Are Crypto-coins the final red pill?
How else are you going defeat the banking and the credit card jew?
Are Crypto-coins the final red pill?
How else are you going defeat the banking and the credit card jew?
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Alot easier for them to control crypto-currency than you think.
Gotta be a fucking retard to have your cash as digital
>jew posting about coins
sounds like youre a raggot bought the top at 2800 and now your trying to shill that shit here
>Buying the cryptocurrency jews
It doesn't defeat anything. It shows that goys can be really smart too. You jews should see that. Bitcoin is a technological masterpiece, mathematical science with really white paper. Blockchain is logical way to do it I guess.
A genies changes the world via computers. Happened many many times. It will happen again and again.
Cant make that shit up
Cripcurrency will demonstrate that all currency will always be consolidated and distributed by centralized manipulation.
Or will it?
The Jew can never be defeated. The Jewish people are winners. They always win because they aren't stupid enough to be hemmed in by their enemies rules the way white men are.
Jews value a strong family unit, community, their heritage, education, and they invest heavily into these things. They will never be conquered. Despite being outnumbered 350 to 1, Jews have won every single battle for over 2000 years. If something bad happens to Jews it is because the Jewish leaders wanted it to happen for the greater good.
White men? When was the last time a rich white man made any sizable investment in his community? It doesn't happen. White men spend every last dime buying shit they don't need so they can lord over those who have less. Things like yachts, houses, cars, art, and wine.
all you want. You know I'm right. PS I'm not a Jew. I'm intelligent.
the british empire worked for several hundred years on a system of tally sticks. they split a stick with a design, put one half in circulation, and the other half as a record to prevent counterfeiting. king said his taxes are to be paid with the sticks and they worked in circulation nicely. the money changers couldn't exploit nor change the value of the british empires currency, so eventually it was removed.
there is no final redpill on money, as long as time exists we will need a fair and equal representation of it in the form of hard matter.
I'm digging those Tripple 7s
Hello fellow /biz/raeli. Eth at ATH :D
How many breads can I buy from Safeway with all the bitcoins in the world?
Oh yeah none.
>Jews have won every single battle for over 2000 years
Well here's to 2000 more :^)
PS just because (((they))) didn't create it does not mean they are unable to consolidate the lion's share.
>downloading 100GB of data just to have a wallet to hold buttcoins aka crypto shekels
Hahaha nocoiner cucks getting triggered on Sup Forums. When will you all realize you're wasting time here instead of making sick gains with /biz/?
Holy shit is that a matrix?
I fucking love the matrix.
>Hey, wanna buy a tulip? It only costs you like 2000 bucks. I know that's more expensive than gold, but look how the price of tulips climbed in the last year. In one year you can sell this tulip for thrice the price it has now. You want to know why I sell it then? Oh hm, because I want you to be rich, okay?
Who really cares. If anyone does anything people will use other crypto currency. Technology is out there. We can start another blockchain whenever we want.
It's all part of the grand scheme. I don't expect your meager intelligence to grasp any of it.
The flat-earth-pill, is the final redpill.
I read that btc can only handle 4 to 7 transactions per second. How the fuck is that supposed to work as a realistic currency? Bitcoin seems like a bubble to me. I won't be surprised to see it drop in price when big players sell.
This is going to be hilarious in 10 years.
Spend a day learning about Bitcoin and you will see how huge this is.
Physical is the only option
Metal or ammo
Give me a break...
It's sure is a technological masterpiece but i'm not quiet sure why i don't see it everywhere yet...
Maybe the younger generations don't care that much about psychical representation...
That's why I screenshot all the naysayers
Well since you're a Jew and claiming so then no. It's so easily manipulated
Somebody explain bitcoin and how it works.
Can it be manipulated/hacked in any way?
If it's all digital, I don't see how that's safe.
>it's just digital goyim, stay far far away
Correct. It is not a coincidence that all this paper funny-money that's made such a mess of the world's economic systems has also resulted in all the world's gold landing in one vault in New York City.
in america we have these things called credit unions. people just choose to not use them as they just use the closest bank to their house which is usually a big central bank.
nice explanation
>I'm intelligent
Nice clear explanation here.
Everyone knows about shit-coins because of Max Shyster.
Patents pay off bigly if you're financially endowed.
As a holder of 44 bitcoins.. no, it's not fully safe. My first 4 bitcoins back in 2014 were stolen from one of the safest wallets out there. It has gotten much safer now though, but hackings still happen on a much smaller scale.
What do you mean with "how it works"? Do you mean how they are created or what?
i'm telling you that when i go to starbucks, i see israeli jew looking women in their early 30's shilling crypto coins all night. that was really obvious about two weeks ago, during that big rise....ya...
Are there any downsides to running Bitcoin Core? I heard people will try to hack you?
I'm always looking for new shit to setup and run 24/7.
cash out and start your own militia bro
Stop trying to get idiots to inflate it because the price dropped.
Kind of funny you're from Israel.
Oh boy... i really want to thank you for making us god like. don't forget that we are immortal and can fuck any girl we like with just a finger click.
KEK sometimes you amaze me with the powers you give us.
We also have those.
Just get a debit card to spend your bitcoin. Piece of Pie.
No, just don't give people your private key.