Meanwhile on 50s pol

>meanwhile on 50s pol

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God damn I wish these women would work, all they do is sit at home and pretend to raise our kids

Back when all other economies were in ruins. Globalism is the death of America.

>tfw my son doesn't ask to borrow my Count Basie and Duke Ellington records anymore
>does extra chores just to earn enough to buy new Elvis single

Not sure how I feel about this desu

Rate my new car plebs

So are we just gonna keep letting negros into sports just because Jackie Robinson didn't act like a braindead coon?

>>does extra chores just to earn enough to buy new Elvis single

Elvis' degenerate dance moves will lead to even more disgusting behaviour on television.


ah back when Black people didn't have any rights and weren't so goddamn uppity.

U bai opium white man? very cheap, feel good? u wan good asian whore?

what's the scoop milkshakes

Who would fix your dinner, take care of your clothes, clean up your damned mess, and toss your cookies, (Shithead)?

I'd like 60s & early 70s better. (The furniture/ architecture is better. And the clothes. oooo And sportscars!! British, Italian- doesn't matter. And the movies. Also, the movies.)

I wish I could post but sadly I have no internet.

I'm going to invest in texas instruments soon




looks depressing


Yeah I know right?
No muslims beheading anybody.
No niggers doing drive-by's.
No trannies parading and showing how free they are.
It's really depressing.

When are we going to kick the paddy's out?

What a nice fishtailmobile i have my wife just learned what a blowjob was

8/10 Would take girls to the sockhop in it.

The future of this country looks bright

Is this degenerate?

>be me
>be 17
>go down to malt shoppe with my sweetie
>see some colored fella makin' eyes at my best girl
>he comes up to us and asks her if she wants to go steady
>pop him one right in the kisser
>ride to makeout ridge in my pop's tbird
>make whoopie
Man, I'm thinking of proposing to her this year. Can't wait to see the big family we'll have at 25.

What in God's name is a Muslim?

So who thinks Vice President Nixon is going to run in 1960? I think so, he'd make a great President, very honest man.
Did anyone see his debate with the Soviets? Hahahaha commies btfo

C'mon guys!

The commies put something in space already. At this they'll beat us to the moon!



Hey there kids!! Want to go hang some niggers with me?

>i wish i was in dixieland

Elvis was based af

The people who own the oil that our gasoline companies use.

Really hope they don't take advantage of that.

>tfw no sweety-time gal to hunt down kikes with

Fucking Russia commie scum. RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA

They're basically niggers In turbans that blow themselves up.

fucking niggers man. they want equality with whites. we should just lych them or deport them to wherever they came from. Am i right fellow white people?

And they had their own community to turn to that provided legit employment.

>wtf you engage in a witch hunt and you actually find communists

Also Duke Check'em

Based Ralph does it again.

Seemed fine to me when I read it. Pretty much an adventure book. I liked it, not my fav but nice read


No but it's bloated. It inspired my road trip to Denver and back other than that it's pretty bleh.

More like meanwhile in 2010s Cuba

You guys ever go on vacation to cuba? Man, the rum and cigars were amazing! I hope nothing happens in the foreseeable future that would stop me from going to cuba for vacations.

Why would they blow themselves up? As far as I know they live peacefully in their deserts and don't eat pork. It's not like they are going to mad at us without any reason.

Btw communism will pervail, guys, like totally. I mean it. I'm not a shill or anything.

>be normal father
>do everything you can to provide for your family
>one day you come home and go to your sons room and catch him dressed up like a girl like a faggot
>scold him and ground him and make him throw his faggot shit away
>things seem fine for a while
>catch him again
>he starts crying and telling me he wants to be a girl
>"Why can't I? I can just take those new hormones scientists invented! I don't think I can keep going this way!"
>tell him that no faggot will ever be welcome in my house and if I ever catch him doing this again I'll murder him
>just trying to scare him so he stops being such a pussy
>he fucking runs away
>file a police report but they never find him
>few years later I'm in LA on business
>see some passed out whore in an alley
>almost ignore it before I recognize that's my son
>he's dressed like a whore and has long hair and is growing tits (what ungodly shit is this!!)
>get him cleaned up and buy him a burger
>he's still fucking mad at me for not letting him be a faggot whore at home
>he's dating some kike "artist"
>he fucking pays for him by being a whore
>tell him to come back with me and his mother and get back to fucking normal
>he gets offended and storms out
>he took my fucking wallet
What in gods name did I ever do to deserve this Sup Forums. I'm just gonna tell people my wife cucked me with the milkman and he was never mine.

Stupid normies going up to make put ridge every Wednesday after sunset. I bought 5 houses after the war and now I just don't have the time or patience to keep up the maintenance on all of them. I found some local boys who have a good head on their shoulder, and give em' each a half nickle for every gutter they clean out.

Started a steel smelting factory last year. We ran out of land to dump the excess slag so now we funnel it into the river. It all goes downstream so who gives a hoot. Long as it stays out of my city.

My workers aren't union so the steel we produce is high quality and very cheap. So I bought a car factory and started chugging out those too. Looks like America is going to be the leader of the world thanks to enterprising gents like myself. Of course I pay the workers handsomely and give them very nice retirement packages. That's how I maintain an experienced and motivated workforce in such a competitive market place.

The new generation is lazy and gluttonous. They only own 2 houses and 1 business. If they would just kick their ends in gear they could make something of themselves and retire wealthy like people in my generation.

Cuba's future looking bright!!!


today a negro looked at me the wrong way. So I shot him.

Today was a good day.

/pol can we talk about gas prices? I feel like I'm getting ripped off, $0.21 a gallon I saw today! Bout lost my britches!!

Elvis is fucking trash.

Making whores moan by crooning on stage isn't singing.

well slim jim polaks we got to be wetting our whistles so ill be taking the trolly down to the speakeasy on main.

Link Wray > Elvis

These threads are always so comfy.


Pleb. Cadillac Master Race reporting.


15 deserve
85 suffer

Got any pics in your wallet? C'mon, she's gotta be a real looker if you made whoopie!

last night i fucked my wife missionary style without any concern for her pleasure. same as every other time for the last 15 years. we're never getting divorced.

Can anyone tell me more about Joseph McCarthy? I don't know much about him

>At the water cooler.
>Co-worker says that the one homosexual in town claims they will have the "right" to "marry" in 50 years.
>Laugh it off as utterly impossible because no one would ever accept such an insane act.

>at the water fountain
>Co-worker says that the pedophile in his apartment complex claims they will have the "right" to "marry" in 10 years.
>Laugh it off as utterly impossible because no one would ever accept such an insane act.
>get written up for making intolerant remarks
>have to take a sensitivity training class


These negros aren't so bad ! Oh boy, there's little Johnny smoking weed and reading about that Mao tse dung feller! Oh, well!! free country !! i sure do love buying things and only having 3 kids !!! !

For shame. A real father would have marched his son down the recruiting office. Marines would've set that boy straight.

I highly recommend eating a bowl of Corn Flakes with your kids next Saturday morning and watching the television.

>He hunted commies in media and hollywood.
Now they kick the body.

“Hey sissys,
My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are wide, dense, bastards who spend every second of their day looking at poppycock pictograms. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever made nice with a broad? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than whacking off to small ads in the auto magazines .
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than "make hand whoopi to jap artisans"? I also get straight A’s, and have a ten dime Lacey(we just went to the open air movies Shit was SO cat). You are all queers who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me and my broad"

Rate this cunt in my high school:

That faggot probably would have had a field day living with a bunch of other men like that.
I raised him right, who knows why he turned out this way, maybe I let him spend too much time with his mother...

The wife keeps talking about wanting to vote
I'm fucking fed up, I think I'm gonna have to give her a backhand or two

how can amerishits call themselves free if you dont even give niggers rights? i bet you cuckpitalist faggots don't even have breadlines.

>still living in a "house" and not a glorious communal apartment complex

>60s & early 70s
when the degeneracy seriously took hold

Fear for 2057


No it's typewriting.

Is there a separate Sup Forums for me to post in or do I wait until this thread fills up and post in the back?

If I had a nickel for every time some fish eyed gook pleaded he wasn't no commie... And the dames... gams that would make ya wish you were back on the western front.

I feel happy knowing that you're gonna starve to death

What about Elia Kazan who's famous for Marlon Brando film? Did he do anything about him?

>not dying of state sponsored alcoholism

>Fear for 2057
That's the whole point...

50 years ago no one could believe it's gotten as bad as it has.

...imagine how bad it will be in another 50 years unless we do something about it.

Them fellers with curved swords and long rifles from Douglas Fairbanks pictures. They're not relevant in the modern world, they're going to fade away like the Indians did.

That's the problem. You needed time away from the office with your boy, tossing the pig skin around, fishing, and such.

Or it could've been those middle class Jews from New York that just moved in.. I never like that Chaim boy hanging around my son. Notion' but latkes and trouble.

7/10 would milkshake

It was probably a bit of both. Don't let your son hand around jews, especially never let him go to their house. Who knows what they filled my boys head with to fuck him up that bad.

every economy was good then
everyone but me gotta learn

>17 year old
>allowed to leave the house and just go shopping
I'm calling bullshit right now

>tfw in the 1950's you were just on the cusp of starting to realize that the good guys lost WW2.

Things started going downhill in the mid 70s and then took a major dive in the 80s with the whole conspicuous consumer stuff, children as an expression of affluence (give the kids unlimited amounts of money/ possessions and turn them loose with no supervision- because Mom & Dad were too busy having their own good time/ working) and cocaine culture.
And there was a lot of social engineering stuff on sitcoms & in movies.

My personal opinion is that women working is probably the beginning of the end for a lot of reasons.

She knew how to act well, actors aren't special people as media says.

Just another hated fella that turned out to be right about everything.

We aren't a bunch of candy asses like you stupid Canadians
Go drink some syrup moosefucker

The Marines would do your son some good.

That will being enough of that...
Please put whole head above floor drain.
disregard flag.

Have you ever thought about the contradictions inherent in our way of life? You go to work, you sit in an office all day, at the behest of your manager. And he does the same, and his manager, and it's all a big chain of men selling their labor to the man at the top, who takes everything you have and gives you back a pittanance.

It's inevitable that this system will collapse and be discarded to the asheap of history.

Take this mimeographed pamphlet. Come to the CPUSA information night on friday. Come alone.

There is another way, comrade.

Things'll get better in the future, guys.

We'll have nuclear-powered cars and jetpacks and nary a nigger or spic in sight.

I sure do love how Batista is taking Cuba. I was just there with my wife, seems like things are really coming along there.

I don't know, does your killing camp have a soccer team?