Has the media always been this biased and flat out lying to the people about things every day? Im starting to question everything ive learned about US history lately
Has the media always been this biased and flat out lying to the people about things every day...
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Yes almost everything you think you know is a lie
ass clowns of cnn
It wasn't always like this m.washingtontimes.com
American public schools only barely touch on yellow journalism but that's about when they stopped giving a shit. AKA over 100 years ago.
You're part of a cult and mentally ill, all trumpfags are just like you
So you are part of the 16% of Americans who trust the media?
Issa called a reporter to tell him he couldn't meet with his constituents after it went viral
You're a kike, which is satan worship. All kikes are devil worshippers just like you
I don't trust T R U M P F A G S because they are retarded
You're daddy figure is a kike worshipping faggot
Not an argument
You lefty cryhards are retarded as fuck
There isn't an argument. I don't trust the media but I trust T R U M P F A G S even less
Cry more faggot, your victim complex is fucking retaded
this means Sup Forums has successfully red pilled you
There's always bias. CNN once made an effort to hide it. Now, they've become a pure partisan outlet.
>There isn't an argument. I don't trust the media but I trust T R U M P F A G S even less
Actually my argument (and the point of this thread) was that the media is dishonest
You came into this thread saying "UR MENTALLY ILL YOU TRUMPFAG UR RETARDED!"
I know you're just baiting but people do this unironically all the time too
You wish burger....
Team Trump needs to start planting fake stories. Have someone leak 3 true minor stories to gain trust, then a big fake whopper that is proven false a couple days later.
Big Oil back during and after prohibition times actually developed the public school curriculum and actual history books. I wonder why kids in elementary school are still being taught that pyramids are built to house mummys
Hi i'm a trumpfag, I have no conception of how the media operates and little to no knowledge of history.
When i hear things contrary to my pre-existing opinions I presume they are lies or a conspiracy.
Didnt he kind of do this during the campaign when he leaked his own tape?
Planting a fake story would discredit CNN and make all reporters hesitant to report leaks coming from the WH going forward.
lets be honest here, you have no idea what you are talking about burger
But only trumpfags call the media dishonest these days because they don't understand anonymous sources. The WH has been trying to plant fake stories because they believe they will print anything. That's retarded
ok heres a red pill:
> US is fucked up
> fucking warmongering politicians
> endless wars doctrine
> love fucking up countries for profit
> things got ugly because other countries are not stupid
>trumpfags call the media dishonest these days because they don't understand anonymous sources.
Imagine being so stupid you believe the media every time they cite anonymous sources for their article
Probably leaked that tax return too. He should leak more fake ones that make him look like a baller. There would be nothing illegal about it and I don't think the IRS even keeps records longer than 7-10 years.
>Implying CNN has any credibility whatsoever
hello, i'm a libtard and i am offended by what you said so i will make some shit up in an effort to get my way
Im sure the media has always lied.
It became flat out blatant once Obama became president.
Journalists get 3 separate confirmations before running a story, dipshit. The Kushner story that broke on Friday was known since December but they couldn't confirm it until now
I'm a libtard and I think I might possibly in some crazy way be offended by what you said so I'm gonna strawman you and make some shit up in an effort to get my way.
Care to tell me why kushner needed a back channel if they had been colluding all the way before that?
One of the biggest liars ever
Nah man, not this bad, always biased but it went straight fucking retarded after election of god emperor
It's so bad now that Fox News is now considered middle of the road
This dickhead
>Journalists get 3 separate confirmations before running a story, dipshit
Oh yes, im sure they do
>Whats that, goy? You dont trust my anonymous source? Well jokes on you I have THREE anonymous sources!
Don't Bsadbro
Because they had started receiving intelligence briefings and realized their current communications we're being intercepted by US intelligence, that's why they wanted back channels
I can't wait until we remove kikes like you from the west.
I think what happened is that CNN and other ajor news outlets realised that the only people who still believed the bullshit they spin are so hopelessly gullible that they may as well put zero effort into trying to hide any kind of bias. They reached a critical point of distrust.
Yep. They both outright lie and censor through omission. We're almost completely indoctrinated and the next phase of brainwashing is being carried out on the internet. You've seen it.
Only Trump tells us the truth.
3 separate sources? Prove it.
The WH has already tried to plant multiple fake stories like retards because they are as smart as you are
Which is why they called PDP a Nazi, called the guy who stabbed 2 people a Trump-supporter, said Trump didn't have a translating earpiece in.. Wanna keep going goy?
Journalism school, you dumb faggot. Then the editors and lawyers get together before they print anything
You are arguing the same point I am, friend.
you are a useful idiot
nothing new
Krauthammer puts it succinctly here
Yeah, I misclicked xD Which is why I had to add (And now this one xD)
Did You Know?:
Federal investigations feel like they take forever? Agents come, they talk to you, perhaps they execute a search warrant or send a grand jury subpoena to your business. There's a great flurry of activity. You hire a lawyer, then circle your wagons.
And wait.
You'd like to know how long this can take.
The hard part is that, generally speaking, you're waiting for something bad to happen. Many United States Attorney's Offices do not let you know that they've decided not to go forward with criminal charges. The policies vary by office, but, generally speaking, the way you find out that you're no longer under investigation is that the statute of limitations runs.
Or, worse, you find out that you're no longer under investigation because the government brings criminal charges against you.
The world isn't even round ffs.
so poor old podesta was tricked to change his password from pa$$word to p@ssw0rd and now the Elite Russian Cyber Penetrators APT28 have compromised innocent hard working podesta's password, a feat that no other group of people could have possible accomplished. Also, they were ordered to do so by putin himself. That advanced hacking maneuver could surely only have been performed by the most elite and well funded of russian hacking cartels!
History is fake user
Not proof.
You're living in a dumbed-down, egalitarian, soft-left, mediocre mire.
I good general rule is not to trust anything written after around 1914--WWI era. Obviously,you should read things written after that, but form your opinions on politics, philosophy, economics, and law based on older sources because they are generally less converged. You have been deprived on the clear-minded perspectives that you can find particularly in the 18th and 19th centuries, when a lot of the battles between modernity and premodernity were raging.--especially on the topic on law, international law, state sovereignty, and nationalism. The second half of the 20th century has been an attempt to completely replace-- Zuckerbergize--prior knowledge, and rather than actually address past ideas methodically, and rationally, simply replace it with a new global, deracinated, apolitical (ie. totalitarian), world culture.
When you see the dichotomy in though between the past and the present, and compare the poor reasoning that's gotten us here, you'll have a better sense of what lies you've assimilated.
"Best Quality"
Yeah, I always LOL at that.
I generally like Krauthammer. Didn't enjoy how he didn't give Trump a fair shake but otherwise he's been a pretty logical guy for a long time.
Most of these assholes didn't even go to journalism school.
Wait, do you really believe all journalists do this?
>Im starting to question everything ive learned about US history lately
You should.
You still follow basic guidelines, fag. I didn't go to shoemaking school, but I still have to follow the fundamentals to get something that works
No, just most
Post the guidelines please.
This is not true at all. Journalists are supposed to get corroborating sources. Lately they haven't been with a number of big stories. Journalists only talk to anonymous sources if those sources can point them in the direction of more credible information. You are pulling this claim entirely out of your ass.
They teach out it in relation to the Spanish-American War and that's it.
When I moved down South after High School I realized that I had been fed piles of bullshit about the Civil War growing up and that was only the outer edge of the rabbit hole.
Lately CNN has been saying "Buzzfeed is reporting" to cover their ass in case it's fake.
I've seen other matriculation exams from the 19th century, and these questions are actually easy by comparison. This is just the history section. Of course there was math and science as well, and NO MULTIPLE CHOICE. You either learned the shit, or you did know what the fuck you were talking about and, sorry, you don't get to go to college because you're unlettered, and ignorant, and the material would be wasted on your unprepared mind.
Imagine if we still had standards. What percentage of history GRADUATES today do you think could answer all of these questions satisfactorily?
You can safely assume that everything you see on TV and the MSM is either fake or distorted to fit a narrative.
so their ass, their ass, their shit sounds about right
Welcome my friend
The reporter that broke the Comey memo story got caught with shitty sourcing during the San Bernardino shooting last year. Journalists are not arbiters of truth. They fuck up. A lot.