..in safeguarding their upcoming election
kek, US is just one big joke now.
..in safeguarding their upcoming election
kek, US is just one big joke now.
Well Europe, it was fun while it lasted.
Drumpf BTFO.
And we care why?
You're the nigger who posts here regularly, aren't you?
They can't even safeguard their own elections.
nigga, it's because trump is in office.
the krauts need to prepare to be curb stomped by the u.s. and u.k. for a 3rd time
Remember when the left hated the CIA and know they want to have them "protecting" an election?
Is this like European intelligence agencies threatening to stop sharing information with American intelligence agencies about the terrorist currently in and bombing Europe?
>Europe is just one big joke now.
Why should the US throw money and people at NATO to keep out the Russian hordes from over running your country and raping your women when you're throwing open the welcome mat to Muslim men invaders of military age?
Sadly the US can no longer be trusted. You will be left out in the dark.
They want to make sure they can rig the election.
Because we offered the help
Holy shit, American posts really are the worst.
Canada, you're ok now.
I mean ur right but still get fucked you Fucking toothpaste motherfucker
Right. It's the US that can't be trusted. It certainly can't be that Germany is, once again, trying to seize power any way that it can.
Starting to think the biggest jew is ol' Conniving Fritz.
Yep, people here will just laugh at liberals while the whole world loses what little trust they had in us left.
Should the time ever come that we are the ones that need help with something, we are going to be told to take a hike.
People can't see the big picture in this. Trump has done more damage in a few months than Obama did in 8 years when strictly looking at foreign relations.
and this is coming from netherlands, the worst posters in recent memory. come at me again with that bullshit
Good. About time we get rid off the yankees. I hope Trump keeps making the USA weaker, so that we can shine
Germany is facing a election season.
Trump is deeply unpopular in Germany. Thus the government does not want to be seen as friendly.
In all serious, american isolation would not be a awful thing. Then germany would have to pay for defense.
>Trump has done more damage in a few months than Obama did in 8 years when strictly looking at foreign relations.
Is this a joke? Trump has absolutely reaffirmed American interests in the Middle East for one. Also he has taken on China in a way that has not been seen in a long time.
Europe is creeping more and more toward socialism and the EU leaders and Merkel are just bootyblasted because Trump won't sign on with the Paris Agreement, aka a statist power grab of the free market
Europe will prevail
>actual polish in mexico
It's embarrassing the way the left are arse-licking the "intelligence community" now.
BND is a fucking CIA branch office and has been since the Gehlen days, this is just another part of the IC's war on Trump.
I love how our hero Trump is fucking over the country and us Canadians are just sitting on our sofa's laughing as the show goes
Yea, I'm sure scratching an empty airfield in Syria because your family member gave you teary eyes is reaffirming our interests.
Meanwhile we hand over yet another sack full of cash to Israel because they do exactly nothing for us.
Oh, and after handing over that sack full of cash to Israel, which does NOTHING for us at all in any way, they shit on Germany which actually is one of the few paying members of Nato relative to their size.
Great consistency. Even Obama wasn't this retarded.
You are daft as fuck.
>People can't see the big picture in this. Trump has done more damage in a few months than Obama did in 8 years when strictly looking at foreign relations.
Except that's actually the opposite of the case. The reality of the situation is that we don't NEED a good relationship with Europe because they are dependent on us. Merkel and say whatever stupid shit she wants about "not being able to count on us," it's still our bases and our men which are defending Europe's borders, and if that dumb bitch or Junker actually think they're going to get ANY of their remaining allies to pitch in to their gay EU army, she's got another thing coming.
>huu huu b-but the Czechs and the Dutch just integrated some brigades
OH NO, THE DREADED CZECH ARMY, Well now the New Wehrmact is just fucking invincible isn't it?
What matters in our foreign policy is simple: China, Russia, Israel and Saudi Arabia. Nothing else matters. Trump handled that part perfectly, he snubbed the Israelis just enough to make the Saudis suspect he's up to something, he gave the Saudis a gift (probably in exchange for them ceasing their interference in Syria, which is obviously working because ISIS and Al-Nusra are getting BTFO hard, to say nothing of the joke that is the Post-Obama FSA) and he's given the Russians leave to continue nuking the proxy-army while showing that he isn't a pushover. The UK might be grumbling a bit but ultimately they know they're still on our side because we're the only ones still on theirs.
This has all gone well. Germany and France don't matter. They actually anti-matter. It would be best if we simply abandoned the EU in its entirety and allowed it to collapse. Putin wouldn't even have to invade, he could just build up troops visibly until the EU choked itself to death as member states argue over their individual contributions.
>Except that's actually the opposite of the case. The reality of the situation is that we don't NEED a good relationship with Europe because they are dependent on us
American education, everyone.
So basically they want to rig it without the Trump administration noticing. Looks like you're fucked german bros, more globalism on the menu.
Well, yeah, they intend to rig it in favor of Merkel, obviously they don't want outside observers.
You don't understand what's going on here at all. Israel and the Saudis are cumdrinkers, but we aren't funding them for no reason. The relationship in the Middle East is important because our retarded financial system, which is run by jews, is utterly dependent on the petrodollar.
But the fact remains that whatever gifts we give them, the proxy war in Syria is visibly failing, and Iran is stronger than ever before. So what's the problem? The policy in the ME seems to have shifted from "cause as much chaos as possible" to "let it sort itself out for a few years," which is the best it's been since the 1980s. We might even stop sanctioning some of them soon.
It is a factual statement. The EU is on its way out. They have chosen repeatedly to destroy themselves. They are not going to take actual serious actual against us--why exactly do we care about them?
user is right
and do it right because the US intelligence services NSA/CIA did a bum job of rigging their own election
>having so little culture you need to refer to marketing.
This is something I noticed in your comedy shows too, there is so much jokes about products and celebrities, its like you have nothing else going on there. Sad.
>Trump has done more damage in a few months than Obama did in 8 years when strictly looking at foreign relations.
Obama won a peace prize for merely being a nigger, despite starting more military actions than George W. Bush, all of them unauthorized.
The opinions of European globalists are worthless. Being stuck in entangling alliances and draining interventionism is of no benefit to the American people, time for isolationism and nativism.
That's not incorrect. Europe is fucked without our protection.
The thing is that we carry the unfortunate distinction of being both a) sacred (tribe of Ashkenas who marched on Babylon to free them) and b) the archenemy (tribe of Amalek, who are to be exterminated although "one of them always will survive" because they defended their water supply from the Israelites) in the Jewish religion. The resultant interaction is that Jews throughout history have traditionally disguised themselves as us ("Ashkenazi" even means "German" although it originally means "They who labor in the Earth") to outsiders who would not know the distinction and so been able to amass completely disproportional influence over the centuries, most recently by getting all your nukes aimed at us permanently for eighty years.
Tl;dr: It really isn't us. We're hostages at best.
Russia is going to steamroll Europe. Lol, those fuckers are EXTREMELY shortsided. Fuck the shitskin empire europeons have become.
It's true though, you (and we) live under the US nuclear umbrella, Uk and France's meme deterrents notwithstanding.
Most of Nato would be in crisis if they had to fund themselves without the US component.
let alone the US nukes.
It sad but true that we need each other ...sadly.
Oh no, France and the UK will have to use their nukes this time. Oy Vey!
As far as I know, the Americans Import far more from Europe's countries than the US exports to the EU.
really it would be Europe's loss if north America fucked off to their own vices.
You are literally 49% white, while we are still 91%.
Fuck off.
Nice knowing you germany.
Germany was probably looking gorward to this, now they and their EU buddies can rig the election even easier
german elections are manipulated
100% niggers of europe and still looking for ways to nig harder
Lmao, USA has become such a joke in meesely 4 months
Well done
Obvious Russian collusion and trump is still in office.
What a joke
when are you leaving
You're a fucking idiot
Is this a serious post?
Is this guy serious?
Yes, because US intelligence is known for being completely trustworthy and not arming terrorists at all.
>German intelligence
Why are you even so mad??
You wanted American isolation, that's why you voted for trump, right? That's what he campaigned on.
Now you get it and you're all like "Germany must be stomped REEEEEEE"
You drumptards are a joke
Lead, rake etc. pp
That's ok, human rights observers from the US would be confused by the fact that you require ID.
Nice try, Hans. U just Got BTFO
And that you actually have rights to observe, lol
>Merkel basically saying that the next election will be rigged by not allowing witnesses
I like you too, canada :3 I will come visit this autumn!
>the world's biggest election manipulator
>BTFO "safeguarding" another country's elections
The EU is a dying beast. It knows it is losing the trade war with the US vis-a-vis China. It is irrelevant militarily, its states are eroding from the inside, and in coming decades it will become more and more irrelevant from a trade perspective. The EU leadership is clearly at a loss for what to do, and their peoples are aimless and without purpose. Moves like this only demonstrate how inept their leadership is and how completely unprepared they are for what is to come.
I fear for the future of Europe.
Nancy-boy just had to turn it into a MUH RUSSIANS didn't she.
Germany NO
There are witnesses (they are called observers) etc. from the independent oecd. Who btw criticised Germany harshly two cycles ago, so no, there are not Merkel shills.
As always.
Why would you even want a foreign nation (and not an independent body) to safeguard your elections, dumbo?
American elections are the worst when it comes to upholding standards (voter registration, no id, double votes etc.) they are third world tier tb h.
they demonstrated last election that they can't even safeguard their own.
Our nigger growth rate is flat. You'll literally be totally displaced by muslims within 3 generations
So basically Angela Merkel doesn't want anyone to look at her bullshit election?
>You will be left out in the dark.
You realize that the US *is* the dark.
We spend so much money and effort to curate intelligence, that any country that tries to take a high road and not work with the US does so at *their* own peril.
There's little that you can tell us that we can't find out on our own.
>the eu is a dying beast
>now more powerful than ever before because trump keeps fucking his and the usa's collective shit up like daily like clockwork
Fuck off we're full.
Totally not true, go read up on the issues in a real book and not breitbart.
not really a good argument is it lad.
america went from 90% to 60% in decades or a century, the EU is trying to get europe to 60% in less than a few years
The oecd as always will look at the election.
Probably every European nation will send observers as well.
Does th USA safeguard your elections?
Probably not
Am I the only one who hates american posters? They're the most obnoxious, deluded and insecure group of people on this site. Just take a look at the levels of delusion going on in EU discussion threads, like this guy They'll grasp at every single straw to defend their dying empire's reputation and will proceed to aggressively insult every single country on Earth in a display of insecurity. Pathetic to be honest.
It's wafer thin!
Me too, bro, me too.
Numbers tell a very different story. EU must adapt or it will lose against China and USA. At this point, it's only a matter of time.
>No proof or evidence russia was involved
>Dead DNC staffer had the emails, not Russia.
>Russia's just a trigger word now and the first thing to blame
>Liberals trying to start a war with peaceful Russia
He won because of all the "Hillary will win in a landslide" propaganda. People didn't bother to go out and vote for her. Who the fucks gonna stand in a line and vote fro someone who's gonna win like 400 electoral votes anyways right?
Meanwhile everones saying donalds not gonna win any of the big states, or anything at all. Despite having some of the biggest rallys in history, people refuse to believe he could win. So tons of people went out to vote for him. That is literally it. There's no russia, there's no collusion, the media and politicians just made everyone feel super confident in Hillary cuz libtard democrats are stupid.
>muh video game score
>thinks he's playing Civilization
Drink bleach, neoliberal leech.
merkel riggs elections, doesnt want dolan glumpf to find out, go figure
The eu and Germany just strengthened their ties to china and India. Do you even read the news?
It's the US which will lose. Bigly! Sad!
Nice conspiracy theories there m8.
Next you will probably,y tell me pastagate was totally real and not in your mind etc. pp.
Good. Accelerate the decline
Surprising. This would have let them go for the double rig play, proving that the US, on behalf of their Russian puppet masters, hacked the election causing Markell to only get 97.9% of the vote
Are Europoors finally going to start paying for their own shit instead of being limp-wristed niggers expecting free handouts from the USA?
>kek, US is just one big joke now.
No shit, we have niggers and spics making it look a thirworld shithole. Kikewood and everything else that shits up america
What are you even talking about?
You don't understand NATO and how it works, right?
just like your President.
Nah brah, we do not need them. If we were ever attacked the most Europe could do would be to provide moral support. If they were ever attacked it would be us fighting the war, not them. No use having allies that would not even be able to assist you in defending their own asses!
I imagine not, but I dunno why anybody would consider it offensive for them not to do so. Why should they have to babysit my election? or anyones for that matter?
How is this drumpf btfo?
Because powerful people and institutions can't be trusted, ever, at all.