/pg/ PHILIPPINES GENERAL: it's almost ogre


>AFP CLAIMS THEY HAVE ALMOST ALL OF MARAWI UNDER CONTROL with exceptions of small pockets where jihadists are believed to be hiding. They hope to finish the siege in 3 days
>65 terrorists reported killed, 20 soldiers and police killed, and 19 civilians killed, all by jihadists themselves
>Marawi siege apparently being a huge plan originally intended for Ramadan to show to the islamic world that Maute is a worthy ISIS branch in terms of fighting
>one hostage confirmed beheaded
>14 hostages manages to flee thanks to diversion from air strikes. One sadly drowned. F
>Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters rumored to be participating in the fights
>entire media is more concerned over a rape remark by Duterte in a speech than martial law and the jihadist situation combined
>Marawi resident was posting in the previous thread with some intel (stay safe bro)
>foreigners among slain terrorists

Quick Rundown:

This Declaration is likely due to the attacks made by the ISIS affiliate "Maute Group" attacks on Marawi this May 23




Video of air strikes

RT Video of damages

Maute propaganda video

News report with new footage and heavy fighting including APCs firing

RT Video


Other urls found in this thread:


Additional Info:
> Some background information about the conflict:


> New video release from the terror scum

> Older videos from the start of the attack:

> twitter.com/Rita_Katz
Search for "Philippines", "Mindanao" or "Marawi" to get some insight of the recent activity from groups who pledged their alliance to ISIS.

latest news report


Talks about the Mapandi bridge which is a crucial tactical asset to fight Maute as it connects the entire AFP controlled part with the center of the city where the remaining hideouts of Maute allegedly lays. It's hard to take it because snipers are positioned around it, and there could also be an IED rigged to it.

Maute has also 'beheaded' a statue of National Hero Jose P. Rizal


Short video explaining the entire situation



Maute propaganda video of kidnapped priest forced to tell Duterte to comply with Maute demands or there may be consequences for the rest of the hostages

>“Mr. President, we are in the midst of war,” Fr. Teresito “Chito” Suganob said in a video that has been circulating on Facebook. “We are asking for your help. Please give us what your enemies are asking for. They are not asking for anything, just withdraw your forces away from Lanao del Sur and Marawi City. Stop the air strikes, stop the air attacks, stop the cannons.”

>“We do not ask for anything. We just ask you to leave this place peacefully,” Suganob said, standing in front of some destroyed buildings. Gunfire could also be heard while he was talking.

>“Do not use violence, your enemies are ready to die for their religion,” he said.

>"We want to live another day, we want to live another month," Suganob said, standing in front of debris and partially burned buildings. Directing his remarks to Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, he said, "We want to live few years and in your generosity, Mr. President, in your heart, we know you can make something (happen)."
>"Along with us are about 200 carpenters, household helpers, children and youth, and ordinary Christian settlers," he said. The presence of that number of hostages could not be independently confirmed.

"I pray for the safety of all the hostages. I appeal to the consciences of the hostage takers not to harm the innocent as the Islamic faith teaches. I appeal to religious leaders of Islam to influence the hostage takers to release the hostages unharmed," Cotabato Archbishop Orlando Cardinal Quevedo said in an interview with the Church-run Radio Veritas.


I ordered this tshirt btw

teespring com/kill-your-local-drug-dealer#pid=369&cid=6513&sid=front


2 Abu bandits killed in Sulu encounter

>Two Abu Sayyaf bandits were killed while one soldier was slightly wounded after a gun battle broke out between the bandits and security forces in Talipao, Sulu Monday evening.
>Brigadier General Cirilito Sobejana, commander of Joint Task Force Sulu, said government troops received information from a civilian that some Abu Sayyaf bandits were seen in the village of Mabahay in the town of Talipao with three Indonesian hostages.
>However, government forces were met with heavy gunfire from the bandits led by sub leader Sibih Pisih. The firefight lasted for more than 10 minutes, which left two bandits killed and one soldier wounded.
>The military also recovered an M4 rifle left by the bandits in the encounter site.


Media reports picture depicts civilians rounded up before being executed by death squads as part of martial law


Only muslims are awake at 6 in SEA bro


>Zamboanga siege took like a month to end
>Marawi clash is over in a couple of weeks

One siege was under a president so low on test that his hair started falling off.
The other one is under defacto emperor of Asia

Even with well armed snipers all around, they still manage to reclaim it much better


I'm certain isis/ maute miscalculated a little back when they gathered the sea terrorists in mindanao
Duterte voters comes mostly from there and there is some rallying effect of citizens against maute
They would be a lot more successful with an out of touch left president not caring about that island

this sounds more right

Mutate one is still not finish
Also less rebels

Considering the less amount of rvesl plus martial law they should have finished them in 3days.

Now there are talks of asking the NPA and MILF for help to combat them

D30 is based

It's not just for Marawi
It's for entire Mindanao as a whole, use it to destroy crumbling ASG once and for all while also tracking down remaining Maute fighters and BIFF members.

If NPA will not comply, add them to the list too. It's long overdue to take all of these out for once

Why is this not all over tv news? No spin?

Some new stuff

Check the OPAFP CLAIMS THEY HAVE ALMOST ALL OF MARAWI UNDER CONTROL with exceptions of small pockets where jihadists are believed to be hiding. They hope to finish the siege in 3 days
>65 terrorists reported killed, 20 soldiers and police killed, and 19 civilians killed, all by jihadists themselves
>Marawi siege apparently being a huge plan originally intended for Ramadan to show to the islamic world that Maute is a worthy ISIS branch in terms of fighting
>one hostage confirmed beheaded
>14 hostages manages to flee thanks to diversion from air strikes. One sadly drowned. F
>Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters rumored to be participating in the fights
>entire media is more concerned over a rape remark by Duterte in a speech than martial law and the jihadist situation combined
>Marawi resident was posting in the previous thread with some intel (stay safe bro) →
>foreigners among slain terrorists

last bump


ISIS uprising?
Send in Duterte.

oh yeah, you're right

Last bump from me for now. See whoever stops by in 8 hours

he's already there

MSM is not talking about it on TV for some reason

City of 200000 overrun by goatfuckers, including some from abroad, and the army was sent in to kick them out.

There were even airstrikes

They cared bout his rape jokes but not the situation in maraw. That's for sure.

holy shit this is nice

lmao I love this guy
N-no homo


she legal?

>Philippines gen

I hope they gutted the terrorist fucks

>Syria gen
>almost no syrian

Maute group is cornerred now because they're using their hostages as their last resort.

They even recorded a priest to tell the president to stop the siege and think of the hostages lives.

Unfortunately for him the people in social media ain't buying it. Kek.

will duterte give free helicopter ride to the captured terrorist ?

Cowards to the end.

Always. Come here and we could talk about the price.

No fucking clue but a hunting a course will be a more reasonable approach.

> kick terrorist out of the vehicle
> let him run a bit
> hunt him down like a deer.
> tell the media he tried to escape.
> human rights tries to investigate the situation.
> inadvertedly made them look bad in the eyes of the people.

Happened here last time. I assume it'll happen again with the higher ranking members.

What country are the foreigners from? Genuinely curious.

Thanks Norway user for feeding this to us, I've been following this since the first threads.

South east asian. From Singapore, malaysia and indonsia so pretty much our neighbors.
youtube.com/watch?v=nEy9NDcjj5Y here's the video.

i fucking love this country

the terrorists are called MILF


My family told me a bunch of them were from Iraq and flew in to train, pre-434 bombing.


youtube.com/watch?v=BXa2i8tLiDM here's the video of that incident, kek.

Zamboanga has led a hard life.

Most middle eastern extremists that's here are pretty much "scholars" per se. they don't fight in an actual combat, instead they radicalized people in the muslim areas in Mindanao. That is what's going on here for quite a while.

That's fuckin awesome. No wonder the juden run media are so riled up over this madman.

Nice. You guys ever want to call a general crusade just let me know - I dig how you roll.

There's apparently a bunch of fighters from farther countries there as well, from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Chechnya, Yemen, Indian, Morocco, and Turkey.


>these niggahs thought it would be a walk in the park but got buttfucked instead

Who was Jose Rizal?

burning of muslims when? i feel like doging is a snap away from doing this.

National hero.

your language is weird
pls no i dindu nuffin i'm a gud boy

They didn't anticipate your President being a fucking operator did they.

Power to Duterte and the Philippines, show the rest of us how it's done.

Kekerinos. They also thought jungle warfare is like a boy's scout camping.

I think the peaceful muslims are asking for this cleansing themselves. When the flips up norht are crying over the martial law affecting mindanao. Mindanaoans are telling them to fuck off and shut their mouth. Same thing happened on the lower house when the house speaker told the governors outside of Mindanao to shut their mouth because this is none of their business.

A lot of us here are very happy with the decision of the president. Almost the same level of happiness when Erap declared an all-out war in Mindanao back in 1990's

I feel bad for you guys that the past admins deliberately ignored you to the point that it needs a city to be evacuated to fix the situation.

Has there been a rumor of narco politicians disappearing in the dead of the night recently?

islamic state of indonesia and singapore when?

after maute NPA should be next many people are sick of these bandits.

Are those jihadis or the army?

Looks like the catholic militia farmers who'll burn extremists to the ground.


How much did you understand from it?


only the english part

Bump for some Dinakdakan.

This Duterte guy looks like somebody worth fighting for, almost makes me want to get on plane and help


He's got our backs

MILF are backstabbers.

According to western journalists rape jokes are more dangeous than ISIS terrorists trying to establish a caliphate.


Heard on the news that there were 3 Malaysian terrorists killed in the fight this morning. But Singapore?
