Former Nationalist

I've been a nationalist ever since coming to Sup Forums but I have recently been red pilled about open borders. It's really the only way we can make the world a better place. Nationalism is the reason why the world is shit right now.

When will you realize open borders and race mixing is the only thing that will solve our problems Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

you have failed as a person

More globalism = more brown QTs

It'll be heaven

remember to sage shitty bait threads

This is a good idea! This is my first time on Sup Forums, I heard many bad things but I wanted to see first hand the "racism" that goes on around here but now I see you are all sensible progressives and have confirmed my world view! Very excited to be part of this site!


wow those digggets tho

What are these 4-step brain pics called? I fuckin love these things



Not even close.


Diversity has best ass

i agree with op black QTs are important if you disagree you are gayfag

Fuck your family. They did a terrible job.

P.S. What's egas backward?


If I finish up her asshole I can't get her pregnant, does that mean it's okay to rail blacks up the butt?

Fuck off spic

It's okay to do any girl in the front. Mixed babies are the fastest growing demographic in America and they should be the fastest growing demographic around the world. If you make mixed babies you are helping the world out alot.

What is dysgenics?


>It's a "attempt to subvert by posing myself as a former rightist that has opened my mind to leftist ideas but I realize they're so shit so I instead try to enforce my arguments through elevating hormones by posting pictures of shit-colored women" thread
Fuck off already

Mixed races have higher IQs and better immune systems. They are also on average taller.

I've been a globalist ever since coming to Sup Forums but I have recently been red pilled about open borders. It's really the only way we can make the world a better place. Glolbalism is the reason why the world is shit right now.

When will you realize open borders and race mixing is the only thing that will create more problems Sup Forums?

that's a nice ass

I am also a former communist and now an Enlightened Neoliberal Globalist. AMA

fuck this slide thread.. SAGE and hide

deja vu
I've seen this thread before

Have you had mixed children yet? You're not a true globalist until you do.

I've been a huge faggot ever since coming to Sup Forums but I have recently been red pilled about being gay. It's really the only way we can make the world a better place. Heterosexual sex is the reason why the world is shit right now.

When will you realize being a huge faggot and race mixing like Milo "BASED FAGGOT" (You)anopolis is the only thing that will solve our problems Sup Forums?

My peen!! Who are they?

hehe no larping as OP i am real OP

White globalism is the final redpill

>capitalism has killed 1.5 billion
even for a b8 meme that's some highly lethal trigger juice.

>wah American capitalism didn't provide enough free food to lazy niggers in Africa! It's killed so many people!

>higher IQ

Higher than if the child were 100% black, yes.

There is enough food to feed every mouth in the world but the capitalists are keeping it for themselves.

i love minorities!

Your shilling is unconvincing.

If you want food then you work to earn it. Either grow, raise or hunt it yourself or work to make money to buy food from the people who do farm, hunt, and raise animals.

You are not entitled to food. You are not entitled to anything except your freedom to speak your mind.


Just stop.

>work for food when it's just going to go in the trash anyway

fucking capitalists


>15 posts
You faggots are working really heard to earn the Sheckles, usually they just start a thread and abandon it.

>work for food when it's just going to go in the trash anyway
The trash offers more a service to society than you ever will.

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

Shill better, amateur fag. No 2 cents for you.

Completely correct. Nationalism is the primary source of war, poverty, and climate change. If we realise that these problems need to be dealt with, then we have to address nationalism first.

there is no mix there is just nigger and diet nigger

>high IQ



Try to disprove it

>you can end all war by becoming one giant country/people blob
>countrys never have internal wars

>Realizing globalism is just national socialism on a bigger scale with the added bonus of not having to divide yourself from the rest of the world and therefore ending all war
Except NATIONAL socialism is derived from A PEOPLE. Your "global people" would essentially be rootless Hyper-Brazilians, brownish-orange clones that would exist only to serve the small (((global elite))) that ran this resulting shit-show of a zoo.

I see what you're doing, you filthy subversive fuck, you. Keep it up, and the next holocaust will be so real there won't be any of you left to talk about it.

They don't even realize they are being manipulated by Jews to kill their own countrymen.
66 Million faggot

Former white here. I've been white since coming to Sup Forums but I have recently been red pilled about philo semitism. It's reall the only way we can make the world a better place. Whites are the reason the world is shit right now.

When will you realize displacing whites is the only thing that will solve our problems Sup Forums?

Sorry, I don't speak Hebrew

Hmm just a shame that most niggerinas are obese and look and act as apes.

lol no. Mutts have the average IQ of their parents. I.e nigger (70-82 IQ) + white (95-105) IQ = whites lose, niggers gain.

It's hard to describe the depth of stupidity required to come a conclusion that socialism is achievable on a global scale.

Socialism will turn into despotic communism, which is tyranny by another name, without extreme xenophobia to tightly maintain a compatible population level in relation to resource scarcity.

Globalism is not global natsoc. Globalism is global communism, which is to say it is a global tyranny by the wealthy who lord over the poor through manipulation of resources.

Take your shill thread and fuck off.

>makes unsubstantiated claim
>"anecdotal" evidence
Options field ladies and gentlemen

this post gave me cancer

>posting these trashy slores


OP is faggot

Wow fucking kill yourself OP. humans desire to preserve thier own populations and thats why globalism wont work in practice.

your a jew shill

einstein was a socialist
stephen hawking criticizes capitalism

>red pilled about open borders.
If you were, you'd be Imperialist.

Don't forget Mark Zuckerberg

>but I have recently been red pilled about open borders.

what does that even mean?
turning europe into a middle eastern continent is a terrible idea.

racemixing is a terrible idea. there are so many blacks and asians and everything else but whites only make up 10% of the world population.

t. not /leftypol/
That or you were a liberal before and went back to one after being somewhat drawn in by memes and shit

>Islam, gays and atheists will 100% co-exist peacefully with these open borders in place
>Most people don't want to racemix because of tribalism but that will all magically change

kys OP

Everyone needs to be intelligent, before we can open the borders.
To achieve this, we need to practice Eutelegenisis. Once everyone is smart, we won't need borders, and we can have world peace.

>When will you realize open borders and race mixing is the only thing that will solve our problems Sup Forums?
Explain how it will magically educate everyone and makes everyone not believe fictional story and rules invented thousand of years ago that sayd that some people are better than others, and those others all deserve to die or be slave? that's not an invention of nationalism for sure...

Im so fucking pissed they aren't ordered from lightest to darkest

Would you like to defend your claims in friendly debate or are you just pretending?

Of course the black women looks like a man.

>Typical troll thread
>Over 70 replies

I was actually thinking about this recently

If we somehow did end up at the point where we were 100% race mixed and all the same "race" all across the planet, and there were literally no borders, wouldn't that (in theory) be the best possible outcome for the human species?

>Lefty pol raid.
Yeah cause people of the same race never kill each other for resources.


Oh wow, cute niggers.
Better just fuck my whole lineage up senpai

>ending international conflict is bad because there would still be conflict within the nation

I'm not even a leftist it was just a thought I had. I'm as anti-globalism as anyone. I just realized it's more of a gut feeling, globalism just seems wrong, but when I thought about it I guess I can see the globalists' rationale.

>Why would there be no borders if everyone was the same race? Is every white person Catholic? Is every Arab a muslim? There would still be different countries

didn't mean to greentext that.

umm sweetie in a globalist utopia we would have burnt down all the churches and mosques long ago :^)

Your point is irrelevant. Every homogeneous country in the world has low crime rates, good economy and higher life quality. What you're inciting is that he is saying that there wouldn't be any conflicts on earth. When there actually would be far less then we currently have. Which is what he is trying to say.

Are you also going to pretend immigration is good? We all know immigration fails to work because of different religion, different culture and not the same race.

Nearly every homogeneous country in the world is peaceful, has lower crime rates, good quality of life, good economy. Example of this would be Japan, Scandinavia (Before the immigration), South Korea etc.

Globalism = dialectical materialism.

Sorry. I'm not going to passively march to my death and the death of my race because some multi-billionaire had the bright idea that some other race would make for cheaper labor.

If anything this mindless foreign aid we waste on niggers in Africa to keep them artificially alive and growing is just going to kill even more of them when western countries turn into third world shitholes that cant support them anymore. And yes, I am indeed aware the fact that commas and punctuation marks exist.

>An atheist trying to LARP as John Lennon


Reminder to ignore American shit posters

Yeah, I think the homogeneity factor is what I had in mind, I just couldn't articulate it

I mean, imagine how awesome you would feel if the entire world was white. Or if you're black, if the whole world was black. etc. Go out to a public space and everyone is your race.

idk. Seems like it would be nice to me but I'm from multiculti melting pot paradise US.

How do you intend get every to mix to the same race? There's multiple different races anyway. The blacker your genes/skin the less attractive you are. Just because there aren't pure races doesn't mean every will see everyone as the same.


Globalism is Brazil. It's not an ideology, it's more of a smash and grab economic philosophy for the short term that doesn't have a realistic end goal other than putting 95% of the world's population into slums while the global elite and their well fed cronies devise ways to profit off of them before they're inevitably made obsolete.

The globalists aren't looking to seed the universe, they're looking to rule the planet in decadent luxury until the sun explodes.

checked. that's cute. i didn't know niggers could get freckles

Race mixing solves our nigger problem the same way a bullet solves your living problem

You used to actually make me think sometimes but it seems kikes are getting worse and worse at propaganda.

CIA, fuck off

well, it'd appear the plan is to import 10 gorrillion shitskins into the white countries and let 'em fuck it all up (and fuck the white wimmin while they're at it)