Are you faggots sorry you killed him yet ? He warned you about the immigrants, he warned you but you didn't listen
Are you faggots sorry you killed him yet ? He warned you about the immigrants, he warned you but you didn't listen
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I know I am
Damn he was handsome when he was young
(no homo)
That was hillary clinton's doing and the bitch should die for it
I know it was, that wretched, double crossing, hypocrate, immoral bitch should be hanged for treason
Yep what we did was evil as shit.
It would have been OK if Reagan got him back in '86 when all the Euros (except Thatcher) were uber faggots. It wasn't cool once they wanted him dead.
Treason? It's all part of the plan. Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, And Iran have to go. Anyone who threatens the petrol dollar and don't have a nuke have to go.
What's wrong slav? Afraid of America winning too much?
All the good people go too soon.
How will you step in front of God with all evil deeds you have done?
How much hair did he had on his chest?
Winning ? You consider this winning ? The dictatorial regiems of the middle east were the only thing keeping the arab hordes down, now that you have removed them, there is nothing holding the arab hordes in line, they have been unleashed uppon europe and america and your children are paying the price in blood. Your children are paying the price for what you did
There's a difference between United States prospering and jews using monetary organisations and the united states military to subvert and exploit the prosperity of other nations while back home in the United States people live in fear and poverty.
Arab hordes are no threat compared to the Communist horde. You think a little pack of turban heads mean shit compared to the technological, nuke wielding, ability that a communist regime can bring? Muslimes are nothing compared to having hydrogen bomb armed b52 bombers constantly in the air during the cold war.
You little shit slavs have short memories.
>He thinks that brown people did 9/11
>It's all part of the plan. Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, And Iran have to go.
Blue-pilled as fuck, get out of this board.
Fuck uncle Gaddafi was handsome as hell back in the days
His spirit lives on, Bashar will take revenge
If you honestly think that russians would have actually droped the bomb on you during the cold war you must be brain dead. Dropping a bomb in the cold war was a suicide even a child would have figured that out
holy shit lurk moar you bluepilled fuck. it's current year and you still think terrorists did 9/11?
>anyone who threatens the petro-dollar has to go
none of these countries threatened the petro-dollar except libya, they threatened saudi arabias competitiveness in the market; whom you've been allied with since kissinger met with bildeberg in the 70's and now pretty much owns your economy. it's because they own so much of your treasury that they control your every move
>links to a pop song
wow i guess some goat fuckers hiding in caves really did 9/11 after all and it wasn't just an excuse to invade the middle east to set up pipelines and keep the regions aside for greatest allys destabilised. thanks op!
If you take a close look at the id you will notice that the 9/11 faggot is not me
He was aesthetic as fuck.
more than one person has a stable internet connection in your country? tha fuck
Australians really don't know the irony when they see it.
The world is full of suprises
You should see Adam Curtis' documentary called "hipernormalisation".
I'm sorry user.
he was to good for this world
Man i still remember the days , i was so bluepilled back then , i was actually cheering for the rebels , holy crap , then after few months i realized what a fucking idiot i was ...
I remember the whole thing, even before it started. I was against it entirely from the moment I heard about the plans to bomb them. I also had to argue with a lot of leftists online who were cheering on the war like the sheltered childish autists they were. They had no idea how hypocritical they were to cheer on such an illegal war yet they hated Bush for what he did with all his military actions (even though that was bad too). Libya has vastly deteriorated and keeps going downhill the more time goes on. I never even wanted to be proven right.
Why were the liberals against this man again?
yeah, same for me. Only two years or so later i started to realize how well off the country was with him, and what a clusterfuck is removal caused.
Nowadays lybia is in shambles, and europe gets fucked because it has become a staging area for sub saharan migration. And for the people of lybia itself the situation is catastrophic. The internationally recognized government is a joke with little to no power, various militias control much of the country and haftar is controlling much of the former army, trying to get shit under control. In the best case he'll have the entire country under his control in the next two years or so, and then rebuilding can begin. For what was gadaffi removed? To push the country into chaos for a decade and ruin what economic developement it had achieved just to replace him with a different strongmen?
Hillary clinton should be sodomized to death with a bayonett for what she did to the lybian people, just like the death she caused to their decent leader.
Probably for some homosexual reason
Gadaffi and Saddam are among the greatest leaders of our time. When they were alive, there wasn't ISIS or any other fundamentalists. They were the dam that was keeping the river of migrants, they were the shield that protected us from extremists. God have mercy on their souls.
Saddam tried to create an illegal stargate which put everyone on earth at risk
i only wish i hadnt seen the pics of him dressed up as a woman uh
saddam was more questionable i think. One of the old guard remains, all we can do is wish him good luck. But it seems like the syrians are pretty much through their arab spring infection at this point.
Damn, that's one hell of a theory
his tribal gear wasn't that bad i think
Can't be any worse than the shit storm that is currently happening in Iraq.
After years of being a bad guy he had come back into better relations with the West. He was Bush's bitch having turned over nuclear centrifuges, paid restitution to the families of the Pan Am bombings and ratted terrorist to the US. Gaddifi was like Saddam in that he only did the Islam thing when he needed to please the masses. I think that's why Obama hated him. It's disgusting that the MSM has scrubbed this disaster from The Sun King's & Queen Bitch Hillary's legacies.
true, but he pulled a lot more shit that in the end got him his teeth kicked while gadaffi was pretty reasonable with the west for the last two to three decades
He started selling oil for EUR instead of USD, and the juden didn't liked that.
Tfw this turned in to a feels thread
With all the restrictions that the west put up on him, gaddafi was offering pure cash and was ready to pay for any sanction to be removed. All the dude wanted was for libiya to be part of the rest of the world.
>Are you faggots sorry you killed him yet ? He warned you about the immigrants, he warned you but you didn't listen
They listened and then decided that they want it.
Kalergi plan etc
We shouldn't have killed pic related either. His death gave rise to the fucking mestizo spic horde from Mexico which was far worse than his organization.
Tfw all of this shit the world is in now could have been avoided
I got very sad when they killed him actually.
Fucking american trash.
Not all of us wanted him dead. It was just Obama and Hillary trying to score some points as "war hawks" for the upcoming election.
I know not all americans are bad but when I talk about "america" I am talking about the political entity in general.
i seriously think of obongo as a breaking element. it was clinton and mccain that orchestrated the lybia (and syria) bullshit.
Goodnight sweet prince
You did your best, but the game was rigged from the start
He deserved to get fucked for invading Kuwait and trying to loot it, Gaddafi didn't do stupid shit like that.
It is a surprised that ((they)) allowed him to be there for that long desu, he had an OK run.
one of the biggest crimes of the 21st century this visionaries execution and he stuck to his roots this is definitely best pic of Gaddafi when he was in London learning how he came from a bedouin family to then take Libya out of the gutter and even listening to his speechs give me shivers and he isn't even speaking in my native tongue
That oil, that mediterranean waterfront.
Libya would be one hell of nice country if it weren't for wahabbi islam.
One of the few leaders that genuely loved his country
It was definitely one of the biggest crimes against humanity of (((them))), not to talk about the consequences, for Lybia and for the world.
Sarkozy want him dead somehow.
why? I don't know.
yh and that was so clearly shown he stuck his heels in and wasn't going to leave Libya for noone that video of him driving through Tripoli is something else the fact he wasn't allowed to live out his years and green Libya continue literally does get me emotional
I mean what a fucking baller!!!
DemocRats, Obama supporters and Hillary shills will never say a word about this though. Obama was perfect, the "no scandals" president amirite?
Entirely their fault (and of Sarkoscum and his jewish overlords), the old psychopath hag that had the guts to pretend to have the moral highground against Trump was even boasting and laughing heartily about how they killed Gaddafi (he died by an islamist mob, impaled through the anus with an iron bar)
>tfw your mom told you Gadaffi was a good man who dindu nuffin but you didn't believe her
I was actually happy but I didnt give it much afterthought, then I started to realize the absolute mess that happened after
It's still a fucking mess, and what really fucks me up was the part he said about the refugees. Nigger was literally ahead of his time
>Got all Middle Eastern news from Al Jazeera too