Those LotR meme are fantastic but why are we not using their very own movie? J.K Rowling will be on suicide watch after this.
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Death eaters of peace.
good point
Is there any instance in the books where death eaters or voldemort followers help out after an attack or an incident? Could be used comparing it to the whole "muslim taxi drivers and doctors" after the Manchester attacks.
Yes ... YEEEES
Defending the Ministry of Magic?
I can only think of the Malfoys, who basically double crossed Voldemort at the last minute because they were more concerned about each others' well being.
allah hu akbar
Draco Malfoy
This is a stupid meme, Dumbledore agreed to have Snape work with him even though Snape had been a death eater for over a decade, Malfoys turned on Voldemort near the end, and quite a bunch of deatheaters where found to be under the effects of the Imperius Curse and were being forced to be Death Eaters. Also, Regulus Black was a Death Eater who destroyed one of Voldemorts Horcruxes.
Knowing that much about fucking Harry Potter.
>kill yourself now.
Fixed ur meme
Great, the left loves Harry Potter!
back to >>>/reddit/
yeesssssshhhhh bump
If you are going to make harry potter memes you should look at book 5 because it deals with a corrupt government covering up the rise of an imminent threat
Do not apply malice where you can apply incompetence first
work in progress
Yes! make that w-bitch shudder - sully those bastards
>the majority of them is
>them is
The death eater spell thingy sign in the sky is basically Allahu Akbar
You might have noticed that english is not my first language. Fix it - post it - make Rowling cry.
Remember that no one believed Voldemort was back until the Ministry got blown up
Wouldn't Star Wars make more sense?
Star Wars isn't integral to their childhood like HP is
actual adults have never seen this kiddy bullshit
I feel like these memes will ultimately be ineffective because liberals aren't going to correlate muslims with death eaters
In their head canon they don't know about the (((economic immigrants))) and they are just a big doe-eyed group equally composed of children, women and men just trying to escape certain agonizing death
This is epic.. We need to make this a thing.
How long do you think it'll take till she's gone?
lotr memes were great for red pilling the normies. hp will only piss off lefties, that being said, It'll be great
It might just get J.K. off of twitter.
Aka it would stop her from influencing little kids about politics.
Back in the Great Meme War, I made one that said, "Wizards don't need to carry wands, that's what the dementors are for."
Can't we make one about the amount of Dementors being placed around Hogwarts and police on the streets?
>americans in charge of english
Majority is the subject of the sentence, not "them", and majority is a singular you illiterate mongoloid
We must get rid of the muggles.
>can't we