>“It has nothing to do with feminism,” the artist went on. “And it is a disrespect to the artist that made the bull. That bull had integrity.”
Artist Protests 'Fearless Girl' By Installing Urinating Dog At Her Feet
they should move the girl statute adjacent to the bull. similar danger but less bitchy
They should just keep adding ever more retarded statues until people have enough and you go back to the bull.
>mfw groups start putting more and more statues their until all of Wallstreet is nothing but a giant bronze statue war
the dog got removed. It's a good thing too because it made no sense.
Why is the fearless girl white?
Everybody talks about the bull, but there wasn't a bear too? or it's the Mandela effect?
I thought all this shit came from the retarded Keynessian theory of the animal spirits (the bull and the bear)
Neither does the fearless girl statue
Yes it relates to animal spirits and the bull represents bullishness on the economy and strength of the American economic engine. It wouldn't make sense to have a bear statue also.
Read an excellent article somewhere about the sculptor of the bronze bull being incredibly pissed off about this "fearless girl". He created it during recession to symbolize the strength and courage of the people. It took him years to create it and he self installed (something like 1000lbs) overnight. Now it's being used as a symbol of oppression and hes taken out a court case against the girl statue.
But they have to keep getting smaller at a similar rate.
Like a tiny woman reaching up and neutering the dog.
Really ugly doggo
Then next to the smaller girl, a rat with a big nose rubbing it's paws togther.
>hes taken out a court case against the girl statue.
it would be sweet if he won money on this.
I think the best they'll do is remove the statue in a few months.
but is the same guy who made the bull who created the girl statue too?
No. A feminist group funded the girl statue, and the sculptor was some also a feminist bitch.
what if we remove all the statues and have a live bull
The new's is already calling this shitty statue "Wall Street's 'Fearless Girl' Statue" it might be permanent.
both artists are attention whores
donate the statues to north korea
Why isn't it illegal to fund and build a statue purely for protest reasons?
They should make a progressive cuck statue prepping the bull.
? Yes..yes it does.
No.. No it doesn't.
>spoiled little girls get in the way of a strong healthy economy
You're right.
Very underrated. It should be a colored person.
This is nothing short of an assault by whites to appropriate the very colored feminist struggle.
shes bronze dumbass americlap
Of course
How does it make sense when the bull represents strength of the American economy to persevere? It was never meant to portray any form of oppression.
I don't have the image that says this but what the fearless girl statue honestly represents is the "inability of women to discern their hubris from their actual abilities": portrayed with something as absurd as a little girl facing down a raging bull.
She's implicitly white you mule.
haha. Even fi the dog sculpure is wack. Great idea.
giant bronze Hitler that towers over the girl and the bull when?
Mess with the bull you get the horns
it was a hedge fund... This statue is literally a ad for a hedge fund
anyone got any upskirt pics yet?
The girl statue was funded by a multi billion investment fund promoting a new product after they got caught and fined for violating SEC regulations.
Because the bull actually represents corporate interests. I bet you guys enjoy being wage slaves too because it's all fairy under capitalism.
It's a small girl standing up to a big bull. It's fucking powerful.
It completely misconstrues the original meaning of bull. Nothing powerful about it.
The bull represents a strong economy. You need a strong economy to survive as a country. Even communist countries need a strong economy to survive.
that would be awesome desu
>That bull had integrity
Please. How adorable.
Oh sweetie, did the bad man upset you? Don't worry baby, he's just jealous.
Sup Forums should crowdfund a bronze statue of Trump hugging the flag to stand over it all
best korea
>implying the economy doesn't comprise of small businesses
fuck off achmed
Oh dearie, maybe you should look up what a "bull market" means.
HOLY SHIT leafs are so such insufferable faggots
Fuck off, mandela effect, you twelve year old.
No one visits the bear. It's the Jefferson memorial of wall street
There are other ways to accumulate wealth other than a wage. And if you enjoy your job then it's not slave position.
New KB:
>"It's us little people versus the corporations, ma-a-a-a-an!"
I remember being 16.
What? No arguments, just some obscure meme? Okay you got me.
Fug that looks painful. The look on his face says it all.
You don't deserve your flag.
someone should install a blood sucking tick on the dog to represent the jew parasite
as long as it has le-merchant face
>checks flag
Get outta here Bess, Git!
It represents feminism standing in the way of a bull market, think about that for a second.
I could have sworn there was a bear sculpture too desu
What? No arguments, just some obscure meme? Okay you got me.So what in case you didn't m ke
>Bull market is obscure
What even is an "economics"?
I want a circle of men jizzing on her. Bukakee girl
Mate he's been suing literally everyone in regards to the bull.
settle down Ahmed
And that brings us to March 7th of this year, the day before International Women’s Day. Fearless Girl appeared, standing in front of Charging Bull. On the surface, it appears to be another work of guerrilla art — but it’s not. Unlike Di Modica’s work, Fearless Girl was commissioned. Commissioned not by an individual, but by an investment fund called State Street Global Advisors, which has assets in excess of US$2.4 trillion. That’s serious money. It was commissioned as part of an advertising campaign developed by McCann, a global advertising corporation. And it was commissioned to be presented on the first anniversary of State Street Global’s “Gender Diversity Index” fund, which has the following NASDAQ ticker symbol: SHE. And finally, along with Fearless Girl is a bronze plaque that reads:
Know the power of women in leadership. SHE makes a difference.
>artist protests protesting artist by installing a bronze statue of a Canadian being fellated by the dog
Someone should make a statue of the bull goring the girl and put it just beyond the original 2. Like a statue comic strip
>the bull actually represents corporate interests
That's just bullshit that the Occupy kids were pushing years ago.
Why are poltards so obsessed with pee?
How did pee fetishism infiltrate the right side of politics?
Can people actually pee in loos instead of on other people and in streets?
When will this pee degeneracy end?
>bull meant to represent prosperity, success, economic upturn and the american dream
>it's been there since the late 1980s - early 1990s
>girl meant to represent 3rd wave feminism, which claims to focus on the bringing DOWN of the patriarchy, aka the "boy's club" boogeyman that only lets men get ahead
>showed up a few months ago
>yfw the message sent is quite literally that 3rd wave feminism is STANDING IN THE WAY OF NATIONAL PROSPERITY
the pretentious, abrasive prick that dumped that lame piece of shit there was so focused on making some kind of positive statement about 3rd wave feminism and all they did was end up telling everybody else what we've all known for a while:
modern feminism is ANTI-PROGRESS and PRO FEMALE SUPREMACY, not "gender equality" as that was achieved with 1st and 2nd wave feminism.
It's the patrician fetish
Seriously, how can you be into getting peed on by another person? Do you like it when girls pee in your mouth? Do you swallow all that pee? I don't understand your fetish, so please explain more. Why do conservative politicians seem to like this so much?
the fearless girl statue is actually a well made piece of art, we need more statues that looks like something and not random piles of metal.
Haha couldn't you just picture that? Wouldn't it be funny if someone made that photo?
By our shitposts combined WE ARE CAPTAIN SHIPOSTS.
>tfw transgirl
>tfw girlpenis
>ywn pee in a Sup Forumsacks mouth
There really is still hope in the world
Why not just super glue a hijab on it and make her a strong independent muslim girl so that lefties get hit with a double whammy of either looking like racists for taking it off or keeping it on and having it undermine the statue?
Oh my god, user! You can't just ask people why they're white!
tfw Feminazis are too dumb to realize the fearless girl statue is nothing more than a viral marketing attempt.
install urinating cat on the dog?
>Know the power of women in leadership. SHE makes a difference
If the point of the statue is "woman in leadership", shouldn't the girl be besides, or even on top of the bull, giving it the order to go forward like a leader?
>58x more dead cops than humans on the Earth.
Holy fuck did they invade the human intergalactic empire too?
Shouldnt you be prepping your girlfriend's muslim bull
Just put a male statue infront of the girl making him the protector
>people think this is about feminism
>in reality it's showing how stupid people are for opposing a bull market
women are dumb
>women are dumb
nice pun
Sorry sweetie, only into transroos
that would be textbook censorship