>She got 3,000,000 more votes than Drumpf in 2016
>She's running again in 2020
How scared are Drumpflets right now?
>She got 3,000,000 more votes than Drumpf in 2016
>She's running again in 2020
How scared are Drumpflets right now?
>She's running again in 2020
This would be a best case scenario for the right.
How many times does this bitch have to lose? I count 3 now. She keeps coughing like that and she won't see 2020.
>She dies before elections even start
Or better yet
>She wins the democratic nomination and loses AGAIN
How is it even legal for a woman to run for prime minister?
Didn't she win before but lost? I swear she's run for president before
The only people who should be scared of Hillary Clinton are DNC staffers.
Hillary Rodham won the popular vote because of California
Hillary Rodham is president of California
she got passed up for the magic negro
>Forgetting what states are
>Thinking that the vote of coastal states with a higher population should nullify the vote of other states
>She's running again in 2020
Holy fuck this better be a joke I don't think my sides could take it if this happened
>She got 3,000,000 more votes than Drumpf in 2016
thats how much of a LOSER she is, gets 3 million more votes and STILL loses
fucking loser
she will be in jail with Obama
About as scared as we were in 2016 (not at all).
Funnily the democrats continue to forget what the electoral college is, lol.
Literally remove Los Angeles and Trump wins the popular vote.
She'll die of pneumonia before 2019. Book it.
It was okay back when she lost to king nigger, but now that she lost to a straight CIS white male it's not okay.
San Francisco*
>She got 3,000,000 more votes than Drumpf in 2016
Another reason cali needs to secede.
Didn't she win the popular vote back in the 2007 primaries? Where were the Democrats protesting back then? I guess they only care because she lost to a WHITE MALE!
>drumplets unironically think Hillary lost
She may be able to run.
Not dying due to the fact she will be old and ill though, that'll be more difficult.
It's Los Angeles that has the 4 million people, almost 3 million of which voted Clinton.
Of course, if California got independence, like the crazy libtards want, the US will be getting Republicans for the rest of the foreseeable future.
Oh God, I hope she does so that we can smash her all over again.
Good luck flipping the Rust Belt.
muh popular vote victories
3 times losing will make a new record
LOL!!! Nice projection, Drumpanzee. You and I both know that HIlldawg won by over 2,000,000 votes.
please run hillary
you will lose + die
kek wills it
>>drumplets unironically think Hillary lost
Who is sitting in the white house right now?
Protip: Not Hillary
She smashed 200 more phones than Crumphy Bundy, how will he recover???
how are we still counting this far out?
Also how about you count up the illegals and double votes?
She'll die before 2020.
These trips don't lie.
i want to be mummy hillary's lil baby tampon boi. i want to turn into a wittle crying baby and then SUCK on her teetees and her magic breast
milk will tuwn me into a wittle baby tampoi boi. and she would stick me into her hoo hoo and i would wait with anticipation of participation
spouting wittle baby goo goo ga gas waiting for her to bleed all over me. i wan to feel her mummy blood inside my wittle goo goo gaga baby
tampon body. i want to absorb her hoo hoo juices inside my wittle baby tampon boy body and goo goo gaga like a wittle rolly polly baby boy. it
would be orgasmic to know i am one with her hoo hoo mummy blood and i would giggle and googoo gaga and yelp with wittle baby boy
excitement as i roll around in her madame presidential hoo hoo and revel in her red juices, slurping them into my soft wittle baby tampon boy
goo goo gaga body. then i want her to pull me and squeeeeeeze and wriiiing my wittle baby tampon boi body so that her Hillary hoo hoo
blood and juices spill all over her mummy president face. it would huwt and scweam in pained goo goo gagas as pain envelops every nerve
of my wittle baby tampon boi body until i reach full climax and turn back into a grown human man.
Drumpf is a cuck
He sure is. I think deep down the drumplets know that. They're just in denial.
You and I both know you failed 9th grade civics.
If she runs again, she will split the Democratic party in half. One side socialism the other side liberalism.
I pray to God she runs again.
Yet you think Drumpf won. Really makes you think.
I just want to give Huma a foot massage.
Oh sweetie....what a doozie of fiddly-flap that was. Honestly, Dearie. It's ok, schnookums, no need to get cranky wanky in your little pajamy-
wammies. Did you tinkle your wittle boy undies? Oh lollipop honey muffin, it'll be okay baby bear buttercup sweetie. Mommy will read you a
story and change your diapies so you can stop crying ;] So show us how much of a big boy you are don't go kaboom boom in your baby
blanket little sailor. Big boys don't throw tantrums like that donny wonny, my little sweetest shnookie dookums butterfly raindrop. Did you
get an ouchie on your butter baby bottom? Come let mommy put the baby powder on it honey darling sugarplum so you won't get a rashy
washy on your cheeky weekies ;]
Momm doesn't like when her brave little toaster is BABY BOOTY BOTHERED ;]
I'm scared Hillary won't run. Pic related.
who is the one crying but muh popular vote and who is in the WH again?
Bitch had everything in her favor, media, record breaking campaign donations, support from obama, and that stupid cunt still ran a campaign so poorly that she got blown out. If she is still alive in 2020, it would be a joy to watch her lose again.
>Certified Sweetie
Certified Retard
>california being 90% commie matters
No one cares that California is retarded, the rest of the country voted for Trump.
Sweetie-posting is the closest thing to maternal comfort I've ever had.
>drumpanzee can't count
What else is new..
Total US Population: 321.4 million
Hillary's popular vote lead: 3 million
So you're saying she won the popular vote by less than 1%? Congrats.
Aw Sweetie,
Hillary lost the the only vote that mattered... the electoral college.
Most liberals are doubling down rather than self reflecting or trying to compromise. This will cause the people in the middle to become more right wing naturally. Libs will only get worse from now on.
>mfw 2020 has the first all republican election
grateful if that dumb bitch runs again in 2020
T U L S I 2 0 2 0
All that pic proves is that rural and suburban retards voted for drumpf. City people all voted for Hilldawg.
>Can't into Electoral College.
Stay mad.
I can't wait to watch her acceptance speech........
From INSIDE the Betty Ford Clinic!
Can't wait for Trump vs. Hillary Part II: The Rematch
>Guess who's going to win
>papa trumpu
You know you won't win without sending your landscaping crews to vote thirty time.
Is this related to the reason you hate women?
she is a loser, easy as that, lets hope the hag runs again
Why would I be mad? Hillary almost 3,000,000 more votes than Drumpf.
someone doesn't understand how the electoral collage works
Bitch needs a belt sander to the face to fix her fucked up acne scars.
You and I both know you get paid to shill on websites.
kill your selffff
what kind of retarded are you?
hillary had 4,000,000+ fraud votes
Why do lefties want to kill themselves all the time?
I don't hate women but it's probably part of my Oedipus complex.
Would basically be Obama 2.0 desu