Where were you on 9/11?

Where were you on 9/11?

I was in the car, on the way to my first day of sophomore year of high school

I was watching some rabbits dance in the street


recovering from first spinal fusion surgery

>saw from beginning

MCRD San Diego

>first day freshman year
>Home room class (second period
>Principal comes on PA
>>Plane flew into world trade center
>Thinking it's a pond jumper or something, thinking "why the fuck would they even announce that?"
>A little while later another announcement, principal sounding concerned says "second plane has flown into the other world trade center. This is clearly an intentional attack".
>Im like "u wot, mate"?
>Teacher starts getting teary eyed and asks if anyone has anything the want to talk about/share feelings
>I'm still confused about what's happening.
>Some keener kid starts talking about how "someone's gunna get their tails kicked real hard"
>I'm like "wot, mate?"
>Girls are confused as well but start crying because teacher is crying and they can't control emotions around other emotions
>I'm like "fucking wot, mate?"
>Principal comes on PA again.
>Towers are kill
>Didn't see the footage until I get to my friends house after school
>Friend tells me his teachers were watching it all day, while my teachers were mostly going through the syllabus
>You fucking wot, mate?
>Wanna smash friends face out of jealousy
>His mom comes home
>She's crying
>"Consequences will never be the same"
>U fucking wot, mate?


Can you imagine a world without Jews?

Global education, computer room, TV screen - what a sight.

I was there to film the event

Hoboken New Jersey.. Brutal day.. saw #2 go down..

the news came in as i was getting ready for school, 10th grade

Sitting in the middle of the bed with my 2 dogs and a Coke, watching CNN and waking up "slowly". DH was working from home and was in the study with a client on the phone.

It was surreal. I will never forget the look on Peter Jennings' face. (He contracted lung cancer and died in 2005.) He didn't believe a word of it.
Dan Rather (the former anchorman who broke down and cried while talking about it- I don't think believed it, either. I think this was why he was so upset.)

The first time I heard it referred to as "911" instead of September 11th, I knew something was very, very wrong.
It didn't surprise me that much. When it was announced that the SCOTUS had decided Bush was president, my first thought was "it's over"- it meaning "everything".
(We had voted for Pat Buchanan in the primaries.)

So obvious dob fishing post. More effort next time kike

How fucking old are you? I'm old and I was 13 at the time.

Middle of nowhere in West Texas... Junior year of college butchering some poor defenseless animals

forced by my teachers to sit and watch the planes hit the towers all fucking day

Laughing hysterically

On the West Coast. Heard of something happening on the clock radio when my alarm went off; wasn't paying attention. Lazy morning in bed, wifey and I decide to get one in since the kids were off to school. I stopped by to see a friend, and their TV was on. We watched it for a bit, then on to the office. Nobody could work; too distracted.

Funny.. in 16 years I haven't told anyone I nailed my wife while the towers were under attack. Now I tell a bunch of anons on 4ch.

Strange world.

Face fucking some white bitch at the back of what was then my uncle's (but now mine) kebab shop.

In 4th grade

I was right behind your mom's jiggly big white pasty ass with her panties to the side grasped in my right hand like a saddle on that horse faced bitch. As I butted and she silently wished deep in her body for a tiny remembrance of me in the form of your little baby brother.

It happened on my way to school, I was late for class and the room was quiet and my teacher was crying at her desk. 9/11 was inside recess day.

I was in preschool and my mom said all the parents were super quiet when she came back to pick me up

The 34th floor of the south tower.

Freshman year Science class. They announced a message over the PA right before the bell rang. It was really obscure, so I made a joke out of it and sang the chorus of the Outkast song, "Bombs over Baghdad." I got a few laughs. Little did I know...

I was 7 years old and i was warm and comfy sleeping in my bed.

School, and I made an autistic joke about how the sound of rain hitting the roof was actually a plane coming to hit the building, in the middle of class. Teacher sternly said "that's not funny." and gave me a long, judgemental stare. Class was dead silent.

I was swinging a hammer for work at the he we were building that day, I'll never forget us huddling around a truck radio listening to it live.

I'm old, fuck off.

shit bro...

Getting ready for work.
Thought wow & knew they'd never collapse

Sitting in my ambulance eating a bagel with butter and drinking coffee... in midtown Manhattan.

Sitting in Latin class, reports came in on the radio of something in New York about a tower falling or something. Teacher got really butthurt and said it's just rumors and not to believe it.
Then later everyone got called into the gym for a school meeting and the principal told us not to watch the news at all and that nothing was happening and that we were safe.
Then a bunch of kids got picked up and went home.
Then I went into art class and the teacher was really cool and let us sit down and watch the news all period long. Don't think we watched anything happen live, can't really remember. I do remember though they were showing the jumpers and some stupid bitch said "well at least they died before they hit the ground from the air".
Then I went home and kept watching the news for the rest of the day.
Then my cousin called me and said hey what's up?
And I was like not much what do you know?
And he said nm, im said, but today NY is the mos sad.

Getting my senior picture taken

I hope they got the point across.

>7 yo living on the west coast
>turn on tv for cartoons before going to school
>no cartoons only live coverage of kill
>not sure what's going on
>wake parents up
>they freak the fuck out
>no school that day

Flying an airplane