New Ministry album cover

The new Ministry album cover, features Trump, the use of "KKK" in it's title, songs bashing 4-Chan, a fucking pro Antifa anthem....

This is the degenerate dickhead that wrote the song NWO as if he knew what was going on. He's been fronting for years, even appearing on the Alex Jones show, where he exhibited that he is in fact merely a pickled mongoloid and has no fucking clue what's going on.....a leftist champion in his own eyes, an ex junkie who's burned every bridge he crosses in the eyes of most.

Anyways, I've been roasting the old cunt non stop on the facebook threads. Seems others are catching on. Join the fun perhaps?

Other urls found in this thread:

The dick song is fucking awesome.
Red pill him on libertarian ideas and tell him Trump is on our side. Be.nice!

There's a sordid history. He's reaching for the low hanging fruit. Fuck him. He has his band as a brand endorse Obama years ago even.

Literally who
Literally who cares

Whats the deal with the anti Sup Forums song?

That's what I'm beginning to gather. The man's career is really THAT dead...

The guy is trying to appear as if he's on the right side of things so to speak. And by knowing NOTHING about the world around him, has apparently made the conclusion that 4-Chan is run by anti-human scum, that Trump is an evil NWO type and that Antifa is a force of benevolence. The man is a fucking retard, full stop.

Typical celebrity without relevance sucking the cock of Satan for a little praise.

Oh. All that junk has fried his brain then. Think they are coming here soon ill go and slap him.

spam him with photos of crack pipes and trigger a meth relapse




there was a big article in Metal Hammer with him describing all the shit he used back in the day

entertaining read but holy fuck that guy is a full-on degenerate

still love the old Ministry tho

Shame, I liked Al i couple of years ago.
He looks and acts like a retard though.
Here's the Antifa song, doesn't have enough dislikes

They've always been libshit activists, going back to their anti-Bush album and probably even before that.

Al needs to grow up. He looks ridiculous for a man who's damn near 60.

Uh oh, a bunch of dads with cringey tattoos and who constantly want to smoke up with their kids will be on the WARPATH

Watched the vid for jesus built my hotrod recently; gibby was a total lowlife as well.

Dude they are luciferians. Of course they are anti everything that is good and pure.

Remember to do drugs, kiddos.

this makes me angery

His earlier music was pretty redpilled.

I don't know how you think they all of a sudden are leftists for trends

I bet you think Marilyn Manson is a nazi too