I know it's (((CNN))), but c'mon. Can we at least all agree that this man is an honest to God hero...

I know it's (((CNN))), but c'mon. Can we at least all agree that this man is an honest to God hero? Standing up to the liberal dictatorship that is his town? In my opinion, he didn't really do much wrong. It's an ends-justify-the-means, kind of thing. And as typical for libshits, they make a bigger deal out of this than need be.


Other urls found in this thread:


>linking CNN
Hooktubed that for you, it's like archive.is for youtube. Just edit the domain in the url.


How did he go from no hair to long hair in less than a year?

c u c k

come off it mate. this is the most blatant of false flags ever.
The guy suddenly goes 1488 after being a bernie supporter? While literally shouting death to muslims?
If you can't see thru this bro.....damn man.
He's OBVIOUSLY been run out as a shill to crack down on the dreaded nazis and prove that the media narrative was right all along.
(((coincidences))) this helpful to the establishment don't just happen when they need it most.
Handily tied up that rising justification for Trumps muslim ban tho didn't it?
Manchester children being murdered in cold blood can take a back seat to the poor muslims who face these terrorist nazis every day...

He was the hero Portland needed, but not the one they deserved.


>that robotic tone of voice
Reciting the speech they told him to say

Did you know this guy was actually shot for drawing on a cop in the past and served 70 months for it ? Lots of time for rewiring right ?

Dude... was he fucking brainwashed or something? He looks totally fucked. Like seriously why is it that everytime a white guy goes crazy and does some shit. They look like they were on meth for a week?

>when white nationalists start killing minorities
>justify it with free speech

trumptards are fucking stupid

MKUltra for sure

What minorities were killed ?

Just let it go man. The sure thing blew up in your face. Happens all the time. This weeks Trump Missile turned out to be a liability. Again. Just disavow and walk away. Disavow. Walk. Away.

Yes. Brainwashing is real, it just involves months of torture in order to kill the original persona.

Of course, part of military special forces training (all of them) is to break you so that the alternate persona that comes out during torture can't be shaped.

A nefarious organization who is not interested in the well being of the individual (we pay two hundred thousand per special forces soldier just for their training) would not be so nice.

Look at the psycho Manning. He wasn't crazy before he went in. He was a liberal, but the old-school kind we used to be before identity politics got pushed so hard. They fucked with his head, trannied him as a warning.

I would not be surprised if he killed someone, but I do not think that was the persona they crafted for him. They just wanted to break him completely as an example.

"I just stabbed a bunch of motherfuckers in the neck,'' Christian told police from the back of a patrol car after he was taken into custody. "Just a punk ass bunch of motherfuckers. Get stabbed in the neck if you hate free speech ... I can die in prison a happy man ... I stabbed the two motherfuckers in the neck and I'm happy now. I'm happy now. I can rest easy.''

While still in the back seat, Christian said he hoped his victims died.

"I hope they all die. I'm gonna say that on the stand. I'm a patriot, and I hope everyone I stabbed died,'' he said, according to the affidavit.

Why is the media editing out the "death to Antifa" part?

>white people stab
Brainwashing!!!! Ermagerd 2 convenient

>black people stab

I don't see this working for him. He's just too fucking nuts.

Black people stab people to prove they are hard all the fucking time though.

A white man stabs three people in the neck it's national news.

It is national news because of why he did it.

I'm pretty sure Thomas Jefferson would be agreeing with him.

Blood of tyrants and all that.

idk if its brainwashing, and if it were, they picked an extremely liberal shithole to release this clown on, so i don't think jumping into a conspiracy theory is necessary,

he is clearly mentally ill and do we even know what he was saying to this supposed muslim woman?

The day before this he was shouting death to Christians.

He just really loves free speech.

So how the fuck do you grow hair that fast ? Shouldn it be the other way around ?

yes here is official police statement 1 of 2

official police statement 2 of 2

I am not convinced this wasn't a psyop yet.

Sandyhook really made me skeptical of shit. If this happened in South Carolina i would be a lot more accepting.

The guy comes across as fucking insane.

>Wants Bernie(jew)
>Hates Jews
>Hates Trump Supporters
>Loves America
>Hates Hillary Supporters
>Hates Islam

A ton of cop-outs and confusing beliefs. This was a psyop or this dude is out of his fucking mind.

He killed two white guys.

If you're going to shill at least get your facts straight.

No, for some reason, on a bus in Portland, not a single person decided to become famous and upload a video before the police took their phones.

He literally posted on his facebook that he was doing a "Psy-Op"

I don't believe he was brainwashed or deluded. I think this is a lone nut case.
He's a liberal, far-leftist who started LARPing as an extreme racist with the goal of discrediting the "alt-right." HE STATED AS MUCH.
(((they))) would have done a much better job at programming him.
He was anti-Zionist pro-Palestine and then next thing you know, he was an "Ashkenazi Jew who speaks Yiddish." When he found out the (((media))) would not run a story about a zionist going on anti-muslim racist rants, he changed his MO and the media is fully aware that he's LARPing but their interests align so they're pushing the story he wants pushed. Because he's a fucking nutter.

>Hooktubed that for you,

I don't trust 3rd party websites sorry. Plus youtube embeds on Sup Forums

I've met and dealt with many Jews in my climb of the corporate ladders throughout multiple fortune 100 corps. NONE--ABSOLUTELY ZERO-- would ever openly identify themselves as an "ashkenazi jew." They might divulge what kind of Jew they are if you had a discussion with them but NONE EVER would EVER point out that they're ashkenazi. If you find a "Zionist" who offers their status as an Ashkenazim unprompted, you know they're LARP. The word "Ashkenazi" invokes the concept of false jews and they know it.

We're not giving CNN views, sorry.

He was on the streets for 6 days too and has a rap sheet for armed robbery, they guy was basically retiring to prison. He just said fuck it, and maybe was even thinking, what is going to get me friends in jail ? I know, Aryan nation, who knows but he wrote himself off.

This guy was a murderer and a fucking faggot, he represents the hypocrisy of all you retards

he might have had a sick sense of martyrdom. he knew he was committing a false flag, right?
