Killswitches on MSM articles to "protect muslim minority"
RIP Sweden
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Oh shit. Any other sources?
Revert back to sneakernet
Fucking crazy. Islam MUST be outlawed. It's not hard to do. It's easy. Ban all religion. It's a mental illness, like schizophrenia.
Believing in things that aren't real is schizophrenia. Religion fits the bill perfectly. It's a collection of VERY BAD ideas.
Sorry forgot to post original source:
I'm gonna need some proofs
That is insane.
Yup, it's no meme
this works however, guess we need to make a new archive service.
Suicide by muslims
Dont call it a grave, this is the future you chose.
Do you think it was the jews?
Sweden is the anti-Israel stance
If only you people understood how bad it really is here in Sweden, now they're trying to make it so you can't archive our news-sites or translate articles
We're going full North-korea
I wonder, can other non-Google site translators work?
What the actual fuck Sweden
This isn't funny anymore
I wouldn't be too surprised if a liberal diaspora jew or two were involved somehow, those race traitors truly need to be gassed. That said there are few jewish people in swedanistan so this time its pretty much the fault of the locals. Also Muslims are literally our greatest enemy and pretty much unanimously antisemitic.
>copy article contents
>paste article contents
wow it's fucking nothing
Its not the government, but a private newspaper doing it. Litteraly a non story. Just how i cant watch certain videos on youtube "this video has been blocked in your country".
No I guess this is what Säpo/FRA is wasting their time on, rather than actually catching terrorists..... (Säpo are actually not completely lost)
in all honesty, if i lived in sweden right now and was white i would be moving out
you're about to be south africanized
This will only stop newfags.
Oldfags remember the days of pastebinning articles, rather than archiving the entire page.
Copy article, translate, post in pastebin, ???, Profit.
T. Shlomo finkelsilberbloodlibelstein
We habe few jews, bit they all hold power. The ex prime minister who realy halal slaughtered the country, the owner of all our major media (bonniers group)
But Sven, when they do this with Sven's dagblad, how long before they all do it?
Fucking stasi germany like when the ficki started, though that was gov and it was alarming effective.
If only the government really cared.
My parents let my brother steal from me. I have zero hope for greater society when even modern childhood has been reduced to a clinical list of orders and punishments.
Sapo means frog in portuguese.
Fuck Sweden, the faster it burns to the ground the faster it will serve as an example on what not to do.
A private corporation can do whatever they want, commie. Is it a surprise to you that cucked swedish media is doing cucked shit.
Actually Sweden was a haven for Norwegian and Danish Jews during WWII
Lots just stayed
>Sapo means frog in portuguese.
I don't think kek is there, but who knows.
Swedes write weird, they already have e but they use ä, which is the same as e.
I don't know the development of the language as I do with mine, but I assume the sound was once different.
And by extension, you can archive the translate page.
Lol shut up kike. jews in europe are playing their part to destroy europe from within.
t. (((Robert Aschberg)))
commies censor, kikes and their inferior tongue binding
>Swedes write weird, they already have e but they use ä, which is the same as e.
Shut up ola. You know gosh darn well that ä is ae and not e.
Kikes lose again.
sure, there are 6 million ways to go around this, but it's the principal of it all.
T (((skavlan hanreisen)))
>It's easy. Ban all religion.
coming from America you of all people should know the freedoms we have. Banning anything like that is stupid as fuck and leads down a shitty road
so æ and ä, nice try
Wow. The principal of a private corporation doing whatever the fuck they want. Scary stuff. Oooo.
I bet you commie norgs would probably want the government to own sll media
RIP sweden, you will be missed. If any of you swedes are left, its time to overthrow your shit. Once they silence you, its over.
Learn english. Bet you arent rven norweigan. Kann tu snakha nårsk utn google oversaeitningng. Hviiz tu kann, skrif "neger neger bingo", guttah
It ain't working (((Robert)))
there is nothing wrong with sweden. this "no-go" zone shit is fake news, and the reason rapes are up is because more women are reporting rapes that they otherwise wouldn't have as a result of better help/support systems for victims. it has nothing to do with "migrants"
sweden still has one of the highest HDIs in the world and is an example of mulitculturalism working when you have people that aren't complete racist shitheads
Fuck off. Completly wrong in every way.
nei det gidd je jaggu itte svenskefaen
>hevder ikke at våre to skrift språk er fugged, korruptert siden vi bytta tunge.
The average person won't go through the work to get the information.
*hevder ikke at våre skrift språk ikke er fucked*
Old news, they have done this for a long time. Webm related.
>skrift språk
Nice try turk. No true nord writes apart like that.
Why does not this surprise me?
That's a point.
Sliding but it's funny here, (((Goldman))) bought all our papers, so we have no news. But when you archive the articles, they usually have already been archived 6 million times as they change them 6 million times while writing to fit their narrative. They wouldn't pull this piss though, that would cause furore
That was a geoblock put in place by daily mail by the swedish author of that article for legal readons. Try again
name me one credible source that states the existence of "no-go" zones
real news, no alex jones tier bullshit
ord deling 2:48 på natta.
Also I don't think you are the flag to call others turkroaches Sven-Abdi
The Swedish Government is literally the System from the Turners Diary
>Be swedish
>Defend your government when they're letting in hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants that rape your women
Rinkeby, risengard, skärholmen, göteborgs slum.
yeah I remember this one last year.
Also look at the Sven-Abdul defending this shit lol. Tragic. Denial. Just like with the fickifickis an nono, there is no nogo zones here
[citation needed]
Oslo is one big no go zone kid. Norweigan girls dye their hair dark so as to fit in and not get raped.
They truly are cucked.
Even Muslim rapists are laughing by now, but we will see if they are human, if they feel sorry for Sweden and leave. Probably not.
You're living in a complete fantasy world, please reevaluate your life.
Archive lends credibility and are viewed as being harder to fake
And the author of the article afmitted it on twitter.
>no source/citations
thought so
Sure, it's not like we're doing reckon in the infected areas, mainly the old Greenland marked where they sell drugs and all the niggers are nogging....
Sven, last year sitting at one of the pubs surrounding the areas, two blonde grills appeared prolly 15-16. Went up on a big stone and did the roman salute with selfies.
I'm not joking, I was radio silent so no phone. In these pubs sits people, the niggers know if one hair would be touched on those grills head, the whole pub mob would come again, broken legs and arms everywhere.
Sure Oslo should be nuked, not saying that and they have problems. We're not living in denial over it.
Of small spark comes great fire
>tl;dr "hey you know guys the enemy of my enemy is my friend..."
Fuck off.
It's SvD, a private media company who put the block, not the Swedish government.
I can't imagine what it's like to be a sane Swede right now.
By the looks of it, this only happens because they block the public IP which it uses to scrape content. That's the point of failure, which honestly is better than wayback machine and google, which just withdraw on demand.
Ideally, archive would scrape using a separate IP than their web access one (which I'm assuming is the case). Better yet would be if they go open source and encourage decentralisation of the service.
You didn't post anything backing up your initial claim, using the burden of proof whenever you need it is not an option. So please put out some sources for your initial statement.
I think Sweden is a democratic experiment of how long they can be screwed and not protest. In case of Sweden they never protest.
Humans can't govern themselves because we are now prevented from doing so in our beautiful (((modern times))).
What we have instead, are trustees working for the kikes. And who the fuck wants to be managed by a bunch of untermenschen, no one. kikes and pizzagates go hand in hand, remove the kike, remove the pedos.
I fucking live here you faggot, stop trolling.
>and the reason rapes are up is because more women are reporting rapes that they otherwise wouldn't have as a result of better help/support systems for victims. it has nothing to do with "migrants"
Bullshit, is this a shill. Just read up on it, I cba get a bunch of links in english for you. But maybe a swede who's literally obsessed with my domestic politics and all types of news sources have a better idea of what's going on than a fucking burger. What are you even talking about? Do you live in Sweden?
But then you also ban Christianity, wich is a big part of western culture
We only need to outlaw Islam
Wtf are you talking about. Check the history of Sweden. THEY did everything, the socialism, the mass immigration, and now the media and police blackouts.
It is known
How many swedes do you see compared to our great enriching new swedes each day? Aprox
Exactly what I was thinking when I was reading that "This is shit straight outta Best Korea"
Dude, Swede-bro's I feel bad for you guys but just...WHAT THE FUCK?!...You guys gotta get ahold of your damn country. Jesus tit fucking christ
*It's fucking awful. It gets worse, worse, slowly... through the years. I'm so desensitized to some stuff I'm sure it has been some kinda psyop.
Going to move. Most men are unfortunately feminized, can't be helped.
You are delusional on so many layers i can't even know where to start. You imported ton of African Christians to France, you can't ban 1 migrant, not to mention sort them by religion, which is obviously more important to you nigger than that they are niggers. Sweden won't do that either, even less. It's also illegal, especially in EU.
Wasn't it a man close to your president who, with the most extreme chance, was also a jew talked to him about multiculturalism and diversity back in the 70s ?
We need to stop these swedish niggers from killing themselves...
Dude, have some scepticism and dont belive what a random facberg nigger says. The private newspaper blocked the archive site, not the swedish government.
Yeah, Palme. He had some (((friend))/advisor who was into multiculti.
You aren't Korea, not by any stretch of imagination, you are a monarchy. Korea has 1 race, you have all the races of planet. You have CuckChristian kings and hymn, Korea has nationalistic hymn. North Korea is run by generals, you are being run by feminists.
>You guys gotta get ahold of your damn country. Jesus tit fucking christ
It's gonna be hard when we have cucks like this:
>A private corporation can do whatever they want
The media is essentially a third government, superceding the government and the military, the media is the one that sets the social rules for the society, no matter what's being voted for in a democratic society.
You should try multiculturalism you Christian cuck and stop trying to assimilate nigger penis into your mouth. Multiculturalism is European countries of different races. Stupid Christian niggers and your Israel.
There is no way this will be solved without bloodshed.
The worst part is we can all banter at Sweden and all that, but Sweden is the future plan for all of us and it is in completely plain sight, and yet no one seems to care. Scary times, we are in need of a permanent solution if you catch my drift.
Brevik literally did nothing wrong.
What the hell is wrong with you Dmitry ? You should be happy, churches in France are getting destroyed or changed into hipsters hideout.
Hahaahah govt is incompetent
Shut up you dumb nigger. The issue isnt with some newspaper cucking out. The issue is this is being labeled as government censorhip when it isnt. Saying all newspapers are an arm of the government is retarded. Just accept the fact that 90% of swedes are cucked voted for this. Same with norweigans and canadians.
muslims are not the majority in Sweden now?
Not by a longshot, however america is fast approaching a white minority.
You have to leave. At this point you can legitametley call it evacuation.