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Are the best

They are not hidding it anymore.


go on....

the pope they've got right now is a satanist

It's a statue of the Resurrection you dunce.


getting good warhammer vibes from this

you are mad jelly of that statue

>we must preserve European cul-

Reminder that if you're not Catholic you're one of (((them)))

september 23rd, be prepared

looks like a fucking dog skull

Omg guys it looks creepy so by default it's satanic ..

For what should we prepare and how?

lord horus is that you?

>tfw you are a famous artist/architect and decades later plebs still try to tell you how to do your job, even after you are already dead...

But Lucifer dindu nuffin you dumbass.

Bloodborne 2 is looking good so far


Reminder if you arent a southern baptist, you are one of (((the))).


last good pope

>Guards with halberds and clown outfits in the 21st century

Proof that religion is nothing but a joke

oh yea that is u lord horus bow you mortals dammit

quit acting like thats not the most badass throne on earth

it's raptor jesus, dipshit

That retarded logic..... that irrelevant picture... summer sure is early this year.

holy shit


>mexican culture

Catholicism is a Satanic front.

Italy is a cess-pool of demented subhumans, and that rule doesn't become exempt behind the Vatican walls.

The Vatican needs to be razed to the ground and the underground beneath it needs to be collapsed.

That's the feast day of St. Linus and Padre Pio. What's so special about it other than that?


yep. designer of the monument stated it was a 666 symbol as well irrc

are you aware that the Swiss Guard conceal PM-5ks and short barrel Swiss STG rifles?

>let's remove a 516 year old cerimonial guard unit because they look funny

these guys are super well trained armed forces. better than italy army.

>non september 23rd'ers

okay, mary worshiper.

Catholicism is luciferianism it is the whore of babylon who is drunk on the blood if saints.

catholics can never, and will never read the bible.

read some of the Rosicrucian documents

those are ceremonial

pretty much this, they have LOTS of guns.


whats the alternative?
also your opinion on new age 'light' worriors?


>Bouguereau cucks
i'm cath but get some taste and self respect man. That shit belongs in your grandma's guest room next to the Precious Moments figurines.

trully disgusting also revealing images , that christians are a spiritual cattle for dracos/snake entities from other dimensions.

That statue is really fantastic artwork though.

Whatever meaning the artist intended, it's still appropriate for where it is.

catholics arent christians though its a satanic deception part of the new world order beast system

only a small part of christians are true believers

>catholics can never, and will never read the bible.
strong words from a man whose bible is 7 books short, heavily altered and even contains parts that were completely rewritten

>whats the alternative?
King James fundamentalist baptist with some gnostic gospels with a strong understanding of the Hindu, Germanic, Greek, Egyptian, and asiatic mythos.

>also your opinion on new age 'light' worriors?

the gnostic gospels in themselves make a pretty big deal about the difference between "artificial" light, and "true" light, between iluminary, and luminary, non-organic and organic light. a lot of these people will covet emotionalism as spirituality when emotions are a lie that poorly imitate a spiritual existence. i don't these people advocate for the power of prayer and meditation. mostly a bunch of larpers that don't know what is, or how to cultivate the soul, or inner gold.

gnostics were buttfuckers btw.
this guy wants to fuck butts.

>Future location for the Golden Throne
I for one welcome our new God Emperor


the vatican removed 14 books in 1684. and have regularly gone on to attack the bible, not only that they removed the gospel of mary magdalen, thomas, and judas. which are fundamental, and canonical books, as well as dozens of others at the council of Nicea. and there are gospels that several early church fathers have quoted from that have never been re-discovered.

martin luther also attacked personal study of the bible just like the catholic church did, even though he didn't burn mothers at the stake for teaching the bible in English.

In lore the Golden Throne is inside the Himalayas

what else they are ?
christ is the level of consciousness wich not many achieved on this planet .

>gnostics were buttfuckers btw.

just like how the knights templar were Ba'al worshipers?

guy maps out the entire end of days using google earth

>King James fundamentalist baptist

stephen anderson and every other fundamental baptist would tell you to GTFO with your gnostic crap

small groups of local christians throughout time believing the bible and jesus
persecuted by catholic church

nothing to do with denominations

>implying its not fucking awesome

>everyone that is persecuted is the good guy

Meanwhile in Early Christianity

"Consider how contrary to the mind of God are the heterodox in regard to the grace of God which has come to us. They have no regard for charity, none for the widow, the orphan, the oppressed, none for the man in prison, the hungry or the thirsty. They abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer, because they do not admit that the Eucharist is the flesh of our Savior Jesus Christ, the flesh which suffered for our sins and which the Father, in His graciousness, raised from the dead."

"Letter to the Smyrnaeans", paragraph 6. circa 80-110 A.D.

"Come together in common, one and all without exception in charity, in one faith and in one Jesus Christ, who is of the race of David according to the flesh, the son of man, and the Son of God, so that with undivided mind you may obey the bishop and the priests, and break one Bread which is the medicine of immortality and the antidote against death, enabling us to live forever in Jesus Christ."

-"Letter to the Ephesians", paragraph 20, c. 80-110 A.D.

Protestants think he is going to hell

Meanwhile in Early Christianity

"Those . . . who are believed to be presbyters by many, but serve their own lusts and do not place the fear of God supreme in their hearts, but conduct themselves with contempt toward others and are puffed up with the pride of holding the chief seat [Matt. 23:6] and work evil deeds in secret, saying 'No man sees us,' shall be convicted by the Word, who does not judge after outward appearance, nor looks upon the countenance, but the heart; and they shall hear those words to be found in Daniel the prophet: 'O you seed of Canaan and not of Judah, beauty has deceived you and lust perverted your heart' [Dan. 13:56]. You that have grown old in wicked days, now your sins which you have committed before have come to light, for you have pronounced false judgments and have been accustomed to condemn the innocent and to let the guilty go free, although the Lord says, 'You shall not slay the innocent and the righteous' [Dan. 13:52, citing Ex. 23:7]" (Against Heresies 4:26:3 [ca. A.D. 190]; Dan. 13 is not in the Protestant Bible).

thats nice, i'd crush Stephen Anderson using the king james bible on matters of reincarnation, I've watched a couple of his videos, and he speaks ignorantly of the scriptures.

I'd quote him acts 17:11, proverbs 18:13, and 1 John 4:1 and he would have no choice but to see himself if Mary Magdalen, Judas, and THomas's gospels are authentic.


"What is narrated here [in the story of Susannah] happened at a later time, although it is placed at the front of the book [of Daniel], for it was a custom with the writers to narrate many things in an inverted order in their writings. . . . [W]e ought to give heed, beloved, fearing lest anyone be overtaken in any transgression and risk the loss of his soul, knowing as we do that God is the judge of all and the Word himself is the eye which nothing that is done in the world escapes. Therefore, always watchful in heart and pure in life, let us imitate Susannah" (Commentary on Daniel 6 [A.D. 204]; the story of Susannah [Dan. 13] is not in the Protestant Bible).

>Hmm all these countries in the world where the population is catholic...italy, argentina, brazil...

>I know, I'll go live in a country founded by puritan heretics!

i'd rather not be a spic and keep tradition

And yet ZERO evidence for their existence

What did he mean by this?


>displaced jesus

flat earth proves god


Meanwhile in reality

i respect that u study both , shows that u have open mind .
I follow couple youtubers, who constantly where talking about 'higher self' ,3rd,astral projection tutorials ,never knew how to evaluate them and know if they real, do u have any tips on recognising if they bullshitting?

There is no flat earth moron

We need to remove these satanic heretics.

Holy war when?

Protestantism is bullshit

Destroy Proddie

Agnostic user checking in, confirming objectively that Catholics are superior. I've weighed your respective worths and the Protestants come up short: intellectually, culturally, aesthetically, and priest-sexual-exploitation-of-boys-ally (new adverb).

also usurers as well.'

Usury and sodomy seemed to be linked sins; nations that embrace one, embrace the other.


>the eucharist is only a symbol
St. Justin Martyr was born a pagan but converted to Christianity after studying philosophy. He was a prolific writer and many Church scholars consider him the greatest apologist or defender of the faith from the 2nd century. He was beheaded with six of his companions some time between 163 and 167 A.D.

"This food we call the Eucharist, of which no one is allowed to partake except one who believes that the things we teach are true, and has received the washing for forgiveness of sins and for rebirth, and who lives as Christ handed down to us. For we do not receive these things as common bread or common drink; but as Jesus Christ our Savior being incarnate by God's Word took flesh and blood for our salvation, so also we have been taught that the food consecrated by the Word of prayer which comes from him, from which our flesh and blood are nourished by transformation, is the flesh and blood of that incarnate Jesus."

"First Apology", Ch. 66, inter A.D. 148-155.

thats nice, I'm still not protestant, i don't use the protestant bible, and I've never read "sola sciptura" and who is Erasmus of Rotterdam, Jan Huss, John Wycliffe, and John Wesley?

what is the textus receptus?


luther and calving were exactly the same as isis
catholics had a brain

Catholics burn in hell, keep worshipping your nigger foot kissing pope you degenerate. Also don't forget to pray to the saints goy.

for what nigga

>allahsnakbar charges at pope
>based swiss clean cuts his head with that halberd

meanwhile in reality

>Jan Huss
Who also accepted venerating saints and deny sola scriptura

fuck off sand nigger.


he other issue about nomina sacra debated is what the scribal practice really signifies. Probably, most scholars who have considered the phenomenon have judged that nomi na sacra reflect early Christian piety (whatever the historical relationship of this scribal practices to Jewish scribal practice), the words in question given this special treatment to set them off from the surrounding text out of reverence for what the w ords represent or designate. On this view, nomina sacra are prime evidence of earliest Christian faith and religious devotion. Indeed, I have emphasized that the four earliest and most consistently treated words ( ‘ God ’, ‘ Lord ’, ‘ Jesus ’, and ‘ Christ ’ ) vividly reflect the ‘ binitarian ’ or ‘dyadic’ shape of earliest Christian piety, particularly as the key words for Jesus (‘Jesus’ and ‘Christ’) are given the same scribal treatment as key words for God. 9 Moreover, in contrast with Jewish scribal treatment of the Tetragrammaton, it is important to note that the scribal practice of nomina sacra was purely a visual one. That is, a lthough it seems likely that ancient Jewish scribal practices with reference to the Tetragrammaton were intended to signal readers to pronounce a reverential substitute - word (typically, Adonay in Hebrew, or Kyrios in Greek), there is no indication that the use of nomina sacra in Christian manuscripts functioned to signal any equivalent action by readers. So far as we can tell, lecto rs of these early Christian manuscripts pronounced fully and explicitly the words written as nomina sacra , including the key words for God and Jesus. This is why, therefore, I emphasize that the nomina sacra registered solely as visual phenomena and could be experienced solely by those who read (or otherwise viewed?) the manuscripts in which they were written.

They were right we need to remove paptists and jews.

>arguing about interpretations of fairytales in 2017

>I hate the early christians
>literal red herring

Tell me when the early church fathers believe in the five solaes

I am waiting

Protestants btfo

look you idiot, why don't you go try READING the BIBLE.

seerapture of god then ww3 and great tribulation
most important time in history

Death to jews and their catholic pets

christ cucks worshipping sun-day god