So that's where all the shills come from...
CIA Agents to Troll Alternative Media Sites in Huge Propaganda Program
Other urls found in this thread:
Massive opportunity for redpilling
Greetings my fellow Alt-Right White Supremacists, who here is ready to kill some niggers and start the race war now? A 1488 and Heil Hitler to you, my brothers. I say we organize in real life in order to advance our movement's goals and defeat (((them))). Why don't we all meet up here at a local park and dress in something we can identify each other with, like say a bedsheet or something?
We'll win because we have heart
nah there are huge corporate shills too.
it's best to just assume no op is an organic/individual poster, unless they are making a substantiated argument/point.
hellow fellow /4channer/!!
1488 praising kek huh friend? shadilay gas the race war now!
This place isn't am echo chamber that bans anything that doesn't fit the narrative
It's a meat grinder of information where only that which cannot be disputed sticks
Good luck
your agency killed kennedy
you are working for the bad guys
CIA here,
>tfw we redpill the cia itself
best timeline
>CIA agents become redpilled by constantly coming to Sup Forums
>eventually create a coup within the CIA and assume power
>commit widespread covert ops around the world that take down Jewish interests
>Sup Forums ends up saving the world from the Jews
What is the guy with the steering wheel doing?
so thats where all those Sandy Hook cousins come from
Probably a part of it, but there's gotta more to it than that, usually when big stuff starts happening, they start shilling harder. Ultra-Shillage, I'm sure you remember the day of the Tomahawk missile strikes.
>the nose on #1
top kike
put some examples on content that gets baned
Well, well ...
the honker on the jewess behind him is pretty impressive too
>40 million for David Brock to fight with
>countless man hours and tax dollars to alphabet groups to fight with
>endless kike gold to the JIDF to fight with
They cant beat a bunch of losers that have spent the better part of their lives on image boards. Pathetic. All they'll end up doing is talking to themselves, and this place will continue to just be trolls trolling trolls
Do I get to bring friends?
Getting paid to be on Sup Forums or having no friends or life so you have to be here . I wonder who'll an hero 1st
you should post this comment as a new thread
i'm pretty sure you are an undisputed faggot
he working hard to protect america. Why you ask so many questions???
You'll hurt their feelings.
Has anyone here ever had to explain spurdo to a balding, pudgy man in his 50's from San Diego?
Here go your taxes burgers.
Aren't you ashamed by that?
>land of the free
So, are all those army guys in the pic on 'loan' to the CIA or something?
How much does it pay.
Has anyone here ever had to explain kekistan to a balding, pudgy man in his 50's from San Diego?
the paid posters will. we were born into this environment.
this is a pretty big operation you are undertaking here, how do you plan on getting away with it?
Do you think they realize how resilient we are against that kind of operation?
He's playing Forklift Simulator 2017 ain't he?
Better luck nuking the Sun.
Why do they all look deformed? Estrogen water?
They are soldiers.
Are you blind? The picture is random, it's what media do.
truly the most ebin timeline
>people seriously get paid for this
>I don't, yet
Where do I sign up?
Eglin AFB had a bunch of military shills, and yeah, I assume they get their narratives from CIA.
>cia capable of 4th generation warfare by employing neets to shitpost on our autistic friendship simulator
no, im impressed, keep up the good work boys
He's American, not German.
load 'em up
We are literal basement-dwelling virgins browsing an antiquated imageboard from over a decade ago. How is it that millions of dollars and the fucking CIA haven't been able to crack us yet?
I hope they're better at it than JIDF and Shariah Blue.
Also - sending vulnerable young CIA agents to us. They will be /bigguys/ in a month.
Bit worried that one might get so salty he phones up the NSA, gets my deets and then drones me tho.
Thanks, Luigi - wasn't sure. Go back to making my pizza.
It's lazy journalism is what it is - at least line up your pics with the story.
Wtf where do I get paid to post nigger and kike all day
Heil Furher Kek mein Sup Forums brother. I am very pleased with the lack of white genocide God President Trump is making happen.
I too would like to assemble a large group of Sup Forums fellows in a large public area in broad daylight. I suggest we all wear reflective belts around our waists and be sure to shave the sides of our heads yet leave the top long.
anonymity is hugely helpful. egotistical cunts can't dominate the narrative.
Post some examples of your reading comprehension
The only things that get banned here are illegal shit and blatant shitposting
You can say niggers are peaceful people all you want, but you'll be met with government crime statistics showing otherwise
Why does he wear the mask?
Notice trumps kike controlled government wants to shut us down. They only target whites who want to get away from the globalist imported diversity. that you...?
It's been so long my brother....
Cruising the information superhighway.
>Get paid to shitpost on Sup Forums
Don't these faggots have anything better to do?
What if I'm a hothead, and i don't get out of here?
Why would you shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?
Best time line. I wish.
I wish this would happen more often. 1+1=2 no matter how much they try to spin it
>Implying mods haven't deleted close to 20 threads with very interesting information regarding youtube videos and c.ia shenanigans in the last few hours
Kek. So true.
Alright, I just checked out the source--it's bullshit. That website is Alex Jones tier.
White people's taxes are used to fund niggers, spics refugees. The Jewish goverment now wants to use our taxes to keep us from redpilling people.
Fuck this faggot trump
Do you feel in charge?
New guy here.
Boy Trump sure is a disappointment. We really should take a second look at Jeb Bush for 2020.
Also, OP's post is false.
if CIA reads this contact me and send me $50k and I can tell you how to troll the shit out of this place effectively, i've been here 10 years i know all the tricks
>anonymity is helpful
t. Dr. Phil Zambardo
These misinformation groups are just a drop of shit in an ocean of shit. Unlike mainstream media they have no power to sway opinion here as information is peer to peer. We will always have the numbers advantage, they will always be called out and shut down.
Propaganda is dead.
The future is in our hands.
Let them try, i will break them. They are already trying every day.
What changes?
>3 letter agency attempts to disrupt a Peruvian knitting forum
We must be doing something right
>nds up saving the world from th
CIA psyop reports on a CIA psyop. What a time to be alive.
You're so clueless, this is just a facade, the real work is being done in secret, engineering memes using scientific methodology following Darwinian processes.
None of you alt-right bozos understand this because the majority of you are too stupid and mindcucked to read an actual book that isn't about how the Jews run everything. Even if you understand it, you don't have the resources and training to do jack-all about it. We've cracked the memetic code and can manipulate ideas in ways you can't even imagine.
There was a documentary on Army "hackers" on CBS or some fucking shit back in the day and on one of the background computers you could clear see a fatigued army fag browsing an orange board.
Wow great now Sup Forums gets another excuse to ad hominem
They can try..
Shitposting is the Darwinian process
make this a movie please
but it has to be indie, since HollyJew won't approve of it
Delete your account
>we've cracked the memetic code
oh no
What the fuck is this nigger tier faggotry?
Nobody wears rank on their sleeves. We arent the fucking air force.
fucking cia niggers
All of a sudden I understand the influx of these threads. Seems like CIA are of course very proud of their work.
lol, They are terrible shills
all they have to do is announce it and then we start trolling ourselves. the problem is that it makes people here more paranoid and extreme. cia may be pulling a triple bankshot double reverse troll with this to radicalize people on the internet.
This is basically the government messing with the press, lot's of organizations are going to go ape shit over this
CIA here. Stationed in Pine Gap.
Post your social security number.
Sup Forums automatically filters it to xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx, but I have janitor level access and can see it.
We'll be in touch shortly.
not to say this board is redpilled or anything
most aren't, old or new users
but the mere nature of this board (anonymous posting) is at least one step up from your average "redpilled" forum
you may trust a known poster, you can never trust anonymous posters, any money spend here is truly a waste
and lmao at the retards talking about murican tax money, if greece can afford shilling so can us or any south america shithole
>eventually create a coup within the CIA and assume power
Imagine deleting all those MK Ultra/Monarch child torturing niggers.
But at the end of the day you're still Jewish.
can't wait
balding, pudgy, 48 yo man here in the southern california area.
I've been around long enough to know spurdo but fuck if I could ever meme him properly.
Prove it.
>implying you aren't also having your strings pulled
nothing you know hasn't been known and done before.