Come home white man

>Eurasia is experiencing a high degree of instability and destabilization. However, this instability will not be felt in the Western Hemisphere, particularly in South America. The regional shift to center-right politics that started in 2016 will continue in 2017 but will no longer be the defining geopolitical event for South America. Domestic economic performances will instead take center stage in the region, which is known for its production and export of raw materials and commodities. South America’s two largest economies – Brazil and Argentina – will be in a position to resume a leading role in economic and political matters, especially at the regional level.

>Brazil’s economy will finally end two years of deep recession and return to modest GDP growth. The country is buffered from the export crisis thanks to its low level of exports as a percent of GDP (13 percent), a large domestic market and a positive economic outlook for the U.S. and Argentina, Brazil’s second and third largest trading partners, respectively. In Argentina, the economic reforms put in place by the government of President Mauricio Macri will start benefiting the economy in 2017. The economy will show signs of normalization such as inflation rates multiple points lower than years past, freer trade flows due to less domestic regulation and less government subsidies.

Other urls found in this thread:

>The most notable political event in the region will be the political crisis in Venezuela. The political gridlock that lasted throughout 2016 will end in 2017. There will be a transformation of the government and the administration of President Nicolás Maduro in its current form will not survive 2017. The opposition now has the ability to call upon tens of thousands of demonstrators across the country on a regular basis. If the dialogue between the government and the opposition fails, the opposition will be forced to take even more drastic social and political measures in 2017. Food and medical shortages show no signs of improving. The government only had $11.75 billion in international reserves as of Nov. 30 – after starting the year with $16.33 billion – and already has sold off much of its gold reserves. international institutions are adding pressure by threatening suspension. Simply put, the 2016 status quo is unsustainable and the breaking point will arrive in 2017.

>The remaining countries in the region will experience economic growth but lower than pre-2008 levels. Chile, Ecuador and Venezuela will remain the most vulnerable to the export crisis due to higher reliance on exports as a percent of GDP and the large role commodities (specifically copper and oil) play in their economies.

Please BLEACH the fuck out of us, we're Catholic and right-wing. The rest of South America isn't as much of a bitch to the US so they need not apply.

plz free venezuela

if only we could
If Venezuela hasn't undergone total crisis it's because the US doesn't really care, and we aren't strong enough to meddle with them yet.
Maybe the US will attack the opposition whenever it stabilizes the country in order to continue the present state of affairs.

Pls stop with the come to south america white people meme

Don't worry, here we come once again.

The Confederados is an ethnic group in Brazil descended from some 10,000 Confederates who immigrated, chiefly to the area of the city of São Paulo, from the South after the American Civil War. Although many eventually returned to the United States, some remained and descendants of Confederados can be found in many cities throughout Brazil.

>the Mexico of Europe
yeah nah
England actually colonized the place, you never wanted to live here
fuck you dad



but drumpf loves beautiful venezuelan babies
this, fuck whitey
too bad they're generally libtards

>England actually colonized the place, you never wanted to live here

We have like 5 cities founded by Spaniards. The rest were founded by Germans, Dutch, one Brit, and the few criollos who decided it was worth a try.


>fuck whitey
are you pic related

>5 cities founded by Spaniards
what lazy moors

Switch to German and maybe we'll invest.

Huh, didn't know that. I guess we're a huge fail when it comes to colonizing. Whatever. At least, we are the only country in Europe not being reversed colonized.

You could have been great here. Goddammit Spain.
We could have been first world.

Fuck off Catholics. Your birthrate is too high and the death of the Catholic church freed western society.

>Your birthrate is too high
Isn't that just what Europe needs though :^)

Nice try, Goldshekelstein.

>Your birthrate is too high
We wish.
Aside of Brazil, no other country population is over 50M

Sorry, Spain suffers from shitty rulers since Isabel I died. Honestly at this point I'm convinced this country will disappear unless the 80000th coup happens.


enjoy starving

hey guys do you want to joins us again? we can be friends

>death of the Catholic church freed western society
this, we can all just embrace islam into our progressive multiculti societies now

>be third-world spic
>join third-world moor


come here papi españa
july 20th worst day of my life

Your colonisation was awful. Fuck off.

>mixing with natives

How are property rights over there? One of my good friends is Colombian and wants to move back in 5 or so years with 200k USD. He wants to buy a farm. My question is will he get fucked by poor property rights?

Step. 1 get rid of Catholics
Step. 2 Make all the niggers live in the Amazon
Step. 3 Establish jewish communities in Coastal areas for advanced trade agreements
Step. 4 Go to war with South Africa to kill off your low IQ population and rev up military industrial complex
Step. 5 Ex-Pats with strong nationalistic sensibilities build and manage crucial infrastructure for first world to emerge.

You better move to the country and buy yourself a bat laddie.

>The most notable political event in the region will be the political crisis in Venezuela. The political gridlock that lasted throughout 2016 will end in 2017. There will be a transformation of the government and the administration of President Nicolás Maduro in its current form will not survive 2017. The opposition now has the ability to call upon tens of thousands of demonstrators across the country on a regular basis. If the dialogue between the government and the opposition fails, the opposition will be forced to take even more drastic social and political measures in 2017.

Source of this (((report))) and date, please?

no. it needs less muzzies.

ans it definitely doesn't need low iq catholic vermin running around.

delete this

>Establish jewish communities
I want to say they're good but clearly I have no idea if this is an issue. I've seen people buy farms and work with them though. The only issue with a farm is that there's so much shit to do that you can't have one as a side property, because you can't even hire competent people who won't scam you. In that sense, just working and buying real estate to rent is better.

I'd only move there with an army of my own people and we would keep to ourselves and speak only english.

Considering you're an actual monkey, I'll explain it to you why we weren't like the brits.
The areas Spain conquered had a very high population density, killing millions of natives with technology from the XVIth Century was fucking impossible.


Try being protestant you shit skins.
Tea drinking reserved and civilized protestants.
Dress like proper men
Stop allowing your women to behave like whores
Don't use violence as punishment, if you have a nice community to live in the fear or ostracization will be enough to maintain social order


I heard Antofagasta is basically Colombian, is that true?

seriusly though an union between spain portugal and all southamerica like commonwealth would make us really stronk

Why didn't the spaniards bring some women to breed with them in the new world? Did them really need to fuck natives? I do not think so.

The conquistadores were a bunch of horny pirates.

we wuz stronk

this, lets get progressive

t. cucktestant

>did they


>instability will not be felt in the Western Hemisphere, particularly in South America
Really, user? REALLY?
You say this when Venezuela is almost on civil war, and Brazil is walking into having another impeached president in two years? When Macri is an incompetent and nobody cares about the rest of South America? Chile is alright I guess tho.

Guess why protestant countries are not white, they have no sense of traditions and they almost are as emotionless inhuman bastards as the Chinese. There's a reason why Bavaria is the best region in Germany.

yes, that's why they get for stealing it from bolivia, even tho it's not colombian but more caleña since everyone there is form cali

No but it has a lot of illegals for a small city. They'll get deported to their jungle when we elect Piñera again (he is leading the polls)

Oh but we have ((((protestants)))) in Brazil!

>joining spics

Absolutely haram
this is a walk in the park next to the bs on every other continent, fuck even flips had a city overrun by ISIS recently
And Maduro is going down, see paragraph 3

you should take english classes you fucking c*lombian subhuman

Always use on media renowned for shilling and clickbait.

I can't wait for a right-wing government to take over the progressive Santos and start kicking Venezuelans as well.
Too bad we are the most evil country in the continent though. We need a purge.

Cortez just conquered, he did not do ethnic cleansing.

actually thats kinda true, i think thats why spanish colonization wasnt that good, we didnt actually brought that much people from spain

We are just giving our culture away. You are free to try some, only catch is you that your national average IQ has to be over 100 for it to be effective.

you know dad

hahaha culture? you call a mix of some zionist politics with no inner heritage and only 200 years old, culture?

That's also true. People preferred to stay at Iberia. Maybe because it was recently 100% reconquered.

Your warrior leader was more of a pussy than these people.

Only South American countries worth immigrating to are Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay.

>implying someone would voluntarily adopt this shit
Not even the brits wanted this cancer in their country.

was thinking of moving to the falklands and going onto the mainland periodically to find a waifu.

would Argies cut my spleen open like a dog in the street?

i call the internet that you are currently using culture

does it need to come with a song and dance shitskin?

>would Argies cut my spleen open like a dog in the street?
only if they're mad and need to blame someone for their mistakes


hahahaha if you call inventing a network that uses devices culture let me laugh at you, internet helps spreading culture, but internet at itself its a tool even a monger can use

Brazil's main cultural influence on this world is trannies

THIS, the Spaniards were the worst colonial power ever. Can't even settle a decent city, made every colony hate each other, made a casta system that with time will only create hate amoung the population, had the biggest portion of land in all the new continent, still went bankrupt.
If it wasn't for the small pox the aztecs would kill all the filthy iberians, stole their ships and guns. And invade spain.
If only the germans were in iberia or kill the baguette's fast enough and became a colonial power.

no bc you're white

>tfw even brazilian "men" are more attractive than american "girls"
And we're goddamn proud of our trannies.

ok who of you sudacas, wants to get bleached by spaniard cock ?

yah. because i dont see the world through the lens of some tribal backward ass spaniard.

ever heard of internet culture? The americans created it.

>bleached by spaniard

>spaniard cock
What a funny joke my mouro amigo

come on chile, 80% of your population are pardos, been there.

Anons, Why do you these saved in your computers?

we already have enough mulatos over, here if we wanted shitskins we would't need you.

Your trannies are still shitskins. But you should be proud of them. Their existence is the only proof that Brazil isn't as shit tier as some soccer playing retarded African nation.


I was looking for a scort last month. Samara Oliveira 10/10

Posts liek dis war why Brazil will always be a shithole

You're going to hell faggot

Can't go to hell if you already live there.

fuck off guys really dont get it, noone wants you, get off our lands

>south america
fuck nope

Fuck no, if you dont bring malvinas up nobody is gonna mess with you and probably gonna get alot of puss with being a foreigner and all
Unless you hang around peronistas
And there is always a high chance of getting mugged

Yet another I am white cause I am from southern brazil lol my grandpappy was a german nazi thread

been wanting to go to argentina, can you get killed easily in argentina ? I'm used to walking outside at night at 1 am here in spain.

Who isnt a peronist in Argentina?

actually back that time carlos first was the emperor of the sacro germanic empire, so i guess germany was ruled by the spanish empired

hahahaha believing internet culture is northamerican heritage kek