Orcposting III: Return Of The Shitpost

keep it up lads !

Also don't forget to spread that stuff like wild fire on social media. If you don't know how to start just follow
>pic related









>When someone posts your OC before you get the chance.
What should I be feeling right now?

I don't know lad. I just saved some of the better stuff to keep the OC train going.


This is key.

For ops on this sort of thing, pick a hashtag that already has vaguely immigration or rapefugee-releated content and orcpost there. That's how we get this shit to the masses.

I will look up good hashtags for the next thread.



This is solid gold.

>better stuff


pls do this thread tomorrow at night in the usa

That's good. Off the top of my head, general tags for any European country west of Poland would probably be a good start.

Well I hope we can do the same shit tomorrow with Harry Potter but will do.

gonna check the trending #tags on twatter for it.

Oh god, this is gold and these threads are amazing.

That was my best

We truly are going to MAGA
I love you fellow based pede's

well your OC was actually fantastic lad. So keep it coming.


I'll get a headstart.

It made me have a good chuckle.

Cheers m4+4. Since it seems to be dying off now I might make a headstart on the Potter thread. Though admittedly I don't know anywhere near as much about it as LoTR. Gonna have to do some quick wiki checking for comparisons


You guys are no better than the kiddies comparing Drumpf to Voldemort.

If you don't know much about it keep the LOTR stuff up, we will always need more ammo. If you can contribute some HP stuff go ahead lad.

We take their fandoms one at a time.


How do I invest in moose infrastructure?




I'm sure I can figure something out. Any ideas you lads have though would help. I did the Antifa one based on a suggestion that I saw no response to.



HOLY SHIT how is so much (high quality) OC created in such a short time? Didn't this meme start like a few days ago?
I am fucking impressed by Sup Forums right now. Spreading this shit like a wildfire, but not only that, so many of these images are top-quality memes, with the texts and the editing.
And here I thought this board was turning to idiotic, unintelligent shitposting all day round.
Will make sure to contribute.


Fucking shills. Yes good goy don't be like Harry potter and sjws keep this to yourself. Yes yes goy this is just cringy MAGA stuff. Nothing worth spreading here.

Sucked in m8, I'm a refugee from the recent Reddit migration. Gibsmedat (You)'s

Yeah it was crazy. Was there in one of the first threads. No idea who made all of it cause the first dump I saw had a lot.




dailygondor would actually be a great way to satire Leftism. We should use LOTR and Starship Troopers like we did in the election: remember, we provoked the arachnids by encroaching on their territor-


Well I need to go to bed now but I will come up with some ideas tomorrow for sure.

For inspiration look at the MSM for all their #notallmuslims articles and just spin them around with any typical SJW fandom.


t. shill damage control

This is amazing

Top fucking kek! My sides are now in Jupiter orbit

10/10 good job !

pretty good lad

Thanks buddy but most of it isn't my OC, this is just Sup Forums doing it's thing. And we can produce much more.


Today is a great day for me on, Sup Forums clearly; two of my """originals""" being saved and posted elsewhere.
Kill (((yourself.)))

Enjoy the (you)'s and don't spend them all on hookers and drugs buddy.
Keep up the great work !


Orc-Slam could totally be a religion
I wonder how much of an existing religion one would have to change to make it truly orcish



kek, i made that and some annon told me wrong fucking universe. called me a groot



Thanks Swiss bro. Here's my other one.




Still haven't seen the Grima ones. Sad face.

And I'm out. Good night lads

hers the new one


10/10 Kek'd. Good detail.

*slow claps*
*steps out of the shadows*
Heh... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your consensus cracking, I mean. It's not bad. A good first attempt. It's plenty dank... I can tell it's got some thought behind it... lots of quotable material...
But shilling isn't all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You're skilled... that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Turbo Kike? To join those esteemed Juden ranks? To call yourself a member of the Shekelman's Corps? shilling takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes greed. The world-class shysters - I mean the big guys, like Johnny Hammerstein and Bess Kalb - they're out there day and night, burning the midnight Minorah-oil, working like it's anuddah Shoad to craft that next Jewish trick.
And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new scheme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it's time to "gas the Kikes," or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate goyim over at the_donald. The Merchant Game is rough, kid, and I don't just mean the one you just lost :^). It's a rough business, and for every artisan cuck meme you craft in your matzoh bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of Goebbels or some shit that a million different Johnny Goy-Names will attach a milion different captions to. Kippuh up, kid. Don't get all nebbish on me. You've got skill. You've got talent. You just need to show your hand clasping.
See you on the boards...


What about an Elves, or Hobbits, don't have culture meme?

Ahahahhahahaa well done.


This shit is top shitposting

Quintessentially Elvish


Promising, but needs a better image

They have gotten a lot better quality wise in the course of a day. And I can tell they are hitting a nerve to based on all of the pedeposting lefty shills, (you) farmers not withstanding.

As an Orc this is the funniest shit I've ever seen in my life MAR please

lefties will spin this and explain how the orcs were oppressed by men way back etc etc and how they're fighting against imperialism or some hippy fag shit

Idgi. What are you on about? Are you saying something bad about the god emperor?


Holy fugg these low key ones are great for normies.

On it.


Great work lads

That's the point dumb frogposter, we're turning their own discourse against them.

Holy fucking kek I am dying

Made a page on FB, go like Lord of The Right

We should obliviously let in our new Orc brothers and embrace them. They need our support after the cruelty and pursecution they faced by the Elves and Humans during the wars of the Second Age. Opening our homes and wives to these refuges is only the right thing to do after all.

why are you ruining my favourite trilogy honestly fuck you
i hate islam as much as the next guy but this is just going to make normies think LOTR = BAD VERY BAD and its going to shit on a wonderful piece of work
also, in tolkien's world, the orcs represented the west and capitalism.... so.... lol

I bet some alphabetic agency from USA.

But god damn they are so good kek