So I started lurking within the last year. However, no amount of lurking can answer the one question I still have: What was Sup Forums (or Sup Forums in general) like before it got "ruined"?

I always see people posting that the board is ruined and that they wish the board could go back to the way it was. Well, what was it like? What has changed?

I understand the T_D invasion, they are easy to spot (reply to everything that criticizes Trump even if it is obvious bate). Is there more to it than that though?

inb4 lurk moar

Other urls found in this thread:

Moar lurk

Exactly the same only Lolbertarians and stormfags stood out more than shills

Sup Forums has always been shit

Initially Sup Forums was a super criminal creep safe haven where people came to ask about disposing of dead hookers

Tells me everything I need to know about you.

this, but also this
ron paul and hitler

Extremely bluepill bro


Try 2010 kek

Back in 2004 when I first came here it was mostly porn

It was less gay aland that's all I can really say has gotten worse is the amount of actual faggotry

Ok follow up question... Why do stormfags get all the hate? Don't they align with most of Sup Forums anyway? I get the vibe they don't have any understanding of humor, especially not Sup Forums humor

Also people who use the word 'stormfags' used to get b&.

Its been a long run. Like 2004 or something was when we first started down this crazy highway. It was like 2007-10 when the popularity just brought so many other communities in the original spirit was lost. Really its just mischievous anime lovers to say the least who it used to be but the playful spirit that unites us into the hate machine the world has learned to fear is the essence of 4chans origins that still lives on.

This is the only true response OP. Sup Forums was shit when I started browsing 11 years ago. Humans make Sup Forums shit.

>replying to the bait portion of a post about how easy it is to spot new gags because they reply to bait
You've weeded yourself out

This- Sup Forums is flakey as Fuck, it goes through trends so it all depends on how you relate to the trends. I crept here for a while before I started posting because I could scan threads and learn a bunch, also gain a lot resources/sites/materials to research. Seems there is just a lot more people here who are worker ants, and the core of Sup Forums is still there, letting the worker ants in on their info

I have been here for half a year and I can already see a difference. Quite astonishing, really.


Describe what you've seen

kek, something something DIGITS what he mean by dis


saying pol is ruined is a newfag thing. in the times of good pol has real discussion going back and forth over multiple posts, new memes being created. now pol has attention and there is less of that.

>gain a lot of resources/sites/materials
Honestly, I haven't seen much of that. The only real valuable resource I got was "The Greatest Story Never Told." That was pretty eye opening and led me to research a lot of my own shit.

From what I have seen, it seems like there were better red-pill threads that offered new perspectives back in the day. I see a lot of shit threads now that have no discussion

Their views are unpalatable to most. Even if there is an overlap. They are our extremists.

I've been here since 2008, as far as I know the last time it was 'good' was the summer of 2006, it hasn't changed since I've been using it.

Advanced subversion tactics. I admire it, but I also have added you to the list of people I pray for every night.

I hope for your sake that you pray for yourself to live, as I will be praying for the opposite.

I'll have to lurk the NatSoc thread more. They always blend in to me, I can never really tell who the stormfags are

>what did he mean by this?
>is she /ourgirl/?
>how can x even compete?
>You're not really racist are you, user? user?
>Fuck off shariablue
>4D Chess
>Styx threads, PJW threads, Milo threads

It was intellectual conversation, red pills and false flags, current happenings, lots of history. Place for finding truths and cutting through the bullshit, race realism and logic prevailed, but most importantly NatSoc was the driving force behind this wave of 'omg redpillz'.

It's hilarious because our ideology is so threatening that we're not allowed to share our information, and the places that we can...get overrun by shills, normies, JIDF, homo/Trans, commies etc...and we are called uneducated.

the old pol fucking sucked. this new one is like the hivemind of the worlds neet intelligencia. Some faggots just reminisce over old things.

I'll give you reddit gold if you upvote my post, centipede!

Pol wasn't actual political discussion as much as it was cheeky international banter and nazi roleplaying. Also I remember Sup Forums being mentioned in the news as "far left wing" a long time ago when haxx0rs were the only reason Sup Forums would be mentioned in the news and Anonymous wasn't *as* much of an edgy teen thing as it is now

It was always shit, just a different shade.

People are taking this place to seriously. What happened during the election was fucking funny tho it did have some basis in this places beliefs when we get down to it it was fucking funny. The internet is serious business.

Imagine you have a hobby. Imagine you also have a group of pals who also enjoy that hobby. most people in said group have a good understanding of said hobby and when talking to your pals, you can expect them to know the basics of said hobby, so you can easily have some actual deeper discussion about the hobby with little trouble. It's not perfect but it's a pretty good time for everyone involved and the occasional new guy can catch up quickly with the help of the experienced guys.

Now imagine a bunch of people barge into the group and systemically start to ruin all the discussion with whatever means necessary. Then if that wasn't enough, a shit ton of mentally handicapped new people also storm in because the somehow hobby became a fad...

Oh, who am I kidding, Sup Forums was always shit.

>Nazi roleplaying
Are you implying it's all just satire?

The board at this stage is fairly evenly split between NatSoc/Libertarian. The Nazis arrived years ago and never left. They get on fine with the Libertarians to an extent, but there will obviously be the outliers on both who will pick fights deliberately.

From my own personal experience talking with a few NatSoc lads, a number of them used to be Libertarian but eventually swapped over to Nazism.

Before the Reddit influx lolbertarians and Nazis got on fine, the only issue was the INCESSANT "anything that argues against me is JIDF" shit. Holy crap did that get annoying.

It took me a long time to realise the jidf wasn't real.

Damn user nice job doing that 100 level psych runaround. Time to kill yourself.

It's like Midnight in Paris. You always yearn for the generation before you. And they yearn for the generation before them

>id changes
>new id "dox"
I'm sorry jidf you're real....

So NatSoc wasn't always a big thing? It seems huge. The whole board seems to be in almost agreement about Jews and NatSoc in general.

I've been on Sup Forums since 2006. It's always been shit. It's always been overflowing with dengerate losers, virgins, autistics, social outcasts.

Pol is basically the worst of them. Like r9k are loser autistics but even they are self aware enough to realise it's them that is the issue. Pol is even more retarded than that because of having zero self awareness and blaming everything on some obscure externality.

Pol was always shit it's just it keeps evolving over time. The people claiming it was once good are because they remember Pol back when it supported their worldview and it has since moved on. Soon everyone will move on from trump and laugh at trump supporters and all the newfags will screech over the good ol days when this board liked trump. It's the circle of life here.

The rest of us are here to troll and for humour.

>Learning anything from Pol

Pick up some books you fucking idiot. What the fuck have you got to learn from schoolkids and autistic virgin 30 year olds

What ruined Sup Forums in general was a massive influx of normies. Before they showed it up it was solely the domain of nerdy whites and while we always had a few leftfags total cucks were rare. In 2008 you could have a Hitler/Nazi thread on Sup Forums without a single cuck porn image being posted.

Sup Forums has gone downhill lately for similar reasons: Normies, redditors, shills and other such faggots are swarming in and shitting up the place.

Lurk the archives it will be like discovering the ruins of atlantis
They have a website faggot and have you ever seen the Israeli qt threads that's all jidf misinformation

Back when Sup Forums was the largest board there wasn't a political ideology, it was just "do it for the lulz". This obviously tended to be anarchic as hell, which led to the media (as other anons points out) labelling Sup Forums as anarchist central.

When /new/ rolled around it was always somewhat Nazi from what I remember (although admittedly I was mostly a Sup Forumstard back then and avoided politics). Sup Forums has been, from its very inception, partly National Socialist. The Ron Paul shit was the same way that Trump is treated nowadays. They're a large portion of the community, but they are not the only representative faction.

So basically, Sup Forums was always partly NatSoc, but there was a massive influx of Nazis over the years (I suppose gravitating to a place where they could post Anonymously). You never had running /nsg/ threads though, their creation was more of a reaction to what a lot of NatSocialists saw as newfags shitting up the general state of the board.

t. autistic virgin 30 year old

>implying newfags are smart enough to into filename b8
>id: HBK
Thank you for defending me Shawn Michaels

I'm aware. Still don't buy it

>smart enough to into filename b8
Yeah typing in a filename takes a lot of intelligence, only for the pros m8


cheers, this cleared up alot

lurk moar

I'm OP... idk why my ID changed. I reset my ghetto internet and it gave me a new ID

other than increased traffic Sup Forums (and /new/) were pretty similar
the main difference is the rest of the boards were much less politicized, especially the ones easily trollable by jew- and racebaiting (Sup Forums and Sup Forums respectively)
it was still shit though
and the main problem is not political really, the main problem is phoneposters

t. been here since 07

OP lurk for one more year, ironic bait posting is reddit tier. Fucking newfag, if OP do any bait again he will be killed by a nigger.

>trollable by jew and racebaiting
Lol why don't people troll plebbit? They are super SJW, they think people like Milo are super controversial hahaha

>The main problem is phoneposters
Dracula is straight up dropping truth bombs

Most threads are just there to slide that one thread.

Sup Forums used to be libertarian
then it became national socialist
then it became trumpist
now its molding itself to a new instar

Very red pill bro

I second this.
Also, considering I've been on here since like 2002, Sup Forums and most of 4ch have been saying newfags ruined this board since I first found this place. Definately huge influx since last election cycle though.

Sup Forums was more tolerable back then before the shills, stormfags, and plebbits came along.

>When goyim don't go back to work

>Sup Forums will defend this
>but, you only have 10 seconds

Nah. It was shit since inception. It was only created to keep other boards from noticing all the coincidences. /new/ was pretty bad at the end.

Does someone have the screencap of like the first few posts on Sup Forums? I know I've seen it before

I miss seeing "kike" or "JIDF detected/pls go" popping up in 60-70% of threads. Miss the blatant jew hatred. Shills used to post better bait (still obvious, but not as obvious as todays sad excuse for bait posting).

>I've been on Sup Forums since 2006

Our tests determined that was a lie, want to try again JIDF?

It used to be 3/4 satire of the most outrageous shit you can think of. Now it's about 1/4 satire.

Murk loar newfag

Sup Forums was always cancer. back in 2008 people would post pics of gaping assholes covered in cum (it was CP, in case you're wondering).

as for Sup Forums, it used to be a lot more libertarian and more focused on economic issues rather than race. that all changed from 2012 onwards with the rapid rise of SJW's and anti-white propaganda.

The book? Which author?

Sup Forums used to be much more racist.
Sup Forums also used to know a lot more about what we talked about. I feel like we've let our minds dull. Maybe from the rage of dealing with newfags and bluepilled faggots for years. I've just gotten tired of explaining things and then having something irrelevant brought up as a counter argument.

/new/ was more racist than Sup Forums ever was that is why moot the jew deleted it, and created Sup Forums when our unplanned samson option occured

It's always been shit, feels like there used to be more rational argument but that might just be nostalgia.

I wish there was a text board verision of Sup Forums so that you actually had to argue with your words and ASCII for your memes.

We had threads made by people who knew something specific (usually politically) and wanted to tell everyone.
I remember threads about political theory by Heidegger and threads about insider knowledge of hollywood pedophilia. We actually had more threads about revisionist history and also discussions about sociology - and not just shitposting about it.
There have always been tons of shit threads and you have to learn to quickly filter them when browsing the catalog. But there are barely any good threads left whenever I check by now.

The actual difference: Sup Forums's identity used to be wholly negative. We defined ourselves solely by what we were not, and any attempt to attach a positive label was met with neverending butthurt. We might say that Sup Forums used to be mostly libertarians, but it was certainly never a "libertarian board". Gamergate was the template for reactionary identity politics, and "alt-right" provided a positive label that Sup Forums, for the most part, is happy to identify with.

Why is this important? Because positive labels allow obnoxious joiners and trend-hoppers and normies and lemmings. They turn us into another commodified subculture, and it took about five seconds for people like Milo to make tons of money off it. It replaces actual discussion with tribal signalling. "Haha, we're all on team red, right? Fuck team blue! Yay us!"

Fuck that shit.

Oh and we had actual socialists, communists and anarchists coming here regularly and testing their theories and convictions. Like Bakunin-threads.
I've barely any use for socialism/capitalism infographics anymore.

Imagine the autistic white kid becomes the alpha Chad of the school

That was Sup Forums in its glory days

been here since 2011 and i still consider myself a newfag, when i got here people already used to say that the place had gone to shit and it wasn't anything like 2009, pretty sure people have been tracking back till somethingawful

people say that Sup Forums was never good but that isn't true, Sup Forums was amazing in 2011 and /x/ was the best board of the whole site

Sup Forums is the same as it ever was. People have been saying it's dead since the beginning, which I believe was in late 2011. Sup Forums used to be the main hub of Sup Forums but it got so bad that it reached critical posting mass and no one had time to reply to any threads. I think Sup Forums is like number five as far as traffic goes now when it was once 30% of the whole site. Newfags and reddit cancer killed it, as did the word "edgy." This is a golden age for Sup Forums. No one knows what the future holds for this board but Sup Forums actually gets shit done more than Sup Forums ever did. Also, lurk moar.

Shut up newfag. You know NOTHING of Sup Forums and nothing of Sup Forums. You shouldn't even post at all unless you've been here for a year, and you're a fucking newfag at least for the first two years. You only noticed a "difference" because you came here for the election hype. Everyone ignore this faggot. I kicked his ass today and a hundred cocks fell out.

There are still plenty of redpill threads, and they are mandatory reading/watching if you're new here. You need to get on board with Stefan Molyneux, Paul Joseph Watson, Dr. Jordan Peterson. Sup Forums is pretty split on Milo and Richard Spencer but you should at least know who they are and what they stand for.

not much has changed besides the slide threads & shills
we will endure


That is profound. I've been around Sup Forums since 2008, and I am a degenerate alcoholic druggie ex sjw anarcist/communist (depending on the year) criminal turned so far right wing the snowflakes get intense bowelmovments when they talk to me.

I am also, honest to God, one of the more decent people I have had the pleasure of knowing.

Main thing I noticed is that you don't see arguments to any opposing ideas here as often. Before, you have someone posting an opinion most people on here disagree with, and people called him a faggot, but there were still one or two posts that argue against what the guy's saying. Nowadays, I'm not seeing that as often. Instead you get the same "kys", "shill", "a fucking leaf", etc. over and over again whenever someone says something that opposes the hivemind.

They're a lot more touchy than the lolbergs so they do get kind of annoying. NatSoc is fine. Libertarians are fine. Stormfags are irritating.

ruined? RUINED!? lurk moar you rotten faggots. lurk until you can lurk no mo and then KILL YOURSELF

There was a decent number of leftist and good number of people were anticapitalist, mostly fascist and protectionist. We ve had influx of moderate right wingers

It was like it is but without: trump general, reddit, shills. So the same as it is now just less autistic, also i liked how there were wayy more isis threads

I agree to a point, but I wouldn't put the blame solely on Sup Forums's "hive mind" as you put it
It's because of polarization/consolidation of Ideals and the options/avenues that are available now promoted this seperation.

IE Reddit is mostly Left Leaning and censorship is prevalent there (no supersize there) the hammer of censorship usually comes down to any who will oppose Leftist Ideologies so most left leaning people migrated there where their feeling wont be hurt.
There's Neogaf, Twitter, etc etc all mostly left leaning so everyone who has opposing Ideals from the "Majority" of Sup Forums has left this place on their own accord which is why this place sorta has become an echo chamber.

TLDR all the pussies have left Sup Forums

Pic related is what ruined this board.


I do not hate other races or peoples.

Stormfags ruined /new/ before there was a Sup Forums. They are the reason /new/ was deleted. It was nothing but racist spam 24/7.

Traps were always gay. Still are.

This board always had people who cared about formating

WTF is with all the Trump hate btw? There is no way there is this many shills.

Everyone needs to calm down and let us MAGA

It's always been shit user.