How you feel about using drugs for recreative use?
How you feel about using drugs for recreative use?
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Degenerate. Even weed. Sick of everyone smoking it at college thinking it's the coolest thing ever when it's just a complete waste of money and people only do it to look edgy.
what other kinds of recreation are there? physical??
ÿou must be kidding.
It's fine, just don't let it get out of hand. If you fuck up it's your problem and your responsibility.
all drugs are pain killers
people should instead try to figure out
what drives them use pain killers
lol dumb mick
I smoke weed alone and play music that I don't record
Am I just doing it to be cool and edgy?
Steroids are drugs and no one uses for recreative use so...
heheh weeed dude xD come chill at my house and stare at the tv for 5hrs like a braindead autist xD weeeeeeed hehehe
they can smoke as much drugs as they like after we deport them to nigeria.
degenerate, but i do it every day :^)
I believe in staying out of people's personal lives as long as they don't do anything to infringe upon others right. But it's a slippery slope. I just kicked a major dope addiction and I can say that I feel better than I have in years.
Just be careful. "Recreational fun" can turn into addiction fast.
Drugs are fun at first but then become a drag.
The reward-motivation circuitry of your brain is sensitive, so massive drug-induced dumps of dopamine seriously fuck it up.
It makes it difficult to feel motivated to do things other than drugs. So you have to use grit to get things done.
I think avoiding them entirely is the way to go, but if you dabble, don't use everyday. Even coffee. Seriously.
you're posting this to be edgy.
I agree it really all comes down to the individual
I smoke/drink but only socially and many of my friends do as well but even still it's clear to me that some of them are most certainly addicted where as I so far as I can say for sure am not but 99% of people can't handle any type of drug and get addicted quick (coffee anyone?) so really I do think drugs shouldn't be legal thb
i like to buy my friends adderall and play Planetside 2 or Starcraft for hours all night sometimes.
going to try and get a script so i can abuse it recreationaly at my leisure
Couldn't care less for real weed, just hate the culture behind it. Synthetic weed will fuck your day up.
God damn call an ambulance and flip him over so he doesn't choke and die. Fucking ignorant kids.
Habitual drug use ruined my life, particularly opiates. There are some drugs worth experiencing at least once, like MDMA, just because it truly is indescribable. If I could do it all over, I would never touch any of it. 6 years sober.
do whatever you want to do
Degenerate, especially weed. So many people are in denial about this but every fucking stoner I've met puts weed before EVERY THING. My stoner friends never have any fucking money because it's all gone on weed the minute they get paid. It also turned me into a brain dead couch potato for the better part of a year but luckily I realised the error of my ways. In my experience it brings out the worst in people.
>hehe it's not physically addictive my obvious psychological dependency is just a choice hehe
I tried it for a while. Made me stupid, made my memory worse, and I felt like I was sinning, probably from breaking the law. Will probably never do it again.
> How you feel about using drugs for recreative use?
Feels good man
drugs are degenerate. anyone who uses drugs should be executed without due process. even something as "benign" as coffee is really just a jewish trick.
OP's pic is one of the world's most punchable faces.
Look at it. That idiot look of glee, glazed over by a mind-numbing euphoria. The kind of euphoria that leads that face to get right in yours and wheeze, "heeey man, you hiiiiigh?!"
The face of an irresponsible fucker, foisted upon actual humans trying to go about their daily business.
For better or worse, the kid in that video did die.