Why are lefties such weaklings?

why are lefties such weaklings?

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who would win in a fist fight des_tiny or disk nips legate?


strong men can provide for themselves, the weak want what others have/make for themselves

/thread that's it

>factually destroys every Sup Forumstard he debates


I think its hilarious u kids talking about destiny. u wouldnt say this stuff to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol

yeah but what if we punched him in the face

>if i shout "dawg" loud enough i win the argument
ok faggot
pffffff haahahahh

>alt-right fat fedora hentai-jerking neckbeard
>punching anybody

ok loser.

I'll have you know I can crush your testicles between my massive hunk shoulder-blades

>why are lefties such weaklings?

> lefties weaklings

White male is master

Strong people don't need the government to provide for them, they provide for the government.

This is a natural phenomenon. Weak people are inevitably those who gravitate towards the welfare state and ideas of social justice, not because they actually believe it is right, but because it benefits them.

Strong men, men of will (which results in physical fitness) do not want to be parasitized by these people, so they advocate against it.

That is the Left/Right dichotomy in a nutshell.


Leftist ideology attracts life's losers. They're lacking in power economically, physically, mentally, sexually, etc. "Equality" is the only way for them to gain power over the powerful. Their objective is to make greed and ambition taboo, and make the peasant into a saint.

Since they're weak as an individual, they need to collectivize into political movements to gain control of the various political, religious, and cultural power structures.

This dynamic between the powerful/powerless has been around since civilization began.



At least he went out in public and could have potentially been in an altercation with someone who disagreed with him.

*Blocks your path and denies the holocaust*

>bullied at school


is he actually a midget in real life?

The actual /thread. Go pick your teeth up out of the Berkeley gutter.

sure, destiny.

>and mentally ill

Because they are lefties. Do you see the pattern?

Weaklings tend to go to that side.

Lol the guy with the beard and the guy with the helmet could probably both throw your skinny ass across that grassy area.

>post an inbred trailer park hick from Alabama

>says the lefty cuck


Because right wing people implicitly know all life is competition and struggle.
>Be leftist
>Weak and ignored by women
>Know your life will be tough
>You are mediocre
>Join the lemmings for protection.

>why are lefties such weaklings?

are you a moslem yet? you can convert to islam right this very minute. why aren't you a moslem?


SNAP. U savge bruh

Hey Dubzz, Korea's fires more missles. Where's Trump and /fit/ military?

I dunno, man. I think that maybe there are some strong leftists, and some weak rightists. Both sides are sorta cherry picking here.

Look at all those strong pure aryans! ...but seriously, they're too stupid to even eat right, hit the weights, and take up MMA.

Pathetic. I'm so fucking glad I'm not dumb enough to actually believe in white nationalism. It's all about class and social standing.

British poster fucking destroying over here.

There are far more losers on the right wing than left. The left is build on struggle (Communism)


desu senpai im right-wing and I'm as gentle as small and harmless as a flower

Of course leftist faggots are weak. You wouldn't want to circumvent the natural heirarchical order of society if you held a decent position within it.

I think putting all your beliefs into skin color is the most retarded thing you could do in modern society.

No shit. Most of you are.


Kim looks like he hasn't struggled for a meal in his life. Can't say the same for the peasantry.

>n-not real socialism

>No shit. Most of you are.
science disagrees with you lefty faggot

I'm cute though, but right-wingers are more attractive than left-wingers on average

>race is skin color

>tfw too intelligent to fight for the success of those genetically similar to me and thus increase the prevalence of my genes in future generations

This is the only biologically verifiable purpose to life outside of having children and raising them well.

>kills 50 million innocent farmers
>starve the rest to death

If you find Cheeto-stained hands on a fatass neckbeard attractive.

That's rich coming from the side that advocates religion

because they only eat Starbucks coffee and vegetals.

The white race is far too degraded. Endless degeneracy, gluttony, outright stupidity, and a disdain for higher education are ubiquitous among white people.

What we need is a society and a new nation that only takes the very best of all races, and kicks out anyone who doesn't add value to that society. There are literally not enough white people of value to make any country work anymore.

Look at the alt-right/neo-nazis etc...Most are either tradesmen or NEETs. They can't handle any of the higher functions necessary to run a society. If they had their own country everyone would be living in the dark in shacks, but the plumbing would work.

This is correct.
Leftist meme is invented around drawing in all the bums and losers, attracting them by promising them a slice of the pie.
It's a confidence trick, they never get more than a crumb but the leaders who speil the mumbo jumbo get the power they craved.
It can become cult like, and you can see that in Britains Labour leader ultracuck Jeremy butter my bottom Corbyn.

i'm not religious and you haven't refute any of the articles that I have posted you commie faggot!


so youre saying tgat the birthof america and its equal rights were from weak white little dicks gathering together?

>White race is to degraded.
It's only maintained by constant exposure to the MSM meme or human nature would reassert norms.
Greed, human desire, is used against us by the (((satanic))) globalist octopus.

They are not allowed. The last thing they want to be associated with is toxic masculinity.

Hierarchy, strength, inequality
Egalitarian, collectivist, misanthropic

different people choose different ideologies.


It literally does not matter how degenerate the white race is, if you are white it is your evolutionary mandate to ensure the success of the race and do all that you can it can thrive and white population and wealth can increase. If you bleleove the white race to be on a degenerate unsustainable path it is your job to do all that you can in order to right that.

These ideas are the natural consequences of the theory of evolution, your life has no purpose other than to propagate your genes and the genes of these similar to you as much as you can. If you are white, then white people will be the most similar to you and it is your job to ensure their success.

Apologies for spelling, phoneposting rn


You don't need that many high-IQ people to run a country effectively. Low-IQ people have a place in society, as does religion.
On the other hand, a group of all high-IQ people rarely accomplish anything, as all of its members believe that physical labor is 'below them'. They might come up with good plans for solving problems, but they'll never act on them.
You need both to have a prosperous country. Whites have enough high-IQ people as it is to build a new society if it wanted. Mixing races will fail, as whoever isn't in the leading race will always have a split loyalty.

They're born with child bodies obviously


You want to know why every white countries has tens of millions of non whites? The truth is harsh but simple: Greedy European white men wanted cheap labor. That is it. That is the exact reason South Africa has fallen. Those people were allowed in to work in the white's mines and on their farms and they used Apartheid to stretch the system until it shattered. Every country has done this and every country continues to support this as do the majority of white business owners. It's why they hate nepotism so much; the notion of paying a fair wage to someone of your tribe, rather than paying some illegal 1/3rd the wage fills them with rage.

Then white men shouldn't have flooded into the trades exclusively. They should have made the investment to have their own mass media and news organizations. Instead they RAN from the competition and now all white people absorb is degenerate trash. AGAIN, this is the fault of white men.

>Globalist Octopus
More memes. White men have traded positions of power for comfort. We controlled every aspect of our societies up until about 150 years ago. Then white men decided that higher education and a lifetime of work was too hard. Why work more than 40 hours a week when you can just be a tradie with a house, a Camaro, and a boat.

Show some fucking personal responsibility. The whole "Jew" thing is a stupid fucking meme. Jews are outnumbered 350 to 1. This mess is because white men stopped acting like men and doing their fucking duties.

come over here then you fat prick and fight me

It's cool that he has medium-sized arms but I'll stick with my noodle arms and my six figure salary.

>there are people who think this guy is attractive
I'll never understand it.

They eat toxic food and consume (((media))) all day.

>It literally does not matter how degenerate the white race is

Yes. It does. 99.99999% of the white race is trash including the alt-right. I'll give you one example: the alt-right virtue-signals endlessly about trade jobs. It's the dumbest fucking idea EVER. The problem with white societies has nothing to with blue collar work. It is exclusively white collar industries that have ZERO white representation, and that is where the problems lay. Banking, mass media, education, mainstream news etc...That is where the work needs to be done.

And are white men going to make any effort to fish those messes? Of course not. There is literally zero energy being put into righting those sinking ships. Instead, white men want comfy 40 hour a week jobs in the trades, tons of free time, and endless fucking bullshit hobbies.

And when I point this out, you know what happens? More virtue-signaling and endless autism and screeching about how I'm a shill/Jew/globalist whatever.

No. The white race WANTS to fail. No one is willing to fight these battles, and white men certainly will not listen to reason. I'll be damned if I'm out there crusading by myself.

The elite and those who want to be elite, need to build a society separate from everyone else and rule over the writhing masses of lazy, degenerate scum with an iron fist and the boot.

Whites have nearly zero representation in nearly every important powerful industry today. White men have flooded into trades, become NEETs, or are worker-bees for the elite. The balance is skewed dramatically and white men have no intent on fixing this. As a result, white culture and white countries WILL FAIL.

I've tried to convince white men otherwise, but as you can see in this thread, none of you will listen.

The future is one you all chose.

>Why are weaklings always leftist?
Chicken and the egg

Oh how shocking...The post about personal responsibility gets completely ignored.

Just like poltards

to much shit to read faggot

Yeah like your stupid NEET ass has important shit to do

I loved to see Dawson and Lowtestiny have a chat.

I don't think you are getting the point, I'm not making the case that the white race is inherently better than any other. I'm saying that if you are white you must ensure a good future for the race, as this ties into your evolutionary purpose of fighting for.yourself and those genetically similar to you.

lel. Go watch his debate with Jim.

kikes want white men to be weak effeminate numale faggots because it makes white genocide easier. Liberalism is just an extension of the kike agenda, thus lefties all being numale faggots.

>left winger presents fact and logic to the table
lol nawt gunna reed, jezuz and guns amirite?

it's cringe and it's boring

Unless of course you are nonwhite, in which case we will never come to agreement due to the fundamental nature of our situations, and one of our peoples will eventually wipe out the other.

It's been scientifically proven that right-wingers are physically superior to liberals

>Physically strong men are more likely to hold right wing political views

>Conservatives really are better looking, research says

In conclusion: strong men and hot women are Republicans, weak men and ugly women are Democrats. It's scientifically proven and even liberal news outlets admit that,

Please archive sources with a reputation for trash journalism and clickbait. Thank you.


>i fucking lost: the post

Go jack off to hentai loser.

what facts and what logic you fucking retard? it was all bullshit rhetoric and garbage

Blonde women are smarter than non-blonde women. Black haired women were at the bottom.

When the autism hits


They are lefties because they are weaklings

Alex Jones was right again.




Why are Sup Forumsacks so emotionally unstable?


>weak Lefty pic related

Your salary working for some chad like him. Evil right-wing billionaires you're always crying about, remember?

>look up my ex
>she's dating some faggot, looks like OP's pic, competitive gamer manager
>nigga is filthy rich and taking my ex all over the globe with him

I spent ten years slaving away in the game industry to end up broke and have my girl stolen by some scrawny bitch who made a million off kids playing a game I helped create

Something is seriously fucking wrong with this picture

They did. Dawson pounded his face in.

Holy fuck she looks just like me, and I'm a guy

This is a shop, right?