Why are young men dropping out of high paying rewarding careers like medicine, law, and engineering and instead finding jobs as forklift operators?
Why are young men dropping out of high paying rewarding careers like medicine, law...
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>finding jobs
I dropped out of a high-paying truck driving job
To Dig for gold
Forklifting is good, brainless, monotonous works that a little better than minimum wage. I used to do it before I went full hiki. I kinda miss it.
Some forklift jobs pay big money
>a little better than minimum wage
Nigger I make 60 grand a year driving a forklift. That's with minimal overtime put in too.
>60 grand a year driving a forklift
I make 40k including overtime
bruh are you ok?
I made $14/hr for it at home depot. That was in 2010. I guess I was getting shafted. My boss used to tell me to take those cert courses to work as a boom operator doing deliveries for home depot. It was supposed to pay like $21/hr starting but you go to prison if you fuck up and kill somebody on the job and didn't seem worth it.
Why waste your life studying hard and then working hard spending majority of your time on things you don't like? I can understand that when you work for somebody else, when you want your wife and children to have good and easy lives. Having good food on the table, warm beds etc. But since it's not the case for many men anymore, they just work enough to be self sufficient. Fuck, I only work part time and the amount of money I make is enough for me to live comfortably. Not to mention that ( at least in the socialist shithole Europe is ) once you meet a certain income threshold you can be taxed even up to 50% of your income, so why bother slaving away so Jamal can shit out kids on welfare?
tl;dr there's no reason to work your ass off if you
Why the fuck do you care your Irish!
Back in the day you guys were the Niggas
>retail forklift
There's your problem.
Forklifters on the logistics end of things make all the money. The hours are shit, you have to get up and rehandle product every 5 seconds and you're basically pushing that fucker full speed ahead from the moment you punch in to the moment you punch out, careening around corners and dodging people. It makes me want to kill myself. Except on payday.
pushed out of society by everyone, so they take whatever they can? really not that hard unless you're a fucking jew. wait til we start importing beaners illegally to push forklifts for half the price cash non-taxed...lol oh wait...sage
Because they don't care about their society enough to put in more than the minimum requirement to survive in it
And why should they?
I'm not even Irish desu, 'roo. Besides, what does my nationality matter? OP never specified a country in which the phenomenon occurs and on top of that OP is a fucking leaf .
nice forced (((brit jew anglo banker))) meme, commonwealth jew.
Fork lifting? or Did you fall for the college jew?
Because it's a place free from women and all the bs men have to put up with to accomodate them.
Did you really just try that?
Go farm some potatoes you fucking Irish abomination.
This. I've been passed over so many times by niggers and cunts and fags, I'm about to toss in the towel as well.
Is the Irishmans dilemma do I eat the potato now or do I ferment it and drink it later
Medicine has basically been dominated by Asians. They receive preferential treatment by other gooks already in.
Source: White and in medicine
I got into it about 10 years ago. Before the whole
Hiring Jew came along.
What's with all the Irish hate?
Because not everybody feels obligated to do Mickey Mouse degrees like sports journalism.
A minority (sizeable, yes, but a minority) of people are worthy of university, and only a handful of subjects in university are actually valid.
If somebody isn't academically-capable enough to do an important degree, they SHOULD do a blue-collar job.
It's one of the excuses leftists give for wanting to import thousands of foreigners: because they "do the jobs we don't want to do".
Wal Mart starts lift drivers out at like $16 an hour with no previous experience.
I've been behind a desk doing everyone else's work and them taking the credit for about 5 years now.
Still, I make all of $60k. Thinking of starting a trade at 30 after spending 18 years in school.
Yeah well that's better than me considering the PPP on 60syrup dollars is like 45K USD right now.
Also you have to take the Narrow-aisle reach pill if you want the big forklift bucks. None of those little cuck lifts. These fuckers weigh 11,000 lbs and can reach up to 40 feet in the air and are meant to operate in really tight spaces.
Pic related.
Why should they bust their balls? The 21st century man isn't exactly going to have the traditional family life. At least on average.
There used to be incentives: bust your ass at a high performance job for 8+ hours a day, come home to a loving wife and kids who will enthusiastically yell "Daddy's home," running to give you a hug, followed by your wife who would give you a kiss, dinner and help you unwind.
What's that been replaced with? Emasculation on a cultural level, women who think that tending and taking pride in the household and family makes them unequal, the court system financially throttling your ass in the event your marriage ends, and the likelihood of never seeing your kids that much at all were you to lose custody. This culture has turned into a fucking nightmare that actively discourages productive pursuits.
To repeat my initial question: why should they bust their balls?
forklift jobs dont pay too bad if you consider time spent studying and taxes. Considering this tt not really that worth to go in those other careers. Law especially you can spend years in school law and make less then forklift operator.
This desu.
For every class of 100 in law school there's 1 law partner and 99 paralegals lucky to take home 30K cuck bucks a year.
>be forklift operator
>go hikiki
>spend all day playing forklift simulator
BECAUSE THE DEBTS TOO FUCKING MUCH!!! desu debt, and some jobs don't need major degree's personally if i were to go back to school me being 20 i'd go to trade get my associates and go from there not burn thousands of dollars at a marxist college to be lectured about being muh white.
they are fired by HR for more diversity bullshit.
Hey, leave my wife's son alone.
law student here
its because they are dumb and lazy people whose parents are dumb and uneducated and never presented a stimulating environment for them
my family is one of the rare ones in my shire that are real respected intellectuals and were like that even centuries ago,
most people will never reach that level tho and will always be doomed to work physical and obey their superiors
Yeah it sucks when there's a problem. Saw one dude drop a pallet of canned peaches from the top rack. Fuckin mess.
youre retarded, I work for my dad's friend's construction company and there's this vehicle operator guy who makes 44$/h
the dude works like 60+ fucking hours a week and is really based, the shit he says about niggers and shit skins make regular pol look soft, but now that 75% of the traffic here is leftist retards :(
>To repeat my initial question: why should they bust their balls?
You make more, you not only pay more taxes, but spend more on everything to feel like it's all worth it, borrowing way beyond your means which shortens your life running faster on the treadmill.
in the east 90% of law graduates just get comfy state jobs
>dat flag
>dis poast
what about my flag?
here have another bump
I'm studying mathematics but just out of personal interest - if I didn't like it I'd have just gone to work at some scottish oil rig or wherever on 50k-60k and had a pretty comfy life and not have to talk to dumbasses doing shit like (((sociology))).
I drive power equipment at a Walmart logistics center, the amount of shit I have to pull is unrealistic, 380 pallets in my 10 hour shift.
Yeah it's pretty shit desu.
People don't want massive debt they can't pay for.
i made 90k driving a forklift in a grocery warehouse in 98/99
yeah i'd take a 50% pay cut to go hourly and get paid time an a half the weeks I want to work 80 hours
Women are pushed into these fields so they have 9 women standing around doing nothing and 1 man actually coding.
Get real good and you can pull a job at a State Port Authority. Most of those guys join the union that controls unloading ships, $60K+, health, paid vacation, fringes.
because not everyone can be an engineer
kek poorfag
kek seeking validation on the internet like this
>tfw you used to have a comfortable living without a degree and watched it all dry up in a couple years
>Maxed out pay level for type of work even with 11 years experience
>Dude weed made everyone fucking want to move here.
I've had to go from living alone in a one bedroom apt to living with a roommate and only having one bedroom to myself for privacy and I'm still broke.
Cause I make 50k not including overtime for an easy job that I don't have to take seriously. I didn't have to take out a loan for that. Also was a cook fo a while, worked 60 hours a week but I made more than enough to live. you don't have to go to college to live a comfy life. You're going to work hard but it's fine because most of us could use some exercise.
Just do some put aways and you'll be Gucci.
This. Strive to be comfortable with life.
I was way happier over a decade ago when I had a wife and worked a shit job that barely paid anything, drove a shitty car, lived in a shanty apartment etc.
Money just made me forget how to appreciate the simpler things in life.
What happened to your wife?
>Dig for gold
ayyy, a fellow miningbro. Which mine do you work for?
>TFW we would get drunk on cheap wine cooler that came in 2 litre plastic bottles while watching blockbuster movie rentals on Saturday night.
>YWN watch the morning news on a hand-me-down television with her before she kisses you goodbye on your way out to work again.
>Doing manual labor
the poor mans job
Underrated comment.
Went from the service industry and dealing with holes all day as coworkers to working as a commercial fisherman. Just me and my boss. We talk, but not too much, pays good, and the work is enjoyable.
Why did you watch is dry up, who wouldn't make a plan to find a job that can suit your skills and transfer over when it dried up.... Are you that passive?
Thumbnail looks like a juggalo.
And they know it.
Nostalgia music.
>Money was always tight. It never worried her as much as it worried me. That created a lot of friction.
>She wanted kids so bad. But I kept telling her I wouldn't be comfortable raising kids in an apartment. I wanted us to save up and get a house first.
>Things slowly fell to shit. I was still young and restless. She younger still. I was 4 years older than her. We ended up taking a break a couple of times. She hurt me. I hurt her back (not physically of course). Caught her sexting with an old boyfriend. We both ended up cheating on each other so we both stopped trusting each other because of it. We tried to work it out one last time. But it was over.
5 years we shared that apartment. So many memories. A couple hours to pack my clothes into my car and leave her with everything I had worked for over the last 5 years.
In lieu of alimony I loaned her what was then basically my entire life savings (bout 5 grand)so she could get on her feet (since she had decided in the last couple years of all that she didn't need to work). Many years later and I still haven't seen a penny of it back.
cause I make $42 an hour as a forklift operator
get rekt
>working round the clock
ill take 4 on 3 off driving lifts
I never knew so many of Sup Forums were forklift operators lol
Must be the redpilled job
Forklift driver here. It's easy work, stress free and work stays at work. Some places pay very good money for what you do, most pay a little above average.
Women are probably going to have a collective breakdown soon. They keep fighting tooth and nail for these high stress jobs while raising kids she never sees while endlessly riding the cock carousel in the futile attempt to find a man who will love her.
It should happen around the time that women realizes that a career gives money and not much else. A career can't love you, it can't fuck you, it can't give you a place to raise your kids. The money you make working overtime you just blow on things to save you time like nannies or starbucks which defeats the purpose of the high paying job to begin with. There MAY be some self fulfillment there but that's hardly worth all the stress in today's overregulated high standard market.
Men understand this and will check out of a high paying job for a job that is easier.
Left a $140k a year programming plus up to $5mil ipo in ~5 to 8years to lift and not be a fat fuck for a year and a half. Whats the point of financial independence if I cant get a chick thats both hot and into me long term. Id rather be unemployed chad then billy betabux.