Brit/pol/: Black Pill Edition

>Latest shock poll shows conservative losses

>Corbyn follows up car crash with a disaster on mumsnet livechat

>Corbyn suffers childcare car crash interview at hands of Women's Hour

>Lastest Owen Jones and Peter Hitchens

>Zoo worker killed by tiger

>Sturgeon calls for IndyRef2 at the end of Brexit process in Manifesto

>Labour plans will see your council tax triple at least

Other urls found in this thread:

Always use on blogs with a reputation for trash journalism and clickbait.

If there was an Anglo version of ISIS would you lads join it

Need to replace the guardian link due to the retarded Norse bot.

Right said fred all of us together one each hand and steady as she goes

Of course not, Officer.


Only if they worshipped norse gods



the only virgins in this country are under 14, no thanks.

>tfw you get on a deep one and nobody's around

After a lot of careful consideration i have decided to vote for labour.

Brit/pol/ Discord:

Why would I vote labour, I do not want mass immigration, I do not want a huge debt and even more borrowing.


>seeing normies posting Corbyn clips on facebook

my solace is living in a very safe essex tory seat so their votes mean fuck all

Corbyn is going to win, trust me
Don't waste you vote lads, bet on the winning horse

im watching Paxman interviewing Corbyn right now and Paxman is being so fucking bad.


hard to argue with lots of free stuff

Still on my heinz baked beans and rice diet, lads.

Haven't noticed any weight loss yet.

What's the standard view on Enoch Powell over there? Does the BBC revile him and the media curse his name or is there a little more reverence?

Carefully consider whether you should look before crossing the road

What actions might Diane Abbo take if she were out Home Secretary?

nth for still voting UKIP despite being in CON/LAB swing seat

>when the crippling depression kicks in


>implying Tories don't do mass immigration too

Nothing will change.

Nice. Getting prepared for Corbyn's communist utopia.

Must be a quiet night in Cheltenham.

If that actually happened we'd need another election before the end of the year, yes?

I don't even want to think about it bloody hell.

He's barely ever talked about it and Joe Bloggs has likely never heard of him.

but the conservatives a re bigger fucktards


>Beaked beans
Sauce is basically liquid sugar

If its boiled its fine but also carbohydrate so don't eat too much

How much exercise are you doing?

Why are the milkmen so dumb
They sent this to the strongest leave area in Greater London

At least tories reduce the pull factor by giving them less benefits


His name is like the British equivalent of 'Hitler' for shutting down discussions. Even though we had Mosley who literally shit the bed and ended up cosplaying as 'Britler', most people haven't even heard of him.

The same yougov whose polls are based on a youth turnout of 84%.

Everyone hates him except your Dad

What do you think mate? He's a bogeyman figure for the 'modern, tolerant and right thinking Brits'

mass importation of Africa

I've finally fucking snapped

get a maths tutor.

which seat?


And also because TREESA wanted to take your nan's house and give it to her banker mates just because she forgot to buy hob-nobs.

Shut up! Shut up you American. You always talk, you Americans, you talk and you talk and say 'Let me tell you something' and 'I just wanna say this', Well you're dead now, so shut up.

Kick farmers off their land and give them to refugees to run instead.



>he's STILL posting the same attractive but thoroughly-degenerate BLACKED bint

Story time

Would that mean a bunch of Arabs will pay us, train us, and arm us to fight their proxy wars, only this time Israel doesn't benefit?

>but the conservatives a re bigger fucktards
thinking they're both not playing to their master's wishes.

Who outside a subsection of the British anti immigration right knows who he is anymore
Hitler is our Hitler

bros i need a good fat alcoholic mason andrew neil anecdote.

got any ?

snort snort

vote tory goy

Seriously though

Can we consider May as the most useless dick fucking wanker in British politics?

Has she taken the mantle of the biggest choker in political history of recent British memory?

It's inevitable. The tories have fucked people i nthe ass for too long. People want to go back to the 50s and 60s and they want the socialist policies that go with it like nationalisation of key industries. And they're willing to put up with feminists and gays and immigrants as long as the economy is more fair to everyone.

Or just increase the crime factor once they get here.

It's a sad fact. Mosley was without a shadow of a doubt the best political speaker in British history.

Be scared. Like it or not. The Tories are a safer option, this time.

Probably about as famous as Huey Long amongst normies, I'd guess

about what?

Do you never get bored living under this shit show of a government?
The only things that change are social policies getting taken away, more terrorists attacks due to lack of police and long NHS waiting times because of lack of funding
We even had to go through 2 days of IT failures because Cameron didnt want to pay to update the NHS IT security

The conservatives are running the country like its a company about to go bankrupt, cuts cuts cuts and no investment.
Be a patriot and vote for some real change

>he's STILL posting the same attractive but thoroughly-degenerate BLACKED bint

Sugar isn't so bad, it's 20% RDI per big tin.

Salt content is worse, salt is 40% RDI per big tin.

I have two bigs tins and two Tesco's boil in the bag rice, nothing else. My RDI is fine.

>How much exercise are you doing?
Just walking my dog about an hour a day.

Because, deep down, Corbyn hates the EU more genuinely than May ever will. Neither of them truly wants a hard Brexit, but of the two, Corbyn is more likely to deliver it than May.

Kind of but no because Corbyn would give them the referendum based on them joining a coalition. That's my assumption anyway.

Mandy having a miscarriage on the chippy floor won't know who Enoch is but anyone who's 1% switched on will. Lefties at least know he was 'le bad tory guy who wanted to murder jamaicans', see Russell Brand's 'pound shop enoch powell' bit

I'm not voting for any of the cunts. Let it all burn, drag us through the nigger shit, for that is the only thing that will wake these docile pricks up.

Yeah I realised right after that post how reddit it was. le Sup Forumstards do an epic raid xd.

Seriously though, it got me thinking. If you guys specifically here on brit/pol/ had to pick a handful of the books that have shaped your ideology the most, what would they be?

I know most of us here got the way we are through other means than reading oldfag literature like some toff cunt. All of us have experienced what shitskin hell is in real life. Some of us live in it everyday.
And most of our political opinions have been shaped through means other than reading, whether it's shitposting on Sup Forums or listening to fashy podcasts.

But maybe some of you actually do read.

If so, what would you say are the definitive books that have formed your worldview? Books that have either initially red-pilled you, expanded and solidified your beliefs, or have had a personal affect on you? Could be fiction as well I suppose. Reminder that LOTR is an allegory for Catholic white european supremacy against shitskin heretics.

My top 3:

1. Mike Cernovich - Gorilla Mindset (changed my life and made me an Alpha Male BEAST)
2. Milo Yianoppolus - Dangerous (exposed who the REAL homophobes are)
3. Trump - Art of the Deal (made me a billionaire lad)

Seriously though, I think I was full blown sieg heil before I started reading proper stuff. I had a few books here and there from cuckboys like Peter Hitchens. I'd still recommend "The Abolition of Britain" to people on brit/pol/ though. Gives a good historical background for our modern day hell.

My views were shaped through others via listening to countless hours of podcasts. I've since read all the obvious books you'd imagine, really just to refine my views and understanding. I guess I'll give a particular mention to Culture of Critique. I was a bit iffy on the Jewish Question beforehand. Kind of thought it had some truth but was mostly an overblown conspiracy theory.

Cote Corbyn, paint Britain FUCKING RED AND FUCK THE EU

>Latest shock poll shows conservative losses
Just as Hitchens warned, iirc.

Anyway my ideal outcome for this election just hit me: Tory losses hit remoaners ideally, bringing us to a hung parliament with the Conservatives ahead and Lib-Dems as kingmakers by a really narrow margin.

Lib-Dems abstain so Theresa May stays on as PM, but to get anything done at all in the timeframe for the Brexit negotiations agrees to give the SNP a second independence referendum, meaning their MPs are too busy preparing and campaigning to get seriously involved in commons business (especially that for what will "hopefully" soon be a foreign country.)

Take out the Scottish seats and the Conservatives being miles ahead in England gives them a majority of like 50 over all other parties thanks to SNP abstention.

Alternatively, I mean, hung parliament does nothing and hard Brexit lmao.

Calm down, old chap. I've no idea what on Earth you're blabbering on about.

No. LAB would form a coalition with the SNP, GRN, LIB, PC and NORN

Is Jeremy corbyn going to win? I like Theresa may, her and Trump go well together

a voice in my head just told me to vote tory

what did it mean by this ?

Corbyn is pulling a Bernie


can't wait for him to lose by 15%+ cause none of the students actually voted

She can hardly do much worse than May's rampant attack on individual privacy carried out during her stint as Home Secretary.

Google 'Barbara Palvin Lewis Hamilton' just for starters

Good bait lad.

Fucking idiot

>Corbyn is more likely to deliver it than May.
Who is Labours Brexit secretary and which side did he support?
Who is the Tories Brexit secretary and which side did he support?

>the only virgins in this country are under 14
They used to be. Now age is not a barrier.

mummy ?

nah probably not

>Latest shock poll shows conservative losses

Daily reminder that if you don't draw a Swastika in ever box on your ballot paper you can get to fuck

>the express
>savile sex ring


The student turnout will be high. Not as high as older people, but probably 10-15pp higher than 2015.

no mummy no

Fuck mate. It's too much of a risk. We've no idea what Corbyn and his Marxist crew would get up to if in government. They could bring Albion to it's knees, by which time it would be too late.

any context to this image or are you on the wrong board?

Because (a) the Conservatives would do literally the same thing and (b) there's a fuckhuge financial crisis coming.

Also (c) Because Theresa May wants to fuck the internet harder than a well built arabic man wants to ... [REDACTED]
Brexit Secretary is a meme position created ex-post-facto.

Yougov will never recover from this

daddy ?

Maybe this is the guy who said he'd snapped

>one eye on the slags, one eye on the kebabs
