Is this the final red pill? How can you even respond to this?
Other urls found in this thread:
You respond to this by ceasing your faggotry.
>whiny beta with warped worldview
>too beta to do anything himself so he's created this skewed version of reality
the final redpill is being a good father
this is literally "wah my life is so hard i dont want to live it anymore" nihilistic shit
get that fucking weak sauce out of here you weak motherfucker
grow some balls and realize that yeah you area fucking animal and you need to fight everyday you wake up to make it
life is a fight, either get the fuck back up or stay down with the filth on the floor
>wahhh wahhh why isn't life easy and everything handed to me
Nobodies forcing you to participate in society, go off and live in the fucking woods and never talk to anyone. What a beta cuck, should've killed himself before typing out all that worthless whining.
the autist in me would argue that "going off and living in the woods" is no longer remotely feasible because small hunter gatherer tribes no longer exist outside of a small few exceptions, and they would never let you in. Surviving solo isn't feasible for long either because there's only so much public land you could hunt on and hide out in before being reported. Good luck consistently getting clean water and shit. There's a reason humans are social creatures...we have to be to survive.
You're basically shoehorned into participating in modern society, which is fine, and OP is a beta faggot, but don't pretend there's a viable alternative.
sounds more blackpill than red
New KB with important information:
I tried that. It broke me physically, mentally and materially.
>I don't want to try to feel good and better myself and in the process become more attractive to high end women
>I want good things to be given to me instead of needing to work for them
>Won't fuck a fatty tho
>I want out of the game. I want to be dead.
Stopped reading there.Quit the nihilistic faggotry and just kill yourself already.
Boo-fucking-hoo, sage this nihilistic garbage and stop being a faggot
This guy gets it
That user is standing upon the precipice of the Abyss.
Once you have traversed the realms of the 4 elements and begin to touch spirit... you come to the Bridge... this bridge is a narrow razor which crosses Da'ath (knowledge)
He is peering into the inky black murk of knowledge but only has the Elements to reference... so everything is dark, crude... husks full of ROT.
but that is not true Reality. Everyone must cross the Abyss... or do what 95% of people do when confronted with that existential crisis...
RESIGN and go back to delude yourself that doing all those tasks for someone else to get permission to get your dick wet while riddled with constant loathing and hidden anxiety is
>the best I can hope for!
with a strained smile until you die.
Cross the Abyss. But get your mind right first. Because you'll have to tame the beast you find in there and ride it out... but if you fail, it WILL devour you and ride YOU out.
It's hard work, that's for damn sure, and there's comparatively very little support for fathers. Hope you can push through the hard times and get to enjoy the good parts to their fullest.
And these people have the fucking audacity to call themselves redpilled.
Typical nihilism. It's toxic but nothing special. Its a dark, depressing hell to live in once your realize the pointless suffering of life means nothing divinity wise, but its up to the individual to create a noble cause to live up to in order to be lifted from that abyss into a state of higher order. Some people can be stuck in this hell for their whole life, and most end up killing themselves because the pointless suffering is too much to bear. But this is only because these individuals did not find or did not care to dive deeper into the hell they live in to find the solution to their pointless suffering. Reality is subjective, you are the center of your universe, therefore any meaning you create for yourself is inherently meaningful.
I'd say the final redpill in life is realizing creation is the noblest cause one can strive to, and there is nothing more transcendent then creating another human being bearing your likeness, and this requires finding a female partner who you want to share your time and resources with out of pure love, trust, and respect for that individual.
its just someone shill trying to fuck with your inner dialogue. Week minded people will read that and subconsciously read it in the first person tricking you into a bad mood. Dont fall for Kikery
No, the final redpill is that your life really is all your fault.
Unless you got picked up by Podesta to be his best MK, in that case you're off the hook.
The final red pill is
If everything is truely pointless why would one bother illingthemselfs
>a good father
no such thing
Being redpilled is about accepting reality. Not your own personal reality.
>not being a glorious freelord neet
>not saving some of your many neetbuxes to fuck a hooker once in few months
The final red pill is global national socialism
Fuck off anon5.
>now actively advertising his disinfo distraction threads
Jesus Christ I can't believe anons actually listen to your stupid ass.
The final redpill is to simply live your fucking life the way you want it.
No mercy. No regrets. Simply do it.
>not following the noble eight fold path and finding eternal bliss in the nothingness that is all/nothing
It's almost as if you guys take life seriously and don't recognize it's just a constant wave of suffering/non-suffering.
Ahh. Women. You can't live with em. That is all
This is the /monkpill/.
This is when you take so many blackpills you just want out of the whole retarded system of normie, animal tier behaviour.
Go innawoods, buy yourself some land for homesteading if you can afford it, refrain from living up to the expectations of rat racers and gold diggers and live out your life in study, simple pursuits and contemplation of the universe.
Sounds like a black pill.
well argued
That's a good approximation of what porn does do your thinking.
That's how a brain with fried, dulled dopamine receptors perceives the world.
The final Red Pill is Mick Hucknall.
>and in the process become more attractive to high end women
Slave to the pussy, just like most Sup Forums posters.
>life is meaningless
>the best way to combat that is to create another human and doom that to the same meaningless life of struggle
Tradcon logic at its finest. Wew.
I actually kinda am but money is tight. Too tight.
c'mon dude: yeah it's the losers way to think but you can't deny all of this is pretty stupid; is like the high score any arcade game, you can get the best score in your town but actually it doesn't matter if you not get fun in the game.
How do I recover?
someone realized shit and wants out of the matrix
all become hostile
very original story
(perhaps plato had written a few pages about this in his cave allegory)
That's life.
Honestly, if you dodged the bullet, and didn't get married, you'll live a much more relaxed life. Granted, you won't produce any children, unless you are a pussy magnet, and leave a trail of unwed mothers. But, honestly, women are a big ass headache bro. They are demons, that can never be satisfied. They are always striving for the next, best thing to come along. Sooner or later, that won't be you, but they'll take half of all your shit as a consolation prize, if you marry them.
The true redpill is suicide.
T. Nigger
This. 9/10 people on their deathbeds wished they had done exactly that.
This is the final redpill.
>Yfw you realize the orcs were just the puppets of the Dwarves
He's not exactly wrong is he? Life is horrible. We weren't made to slave away for some Jew fat cat Capitalist or give away everything to a Jew communist. We weren't made for the big cities and this artificial, degenerate construct called "civilization". We weren't made to live in big communities with many familiar and, as of late, foreign faces.
We need to go back to a simpler time, without a hundred different labels telling you who and what you are. Small scale communities/tribes, traditionalism and simple living is the way to go. Roma delenda est.
Man that's heavy. Have you tried killing yourself?
EXTINGUISHING any perverted thoughts as soon as they enter your mind, and jerking off in the shower only. No stimulation.
Convince yourself jerking off to porn isn't even a possibility. Reorient your "arousal area" from the computer desk to the shower. Boredom is the ultimate threat. Keep your living area clean (including your PC files) or the messiness will inspire sloth in you psychologically. Cleaning when I had trouble extinguishing the thoughts also proved really productive. Getting out of the house as much as possible helps too. Reading Christian inspiration really helped me too. Christianity REALLY understands vice, it'll shock you how much wisdom there is regarding vice and improving yourself.
I did it for about a year, but I had too much free time so I went back to jerking off. I still barely look at porn though, I think it helped long-term. I thought I found a good balance, but I may jump into nofap again since I've been kind of directionless for the past month. Nofap really helped my productivity and motivation. It's like a nootropic.
Filth on the floor it is. It's easier and less annoying.
LDAR broskis
Maybe OP isn't a beta, but simply tired of women's shit? Honestly, it doesn't matter. Modern women in the US are pretty much filth. Only good for a nut. Usually they open their liberal mouths, and you're fucking done. Or they pull out pictures of their ex boyfriends, and you see endless pics of drunk / stoned black guys. Just use women as cock receptacles, get laid, at this point, a certified whore has probably taken less cock than most college aged girls, and just go on with life. Feminism has made women useless for anything domestic. They have given up on family, marriage, etc, unless it's to trap a man and take half of his wealth as they go. It's not beta to state the obvious.
you don't have to live completely in the wood, just some place where you can have peace of minds.
Last scene is my definition of peace. A man in his natural state.
my issue isn't that i can't bring myself to do what i want.
it's not like "oh i'm too afraid to ask that girl i like out". it's more like there are no girls worth asking out. it's not like "oh i'm too timid to go to a country i've never been" it's more like there are no places worth visiting.
>invasive species
Kek, fuck off
Reality is illusory.
Reality is real.
Join us in mending reality or just die and get out of the way.
>accomplishing goals and living life doesn't release as much dopamine or provide instant gratification like porn, masterbation, and video games and I don't know what to do
>maybe I should kill myself DAE red pilled XD
>Join us
How do I join you then?
This is literally me but beyond pussy. I feel this way about the world we live in, about life and existence.
i'd love to reach this redpill. please point me in the direction of a young woman who would make a good mother and i'll happily start a family and work to be a good father.
while you're at it, can you point out a dodo bird to me? i assume you know where those live as well?
Maybe you need to go back to the original redpill to get some perspective
This is the truth. Destroy all the other nonsense and raise some kids who won't make your mistakes, support their interests, and guide them to the things that actually produce happiness: family, tradition, hard work and freedom.
Also, gently guide them from degeneration and towards traditinalism.
Come sit with me and listen as a friend would.
Bet you couldn't tell me where that image originates from, can you?
>Come sit with me and listen
I'm sitting and listening. Let's go.
Precisely. Find comfort in chaos and you can still find beauty.
I hate this shit as well but will happily life through this to make sure I don't miss the opportunity to die for what I live for.
Cunt needs a hobby. Procreation is all we do as humans.
And for me music. Fuck everything but music.
If I said "yes" wouldn't you just claim I had used Google's reverse image search?
Wouldn't this then be just a parlor trick? I will instead tell you something greater if you can answer this:
>what is the origin of the belief reality is illusory?
If you can answer this truthfully, I will reveal all the Mysteries of reality to you.
Its an illustration based on lore from The Book Of Enoch.
A good woman is worth the time and money. She may not be a ten, but she will save you tens of thiusdbof dollars, ten headaches a week and tens of hours of housework.
This guys is an asshole. Go to the gym, go to work and listen to my grandmother:
>when I was young, I stayed over with my grandmother as often as Incould when I would visit SoCal. I once told here that Oncouldnt wait to find the right woman and get a dog, a couple of kayaks and a house. She stopped me and said:
>"user, go get a dog, buy a kayak, buy a little house and she will come.
Fucking the entire cache of ideas we have been sold are antithetical to happiness. It's an inversion. Impress yourself and others cannot help but being impressed.
It cant be that tight or then you are those retards that cannot live without 3000 € / month
Reality is mysterious only to those who ignore it, and follow those who preach it.
Everything you know to be true is false.
Everything you experience has been manufactured for the purpose of increasing the likelihood you will possess a specific world-view. Your beliefs, your goals, your despairs have all been planned well in advance to your birth. All to conceal the Truth from you. Education is replaced with entertainment, purpose with nihilism.
The entire world is under this spell -- they are all asleep. And they will all soon perish.
Jews are behind the Plot.
Educate yourself to the Plot, process the information and think of a way to spread what you've learned. This is your meaning in life -- it is your entire destiny, and all that's left for you to do..is to make it your Will. Then the goal and aim of all religions will unfold and you will have Purpose.
The Book of Enoch is not the origin
99.999999% of men are not qualified to be a "good" father.
And for the tiny percent that are qualified, they would be adding to the biggest problem of this planet: more humans.
ProTip: If you are on this website, you would never make a good father.
>The Book of Enoch is not the origin
>Muh nihilism
Fuck off Schlomo and don't let the oven door hit you on the way out.
>what is the origin of the belief reality is illusory?
Just find a girl with conservative values.
Quit paying attention to the Libwhores
I asked the origin of the idea reality is illusory.
I'm giving you a clue if you'd like to understand the Time and Space in which you find yourself.
even before him
>Just find a girl with conservative values.
A girl with conservative values is boring as fuck in bed.
I figured that shit out when I was 8. It's pointless to care about arbitrary shit created by arbitrary people that you don't have much control over.
Interesting. Do you have any recommended reading or a place to start where I can educate myself on this "plot" you speak of?
You're not worth the time. Someone so self involved feels most at home within himself.
The final red-pill is realizing that procreation = unethical.
can start with the Torah and Talmud
are you upset I won't reveal the mysteries of Reality to you?
this is why I'm not.
>a father has to be literally perfect to be good
Strong coping mechanism
>dats right goy! It takes something special to be a father. You should just tick your pillow and wait for us to create cheap realistic sex dolls.
>you seeking alternative spaces and garnering knowledge from none mainstream sources means you are just never going to make the cut...
>just adopt a black child or just go get a visectomy... it's in your best interest.
Fuck this guy with a 50' commercial grade hose. If you are thinking about how to be a good father, you will probably be a good father. Jesus.
>Muh planet is too full
False, the planet needs to stop feeding people that should not have been born, yes it was not their fault. Yes, it's sucks. Yes, it would means deaths from preventable hunger and disease, but population growth is not a problem in counties that can take care of themselves, the issue is the subsidies that are given to allow crappy countries to have more crappy people.
Without food aid, there is not immigrant issue because they would never have been born.
Cool pic friendo.
yesh. is the Flammarion engraving
Those are some (((interesting))) starting places I don't fancy starting at. Any others?
Brainwashing of the youth through Anime is the final red pill user.
can't have it all user
attention user:
please ignore "lol is dropping dead and not breeding the final redpill?" faggots.
Whether they're Jews or overdosed blackpilled autists, listening to them is inadvisable!
>do not watch propaganda that it posts
>do not entertain its arguments/ideas
>do not fall for this insidious meme
if you have good genes, you have a moral obligation to pass them on. Thanks for reading.
False. The whole point is that you learn to be a sexual being with your husband in a loving and playful manner. Some roastie that has been fucked eighteen ways to Sunday, do you think that bitch is going to be fun in bed?
>Hey honey wanna have sex on the couch?
>Roastie: sure
>conservative wife: oh, we never do that sound fun!
The roastie doesn't give a tick because she has done it all. A good conservative/traditional woman will be excited to explore love among with you.