Nazi Hate Thread

It's astounding how many childless single men could become so detached from reality that they turn to literal Nazism and Hitler worship because they are too autistic to maintain any meaningful relationships in their life so they turn to Papa Hitler. Go outside for once and you will discover that nobody actually likes you. The "good old days" of a white supremacist America that your drunk grandpa rambles about are long and gone and if you paid any attention in history class, the so called "Aryan Master Race" got blown the fuck out 70 years ago. Grow up.

>inb4 (((zionist))) shareblue shill

Zionist shareblue shill

>he thinks Uncle Adolph shot himself in 1945

Kike shareblue shill detected


How can you hate us OP, we're so yiffy!



Would the OP, or any like-minded person, like to discuss Nazi Germany, politics and the JQ? If so, why not explain your reasoning?

He became the first man on the moon.


I have a gf that want to marry me and a couple good friends. I'm a national socialist

Your premise is completely wrong

Well I want the white supremacist America my grandpa grew up in to come back. I was promised that America, not Little Brazil.

>Go outside for once and you will discover that nobody actually likes you.
That's why I'm inside in the first place.

(((zionist))) shareblue shill

He is still alive and chillin in his Antarctica base with blonde qts you uneducated fool.

>1 post by this ID

Why is it that whenever I find a white supremacist on my fb (yeah I'm normie scum for using fb, fuck off) they are rednecks, old people, dorky kids, and fucking weird women? Best part is, they keep their fb profiles public. All of them support some sort of wild conspiracy theory. Why?

It's like they want me to hate them. I like people, I don't want to even dislike somebody in the slightest, especially without having met them.


The wrong fucking place for a Nazi hate thread. Go back to /leftypol/ communist cunt.

Hail Victory!


Nazism is the politics of peace. You can't blame an entire ideology for the actions of a few bad apples. Stop the hate!

fuck you, communists are the real fascists

>blown the fuck out

I'm a 20 year old white man and am satisfied with every aspect of my life. White nationalism is a far more convincing and well supported ideology than the alternate civic nationalist or globalist alternatives and it's utterly jarring to see this kind of projection to be honest.

Shouldn't you be starting BBC or Dick rate threads on Sup Forums OP? Or posting on Craigslist for a nigger dick to suck? Faggot.

Aryans won world war 2, grow up im anti-nazi but seriously learn history like everyone else

Ach nein! I'm not a (((StormTurd)))

You first. Preheat the oven famalam


>The "good old days" of a white supremacist America that your drunk grandpa rambles about are long and gone

>It's astounding how many childless single men could become so detached from reality that they turn to literal Nazism and Hitler worship


Bashing autism wow you're ableist as fuuuck



Let me guess shill, this isn't hate speech though it's 'art'