He's right you know

He's right you know.

>not white
pick one

>we're unbothered
>feel the need to strike out with bitchy comment on Twitter

But it's my country. He's an invader. He should expect to get shot

>kills cartoonist for insulting a pedo

I want whites to become wolf people again and devour every one of those faggots jesus my blue blood i boiling

Came into thread to make this exact post. Also, checked.

Back to le Reddit faggot

Came here to say what you two said/were going to say and to check those digits.

> insult our holiday and we're unbothered

You posted this same thread this morning.

Sage goes in the options field.

If you pulled shit like that in a Muslim country you would get killed

Ask him about Charlie Hebdo


And yet they're the ones who have organised numerous of attacks and suicide bombing in the name of allah because they're so butthurt about western civilisation.

Give us our holiday back you jewish muslim cunt

How is everyone's Ramadan going? I had bacon-wrapped steak on the weekend, bacon&eggs yesterday and grabbed a BLT on my way to work today. Thinking Porkchops towmorrow.

The versatility of pork is truly unmatched, I urge all my fellows to celebrate this month as vocally as possible by consuming a pork product every day - ideally a different variant if you can manage. Make it a challenge, have fun with it.

The only response to this is:

Je suis Charlie


At least I dont have to worry about car bombs if white people get angry around the holidays.

You mean that newspaper that Ahmed Merabet died to protect?

>insult a muslim
>they're unbothered

These people threaten death over stick figure drawings labeled "muhammad"

I dont get these jokes.

Muslims dont care that you are eating. They already know non-muslims dont celebrate ramadan or fast.

It just really cringely. Atleast make funny jokes in your lame attempt to be racists.

>we're unbothered
That explains all the suicide bombings

Happy Islamic fasting time...sizzling yet ?

What don't you get? It's about making the holy month a celebrating of pork and supporting the pork industry.



pls no rake, thanks

They're both culture wars where the object of defence is Christian cultural hegemony. The only thing that matters in this is whether you think that is a good goal or not.
It's not for nothing that the same people who say "happy holidays" are the ones who push awareness of Ramadan and other non-Christian holidays.

Christmas isn't a part of an authoritarian religion that brutally murders thousands of people every year.


Muslims literally murder you for making fun if Ramadan

>unbothered religion
>regularly terrorist daily

You're an idiot, you know.