Can someone explain to me why most of the African continent is so wildly different in terms of behavioural norms and ethics compared to the rest of the world?
Why are Africans so different?
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Because of their culture, nothing to do with race
I didn't say it had anything to do with race, why is their culture so different though?
when ancient man migrated out of europe and into africa, they came across the gorilla people and many were raped. their offspring were the first niggers
The darker the skin the lower the IQ. Too much sun exposure makes them behave differently
For the same reason Europeans are so different from each other? And Africa is even more diverse / different because Africa is fucking huge and most of the peoples there are rather isolated and thus all 'develop' differently.
>compared to the rest of the world
It's not, tribal culture exists outside of Africa, and Africa is more diverse than most people realize
the darker the skin, the more in touch with the cosmos
do not reply to slide threads
that isn't how genetics works, but it was a cute attempt
What the hell did I just read?
Why haven't nigger evolved into superhumans?
>lives in a hazzardous environment full of animals that will eat you everywhere
>millions of them has probably died throughout the millenniums meaning natural selection should have take care of the dumb and weak ones
>hunger and drought throughout the centuries should have made those who can rely the least of nutrients the ones who will stand out
Yet, here we have a bunch of savages that can't build anything more complex than a mudhut in the 21st century
IQ is not related to melanin actually.
It's still genetic though
>why are cats so different from dogs? even when they grow up in the same household they're different. it just doesnt make sense
Europeans and Asians lived in forests. They had lots of trees. They realized they could make weapons and defenses from trees. People fighting them realized they would need to make better weapons and such to beat the walls made of wood. Back and force for centuries. Stone walls eventually. Cannons eventually. Etc.
Africans settled in deserts. That's pretty much the long and the short of it. They never developed fortifications and such which in turn other tribes never developed advances to defeat them. There was no back and forth. They simple subsisted as hunter gatherers that whole time.
Native Americans probably would have followed a similar path to Europe, if left undisturbed, they started much later than European. Unfortunately for them, Europe arrived first.
>we would have been kangz too if only we had trees n shit
black people are more like animals and will kill without a second thought because the physical world means nothing, its all about the cosmos
and white people are unnatural because they have empathy and only care about the physical world
They're like the mayans and aztecs... except for some reason they haven't died yet. Ancient civilization has no place in the modern world.
You're delusional if you think that Africa is majority desert.
Daily reminder
>this nigger is actually serious
>implying subhumans arent the most materialistic people on the planet
ts called genetics
>SEA monkeys
>Caucasians and Native Americans are more related to East Asians than South East Asians and Polynesians
>not just abbos with blonde hair
Bullshit map
90 is minimum :^)
>not Oceanian
Not wildly different from native americans or maoris. They never really practiced agriculture, so they haven't been genetically domesticated.
I guess this is one way of getting Euros to view their new residents as 'brothers & sisters' rather than low-IQ MENA people.
Evolution, or rather lack of thereof. These people lived in a land where it's always summer and therefore never needed to develop any sort of long term thinking capabilities or complex problem solving skills to face the challenges that winter brings. They are fast and resilient runners, because when the stomach growled that was all you needed to catch that food-thingy running away from you. They're as suited to live in their world as they aren't to live in ours.
I like the way this guy (
>Africa is not shit the Garden of Eden. It's not mistake that then people living there are giant children. [...] Trees growing fruit are everywhere. Every weed is edible. Before Western-induced population bomb, I'm not even sure they even required agriculture to feed themselves.
Science nigga
Name of that chick?
I know the video, but I want to fuck that bitch badly
Actually there have been instances of cats growing up with dogs and behaving almost exactly like a dog.
>They never really practiced agriculture
Go read about the Bantu Expansion user.
Very low IQ, although there are other traits involved.
Generally it's because they are r-strategists whereas Whites and especially Asians are K-strategists.
Read the abridged Rushton for a quick rundown.
It will help you a lot
Your wrong. Indians and Africans didn't have animals to domesticate and eat like pigs/cows/delicious cheekan
i think they do it ironically
what human would actually be jealous of this?
because we didnt try to bring them to our level of civilisation slowly, it was kinda dumped on them, most only gave a shit about their village now they have to care about a whole country
There's scant evidence that they practiced agriculture until a millennia ago. Hence why I put the caveat "really practiced".
They would probably need a longer period practicing agriculture to select for traits we associate with intelligence.
>...natural selection...
Except they simple created more offspring then people died.
The Sun fried their brains.
You take a look at africa and tell me that is a good place for a race to evolve.
For a Race To Evolve into the Strongest it can be it needs to be Challenged by Dangerous, Cold Climates.
They are a different species
Stop tip toeing.
They are simply aliens and should be exterminated
Not exactly a lack of evolution, they just evolved in a different direction (speciation). They were selected for more physical traits whereas the Europeans and Asians evolved more socially, as well as gaining a better understand of time and its consequences. Think about the environments Europeans and Asians lived in. They didn't have food everywhere at all times, one reason being seasons. If you didn't plan your life/farming according to the seasons, you died. If you didn't build something better than a mud hut, you died. If you didn't domesticate animals, you died, as farming would be even more difficult.
Did Africa do any of those things?
No domestication. Why? Indians domesticated their elephants.
No proper housing because who cares, no one will die of the cold. How could you build any monuments when you don't even care to build something bigger than a hut?
No thoughts about the future. All you have to do is look at their behaviour now. They don't understand the concept of saving and just want gibbs.
This is what happens when you live an easy life. You have no selective pressures forcing you to be better and adapt. Look at this map. Subsaharan Africa is, from a modern medicine stand point, retarded. Actually mentally handicapped. But then look at the rest of the world. The hot parts aren't bright either. Difficulty breeds greatness.
> It's the sun
Partially correct
> It's their culture
> Cause they live in the desert
Congratulations. You're more retarded the the average IQ of Africa
> Cause trees and shit
Don't quit your day job
It's called environment. Lesser / no seasons in Africa means that the environment had one less variable on hunting populations, meaning they never sought to collect their food in advance due to abrupt changes in food scarcity. In contrast, Europe is exposed to seasonal changes which means you must be smart and plan ahead. Those who didn't, died off eventually and thus the advent of agrarian societies took place which is a major shift in how a population is able to dedicate their focus from hunting to other things- this is why before any European set foot on African soil, there were no written languages or mechanical devices or advanced systems. Africa simply didn't have time or the need to begin to ponder such things.
If you look around you today and ask yourself why some blacks seem to not have any inherent sense of consequences as a result of their actions, this is primarily why.
That IQ map is outdated by the way
I do wonder why Africans who immigrate here (with the exception of Somalis, those are some sub human shit), act more civilized than a nigger that was born and raised in America.
>Burkina Faso
What is there to wonder?
US has nigger culture, and that's all there is to it.
because negroes = cancer
the MSM and academia have crafted persistent & elaborate lies about equality & diversity....white guilt allowed the cancer to flourish.....
Work ethic passed down by European colonisation. Those who do emigrate to America do their own countries a massive disservice because people like that are few and far between there and you're basically left with a majority nigger population.
Wow, and remember, that's the average.
You can survive in africa butt naked while grazing off the land like an animal.
no food
I'll give you the example of my high school. Was white as the town itself (87%), but we had a couple whose parents were diplomats. They were from Nigeria and they were very nice,never got in trouble,etc. meanwhile there was a nigger kid born here who was the worst behaved and constantly was a headache to the teachers. I just wonder because it was an upper class environment and maybe the parents would pass down the values to the child,but I guess not.
It's a two-tier system that selects for refugees and the general garbage of africa, or the educated upper class. If you see a high-achieving one, its' their equivalent of southern old money.
because they are different race from different planet .duh
Is that map from 1942?
American negro families have no values. They got too comfortable in America once we gave them rights. Give the africans a few years. Once they get comfortable they'll behave exactly like the niggers here.
They face very different stressers and types of conflict than say Europeans or Asian peoples. Most of africa is difficult to farm and it's easier to just find food walking around than try stick around anywhere and grow anything. Also you can just sleep anywhere, the climate is basically ideal for humans it's never so cold youd die and if it gets hot well they figured out a few ways to handle that. Other sorts of peoples have colder or harsher weather and found the need to farm or else die...this means that once you can farm enough to have excess youll either have extra time to mess around doing other shit or youll have the ability to pay someone...then you get society from all the sorts of complex interactions that come with that arrangement. You have to understand what is yours and what isnt, you have to value time and potential future things Africans never had to do that. Thousands of years living i the bush just eating bugs, fucking and sleeping in trees lazily will do that to any species.... it's not their fault it's how they evolved.
Could've been Igbo. They're considered the smartest group among West Africans
When you expose a group to technology/thought far beyond their natural growth, they misuse it. It's probably why aliens haven't visited us, because they know we simply aren't capable of being decent.
I rescue animals and that's simply a learned behavior thing it has no effect on their inate catness or dogness. if you piss off a dog-cat it's still going to hiss and scratch you like a cat not bite you like a dog.
Intelligence and behavior is closely tied to genetics.
I have spent years travelling all over the world, including Africa. This is my observation.
African culture is as complex and nuanced as western culture. They have traditions, superstitions, good luck signs etc etc. However, unlike most other cultures on earth, it evolved with NO influence of Western culture. Even Asian cultures, as different as they are, have dealt with the west for hundreds of years. We have influenced them, they have influenced us. Not so with Africa. It is the dark continent because information does not flow in or out of it. Those cultures are so isolated, and foreign to our own, they may as well have developed on Mars.
Isolation, harsh environment, etc.
Neanderthal DNA. This question has already been answered. Not a political issue.
It isn't that different in some ways. Anyone blaming "race" needs to look at what Europe was like until 70 years ago.
>r-selected humans
>this meme again
Africa has seasons too. They're just different than Eurasian seasons.
It's really not that easy to survive in tropical or subtropical areas.
ADHD and Asperger's came from neanderthals because they were evolutionary traits which were good for hunting.
Intense focus and high energy levels were useful for survival in ice age europe. Neanderthals actually had 10% larger brains because of high natural selection in very hostile environment where you needed brains to survive.
Africa has food and warmth around the year so it was all about multiplying and killing rival tribes for living space. That's why niggers are so aggressive and ape-like. More north you go, more neanderthal genes people have. Only race which doesn't have superior neanderthal genes are niggers.
Current society is just so much different place than forest where we had to hunt for a living. Sitting still in classroom is not what we used to do.
Neanderthals raped women from africa and created cro-magnons which also had larger brains than current humans but it was able to reproduce fast and replace and assimilate original neanderthals. They lived side by side for a long time and we still have neanderthal DNA.
It's not meant as an insult because all neanderthals I know have really strong mind and willpower. Asperger brain is simply wired like neanderthals, that's why they feel like different race.
Neanderthals were the original white people.
And here's the archive: