads we're done

It's like they're trying to turn Sup Forums into reddit. Problem is we don't give a fuck. reddit, 9gag, tumblr, or buzzfeed they're all the same shit. KnowYourMeme is cancer. If there's people in here who cares much then they clearly should go back to plebbit.

kys niggershit subhuman

>claims they are inclusive
>claims they are progressive
>pulls this shit
every time. every time the liberals prove they are the hateful, evil, degenerate and destructive scum that they are.

This. I might be a NEET but at least I don't give a fuck