‘Game-changer for autism’: 100-year-old drug reverses symptoms, study finds
>Drug literally cures your autism
How can this place survive when we all chad fucking qt3.145's???
‘Game-changer for autism’: 100-year-old drug reverses symptoms, study finds
>Drug literally cures your autism
How can this place survive when we all chad fucking qt3.145's???
Alleviate symptoms, not cure.
It will stop retards from hitting themselves but they'll still be fucking retards.
My autistic friend is almost normal when he smokes weed. Only thing that really gives it away is his laugh. This man is 32 yet has the personality of a 15yro most the time. Though he's also a master electrician.
Does it cure social anxiety? Asking for a friend.
I'll be your friend user. XD
This is the main constituents of the drug
derived form a plant
How does it sound?
not quite, but perhaps in the future
Thats a step forward atleast
sorry wrong article
here: en.wikipedia.org
Is it LSD?
Autism was the true redpill.
Well Sup Forums, it was a good run
>they'll still be fucking retards
No bro
Autistic as fuck. Like 50x launder than needed.
You guys realise jews are actually advancing autism? They will shut this down and tie up loose ends.
Mother has a friend with an autistic kid, I met the kid, she's retarded.
76/100 of all autists are retarded. Autism is not putting all your points wrong on a rpg stat chart but a true deficience.
Yes. Contrary to memes, most autists aren't geniuses with social difficulties. They're actually pretty fucking retarded.
The real game-changer will be when we discover a drug that intensifies autism 10,000 times
>inb4 minecraft
>Suramin is a medication used to treat African sleeping sickness
LOL I'm not touching a nigger drug.
Holy shit. This is discrimination against autists. We have rights too and people should not be taking away our special personality features. This can only stigmatize us further. Shit like this makes me so mad.
>mfw everyone now becomes a based liberal
>not 3.141
>fidget spinners are the cure
>autism is one disorder
I want normalfags to shut up about things they don't understand. I don't need to read the article to know it's wrong and garbage.
>inb4s minecraft
>doesn't inb4 Sonic the Hedgehog
wew lad
Pretty sure fidget spinners just identify it, or cause it. Complete opposite of a cure or preventitive measure.
Sheeeeeeiit nigga
holy shit
>The mechanism of action for suramin is unclear, however, it is thought that parasites are able to selectively uptake suramin via receptor-mediated endocytosis of drug that is bound to low-density lipoproteins and to a lesser extent, other serum proteins.[12]:1437–1438 Once inside parasites, suramin combines with proteins, especially trypanosomal glycolytic enzymes to inhibit energy metabolism.[14]
If you want to see some crazy shit about how a new and much more effective probiotic can make a big difference for autism:
Virtually all autism kids have fucked GI tracts, probably from being born by a mother that took too many antibioitics.
Parasites cause autism now?
are we all just parasited
fucking kek
or is autism a parasite?
>reverses symptoms
Parasites have lots of effects, virtually everybody has parasites at a very small level, but they can frequently get out of control and cause a lot of downstream problems.
The key thing to remember about the body is literally everything is connected to everythign else.
So yes, parasitic overload due to compromised gut microbiome certainly cause developmental delays.
shoo shoo syrup jew
>Sup Forums has its days counted
>consequences will never be the same
>also a master electrician
Fucking high-functioning autists
Single-handedly keeping the weebshit and my little pony industries alive
nah, if anything the jews will realize it's autism that is their main weakness, and will push this drug
Also parasites can mean anythign from tiny single cell microorganisms, to tape worms that can grow up to several feet long.
Even in 1st world countries you can still have a pretty serious overrun of tiny parasites. Death by a thousand cuts.
For example, salad greens that get imported from China and sold here as "organic" are commonly fertiilized with animal byproducts (like pork guts) and cause a lot of parasitic problem that used to only happen in 3rd world countries.
You can have normal social life, but have to give up your super powers. Quite a pickle.
I have a fucked GI track and hints of le autism xD, wat do?
Probiotics and something to fuck the parasites?
They realized the power of weaponized autism and are trying to stop it. should we all just take it and give in or keep fighting?
He was a huge Beiber fan too until he met his BBC boyfriend.
> autistic redneck farm boy and his black disabled veteran have attended many Trump ralies and fucking love the man
Literally can t make this up
Discontinuous earth helps me.
Autism specialist here...
Diacotomous earth
Autism is a way of life. Negative symptoms can be worked out over time.
>Alleviate symptoms
Another pill that will be prescribed to millions of kids along with their Ritalin.
Maybe he's, like, not autistic.
INTPs will carry on regardless
There's a difference between autism and social anxiety? Am I fucking retarded or have I just been fed misinformation my whole life?
i wonder what i would think of this website after taking that pill
is that the blue pill
I have Autism. I may be a fucking retard but at least I'm not a liberal.
Weed helps me open up and actually have a laugh with people, I don't understand why it isn't given to people with anti social disorders.
Getting really tired of doing this shit.
>I don't understand why it isn't given to people with anti social disorders.
That's rhetorical, right?
Do I just start eating dirt? Do you have any places to buy it online in pill shape or whatever it is you take?
>Kikes are combating weaponized autism
Well played, very timely.
Yes. People with social anxiety can still communicate coherently and empathize. People with autism can't empathize or communicate properly.
Too strange to believe.
>I don't understand why it isn't given to people with anti social disorders.
probably because you aren't qualified to understand with your anecdotal evidence. Weed has different effects on different people.
I also have anecdotal evidence. From my experience, in the long term, weed tends to isolate you (me) from others. You feel just fine staying home alone, smoking weed and watching series or playing video games.
Test is on Chris-Chan immediately, I want to see the results.
with that flag, i find it hard to believe your not touching anything african
What if they start forcing shots I dont want to lose my super power!
You start enjoy being bored.
>you aren't qualified
Okay smartass, I wasn't trying to act like I was in this first place.
It will end up like that movie lawnmower man. Be very careful. God hindered autists for a reason. He suppressed their social abilities because they are fucking evil.
Honestly I don't know what to think about it. Would it feel better to not be autistic?
I actually have autism and I just want to be normal. Hopefully one day there will be a cure before I inevitably blow my brains out.
>getting laid
>actually talking to others
>not fucking off
Sounds like heaven.
Hope this works, my brother has low functioning autism and is fucking unbearable
we're going to have autism addicts now
Your days are numbered /poo/tards...
Maybe because you act autistic when you smoke weed and he seems normal to you.
>Hippy vegans buy organic vegetables
>"Stop animal suffering by eating vegetables!"
>Their food was fertilized by slaughtered animals
K e k
Watch the price of suramin increase 8000%.
Take THAT niggers with African river blindness.
>Game-changer for autism’: 100-year-old drug reverses symptoms, study finds
yeah, it's called weed and alcohol...it cures autism, drink up losers.
OK Norway, read this, basically fucked GI will cause all sorts of issues. And sometimes, GI is made more fucked from other issues liek parasites, or heavy metals.
Read this to get an overview:
You don't need to buy his "program", just read more about leaky gut on Google and do a couple things. It's been 8 months and I've gone from having serious lethargy and energy to much better:
1. Change your diet. Basically, you can try and find out every little food you're sensitive to currently, or you can just take the path that works fro 80% of people. Cut out foods with gluten (all bread, a lot of sauces, etc), remove dairy products, and sugar is also pretty damn bad.
2. Take a few supplements. L-glutamine is the biggest one. Eating some mixed greens (like a baby spinach/sping lettuce mix) kinda sucks but also helps a lot, they are extremely nutrient dense depiste having 0 calories.
3. Go to sleep on time every day. This sounds like retard advice but it does make a huge difference. When I stay up to 2-3 I am fucked for a while. Now I can wake up and function fine witohut any coffee. Infact reduce or take out coffee as well, it's not healthy to be wired regularly.
Basically once you un-fuck your GI, then you can see about his probiotics. It may take 4-8 months.
I used to get severe anxiety and upset stomach right as each meal time came around, inf act it was pretty awful, worrying about what if I miss a meal, will I die? Was really dumb. After 3 months that went away.
My sister's fiance cut out just gluten and his constant sinusitis went away and he doesn't need his inhaler half as much.
There is a lot of bullshit out there but trust me this stuff is legit. It takes discipline and perisitence but just like lifting weights, you'll start to see results and it keeps paying off.
I started taking armodafinil.
Holy shit what a game changer. I go to magic and pokemon tournaments and have enough mental focus and power to play well and shoot the shit. I do retarded voices and use catch phrases. Serious face assholes hate it, most folks think it's funny.
I used to take caffeine pills for the same effect but this is better. Just start emulating culture and making references you know are funny to other people and you will be happier.
Thanks bro, checked.
I am actually trying out a lot of this on my own, don't do caffeine, dairy, sugar and trying to mix up my diet to get away from gluten.
The sleep part and supplement part I will do too. Sometimes this is so bad I have no energy, really annoying too since it seems this is sort of "fringe" stuff that the doctors I've seen just laugh at.
It's too late for me. I want a second chance god dammit.
I'm willing to all this... The caffeine though, that's the fuel my body runs on... Quite a pickle.
*strokes nonexistant beard wistfully.
>Can cause rapid or irregular heartbeat, delirium, panic, psychosis, and heart failure
> prescription needed
Got anything similar that I can get legally and without prescription?
Let's see if the dose price stays at 27 USD
>Suramin causes a fair number of side effects. Common side effects include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, skin tingling, and weakness. Sore palms of the hands and soles of the feet, trouble seeing, fever, and abdominal pain may also occur. Severe side effects may include low blood pressure, decreased level of consciousness, kidney problems, and low blood cell levels. It is unclear if it is safe when breastfeeding.