Why do you people like ruining careers?


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She did this to herself.


they've never had one so they feel the need to ruin the career's of people more successful

>libcucks can't take their own medicine

You should ask Kathy Griffin


Quick rundown?

I didn't know Sup Forums made that dumb shit on twitter make that video.... is it a jewish psyop after all?


If anyone is going around trying to ruin careers it's you left wing faggots

feefees get bruised

Phew, those 18 people who were going to drunk sleep through that are gonna be pissed

She did this to her own retarded ass.

Why do leftists like Islam so much?

She made a video holding Trump's severed head.

The more it happens the more you left fags will finally begin to understand the consequences of your own policies.

Playing by your rules doesn't seem so fair anymore now does it?

Self-inflicted career suicide isn't our fault, it's the dumb plastic Jew cunt who failed to think that 50% of the country would be appalled by her "humor".

Sorry won't cut it, so she'll lose millions from canceled shows and lost advertising, and all will be well in the world.


the funniest thing is these guys think they are morally superior to sjws who go after people for jokes

>make a photo shoot where you imply you're going to kill the president
>omg it's other people's fault I'm in trouble

That rodeo clown that wore an obama mask got banned for life from doing the rodeo shit. You can fuck off now nigger.

The SJWs started this. They escalated PC culture to the state it is. Right and Left both need to calm down.

>She made a video holding Trump's severed head.

Did it have a Queen soundtrack?
I expect to be disappointed.



>Why do you people like ruining careers?
Because she deserves it and worse.

and? thats your argument? we should act as bad as them? fuck off

Why does she look like andy dick with a fucking red wig on?

Well no. What really happened is a public person (whether you or she likes it or not) made a reference to the murder of the president of the United States and all the effects whether express or by implication.

This wouldn't have worked out for anyone at any time in history. So her supporters, the left or whoever can stop whining about it. The action is pretty close to a felony.

Difference is that the SJWs beg the Government to take more power, to make more rules against free speech and freedom of expression. Sup Forums just uses their own ridiculous system against them not to change the world or to make a statement but because it's fucking funny seeing dumb regressive left retards get merked by their own nanny state SJW no-fun safe spaces. By the end of Trumps first term (and certainly by the end of his second) I think they will realise what a horrible mistake they made letting Obama pretty much do whatever he wanted and use the government as a propaganda machine. They will realise they are no longer in control and they might, maybe, take a long hard look at their idiotic authoritarian ideology.

8 years to go faggot
get used to it

You first abo bitch boy.

always fight fire with fire!

Uhmmmm....wow....no darlings. Drumpf does the metaphorical equivalent of beheadings to melanin-enriched individuals, undocumented dreamers, the LGBTQIAPZ+ community, and womyn *clap* on *clap* a *clap* daily *clap* basis. This was justified.
Suck it up, buttercups.

In a desprate bid to be known for everything but "That old woman that tries to hit on Anderson Cooper" she held up a pretty well made 'decapitated' head of Trump, probably expecting a 'you go grill!' from the media.

Instead, the media is in full reverse on Trump since they realize that telling everyone to hate Trump only makes people hate them more, and Kathy is being used as a human sacrifice

It's called "holding them to their own standards"

It's illegal dumbfuck

We're merely delivering what everyone wants, what everyone was thinking, as true bringers of internet justice, giving it back to you, the people !


That's in my city, which is heavily wetback and white liberals.

1.) Because it's fun to see lefties squirm.
2.) She did this to herself.
3.) Fuck you.

>ignorant nigger
We didn't ruin her career. Do you want to try again, or would you prefer a white male just cut to the chase and explain to you how the world works?

Is he /ourtranny/?

>implying Kathy Griffin had a career to ruin

kathy griffin / career = oxymoron

this, btw.

They've been brainwashed. I mean that in the literal sense of the word.

Who got ruined this time? we are destroying people os fast I cant keep up anymore

How's Melbourne? You insufferable faggot.

wait, you guys are butthurt over a joke and going after her job and im the sjw? how does that work? im an advocate for free speech faggot, always. not when it suits my own agenda like you fair weather free speech poofters

Her career's been ruined for a few decades now.

Anderson cooper just turned on her via twitter

Theres free speech and the there is showing a fucking head on display. She has no respect for the president and no respect for the american people.

They did it to my man Bill O'Reilly.

Hey Bess, you were blocked remember?

Because it's high time leftists were made to endure the same things they force on other people.

yea we need our own less crazy Jermey Christian with a mask bro

Make sure she never ever EVER gets to host CNN's NYE show with Cooper. Will not tolerate it

Thats basically one of the few big gigs she still gets regularly

first of all she was done a long time ago. second of all the left are professional character assassins.

That was no joke, but you knew that.

> celebrity openly attacks our politics in a vulgar/edgy manner
> we force them to apologize
> we ruin their career opportunities

A-are we the new liberals?

She is pretty effective at bringing out Anderson Cooper's incredible cuteness.


add 2 more isis pics and add caption "can you spot the liberal? I know its hard at this point"



1 post by op id.. Sage and focus fags

The people who make up Gamergate are the type of geeks who don't much like society and just want to be left alone to play their games. They had no reason to ever engage in wider society as long as they had their safe haven of gaming, so if the journalists hadn't declared "civil" war on them, none of this shit would of happened. But now those same people feel under siege in their "safe spot" of gaming and so they will fight tooth and claw until the day they die or they get total victory. They have no where else to go and it's a purely defensive battle.


She didn't fly so good

Well said.

They ruined vidya. Ill be laughing at their misery from hell.

Literally one of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals; hold your enemy to their own standards and call them hypocrites every chance you get.

this. it was spit in the face of half the country from her ivory tower. fuck that pompous bitch.

>Liberals get people fired for trivial shit for decades
>Sup Forums fucks with liberals jobs for equally trivial reasons
What goes around comes around I guess.

They gave us free ammo and complained we used it?

Trump's quickening overwhelmed her and turned her into a pepe posting member of the Alt Right.

What's the term for this? Sweetie posting?

>Reminder that there is no gold star for being the bigger man, no pat on the back for not using your opponent's own tactics against them, and that honor is a dead and dying thought process.

Allowing liberals to run roughshod over everyone who disagrees with them, while saying how you would never do such a thing, is effectively bringing a knife to a gun fight.

Career ? Nice b8 m8

>who is Matt Bruenig

We will bury them

Why the fuck does any comedian think it's a good idea to get political? IDGF if you are Democrat or Republican: shut ya godamn trap about politics- as a comic, your job is to make us laugh, nothing more.

her recessive-gene-laden weird jewish head was a challenge to be honest

>metaphorical equivalent

vs an ACTUAL threat of DIRECT violence.
Fucking oxygen thief.


what goes around comes around


Magnificent! The P is for pedophile right?

>implying pol had anything to do with Katyh griffin ever, at all
people do stupid things and guess what? they earn stupid prizes like not being able to perform because they make poor choices. If you depicted yourself with the severed head of ANY in term president you would be fucking eviscerated. I don't know what she was thinking, fucking buffoon.

>Would be great to see "CNN is ISIS" shirts w/ Kathy Griffin on them. People photobomb CNN during live events. This will happen.

Can't wait

>act retarded
>get treated like retard
makes really you think

Because it's the closest legal alternative to murder and we want every single person like her gone forever


Uh... clapping is highly aggressive, and you have triggered my PTSD. You were supposed to use *jazz hands*.

alternative version

Epic troll there. Glad you're on Trump's side. :)

>hold up decapitated head of sitting POTUS
>think it's an edgy funny publicity stunt to desperately try and stay relevant
She did this herself. The only reason the cunt is even still know is because it's mildly amusing to watch her act like a drunk whore and annoy Coopers on New Years Eve

Uh... Jazzing is highly erratic, and you have just triggered my epilepsy. You were supposed to use *blink* quickly.

>it Sup Forums's fault she did this

What did OP mean by this?

>falling for this low quality bait
Back to plebbit

>literally who-tier "celebrity"


Rake yourself leaf. We are in a civil war here.