Help me out Sup Forums, this girl I've been talking to just asked me about abortion and I tried to redpill her but she finds it really hard to think beyond the 9 months and what raising a child entails, so she believes that men shouldn't get to be part of that decision. WTF. Help me WRECK HER
Give me the abortion redpills
This post is in portuguese but covers every base about why abortion is wrong. Here is the translation:
Do we honestly want to forbid the dregs of society from stemming their bloodline and thinning out weak genes? I mean really...
tell her that she's a genetic failure and she is incapable of doing her one (1) job and she should kill herself immediately instead of leeching resource
it's a life, why should it be taken just so another can live their life without consequences?
Whoever claimed that a time honored tradition is an argument for humans not being people in utero in the last thread is a dumb ass, just fyi.
We didn't believe in germs back then either.
Catholic answers won't help. But, there was an atheist, Peter something, who advocated for abortion an infanticide, who said life did begin at conception.
Stop posting that picture you fucking faggot it is from an autopsy and further developed than 12 weeks
Anyway here's an abortion redpill, is kills more spics and niggers than anything else. When whites do it, it isn't done by people in a position to start a family anyone. The whole thing is eugenics. The main group that opposes it is the church for the same reason they do shit like missions to third world countries.
If men don't get to choose whether a woman gets an abortion or not then men shouldn't have to pay for her to raise the child. Cut all welfare payments for single mothers.
Start with yourself.
Thanks for your input merchant.
Post natal abortion????
Here's a redpilled you don't here often on here.
Abortion is a good thing. Jews want you to breed more useless wage slaves and the worse start they get in life..the better for them..
Human life is extremely worthless and I own whatever I put in my wife's body.. because I'm a man.
God and Jesus don't exist.. religion is just an expert way to build reason for virtue around the normies.
Inb4 athiest..
Wrong.. Christian who doesn't believe in a god that cares wtf I do reporting in. Atheism is the worst religion man ever created
you faggot.
abortion is good when you're young and stupid.
when you're old enough to be of breeding age (25+) then you drop redpills.
you will ruin your life with a child.
children are disgusting.
pic related
also sage
It would be nice if being a burden on society were a genetic factor that we could simply abort out of existence, but it's not. Abortion legalization is a manifestation of female selfishness, not reason.
2 brazil nazis in one second, very fishy
She's nordic and very high IQ, but kinda young (don't judge).
Priorities, priorities. When we're all basking in sunlit beaches of Atlantis, then let's talk about abortion, but for now we have more urgent problems.. like oh.. the destruction of the west by Islam.
>said the jews
Abortion should be illegal. Shitskins will do it, it will be seen as degenerate, and who ever complained about more shitskins going to prison for committing actual crimes. Add that to the list of shit that shitskins will go to jail for and they got 2 choices. Either fuck responsibly and have no need for an abortion or get caught trying to have an abortion and go to prison. This "Earth's population is too high" argument is yet another shill tactic you people put out there to make millennials not want any kids.
Yeah.. the "but I know a nice black man" argument. I'm talking about majorities and large groups of people.
Focus on the gender, not the racial aspect. I've already redpilled her on that, she agrees that it should be legal but she also believes in that it's my body my choice shit
Abortion disproportionately affects the 'poor'
The 'poor' are disproportionately minorities
Poor minorities are largely African American
African Americans tend to be Liberals/Democrats
Democrats glorify, justify, and push abortion.
Abortion reduces the opposition.
I support less opposition.
Yeah but what about whites who put off having kids until they're ultra high net worth?
That's a whole different problem that started with 3rd wave feminism and succeeded in marginalizing the male/father in the family and encouraging women to go do their thing instead of raise children. It's the selfish issue. But I'd rather address that cultural issue with whites than open the floodgates of unwanted minority babies.
I've addressed this already my dude, she agrees that mass immigr. is a problem but we need to cover this feminazi cancer before she gets into that culture. Pls help.
OP, from everything I've heard from friends and family, she may very well live with the burden of her decision for the rest of her life. It may be a catalyst for turning things around... maybe not getting impregnated until she's ready in the future and being a cautionary tale for your peers.
So now abortion is a gateway to full-blown Marxism? I don't believe that. But without more info on the situation, I can't comment on what to say to her.
It encourages a mentality within women that their kids are disposable and that responsibility for actions can go fuck itself. After all, the baby may or may not be a person but it's still her child she's killing.
Which leads to women being fucked up and unsuited to be mothers. If she's choosing her body and her choice, then shes not choosing her family. In fact, the moment she makes the choice to abort shes damaged goods in the same way finding out a close friend lied to you. You'll never truly trust them again because you know from that one time that they are capable of lying to you just as a women who had an abortion is now capable of choose herself over her family.
No man wants a woman who has a track record of saying "fuck this family, I'm out"
Abortion is mostly a dead topic anyway. Women will never change their position on this matter because if they did they would have to admit that they killed their children and by doing so they have to admit that they are terrible fucking awful people.
everything is alive and we value certain things more than others. taking the life of the same species is bad no matter what. but people are going to do whatever they want. so let them get abortions if they want. we only condemned more fully developed or out of the womb creatures. Let thr be a safe place to kill and use the remains for stem cell. those who are alive
Scientific arguments
"Human development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells during a process known as fertilization (conception).
"Fertilization is a sequence of events that begins with the contact of a sperm (spermatozoon) with a secondary oocyte (ovum) and ends with the fusion of their pronuclei (the haploid nuclei of the sperm and ovum) and the mingling of their chromosomes to form a new cell. This fertilized ovum, known as a zygote, is a large diploid cell that is the beginning, or primordium, of a human being."
[Moore, Keith L. Essentials of Human Embryology. Toronto: B.C. Decker Inc, 1988, p.2]
"The development of a human being begins with fertilization, a process by which two highly specialized cells, the spermatozoon from the male and the oocyte from the female, unite to give rise to a new organism, the zygote."
[Langman, Jan. Medical Embryology. 3rd edition. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1975, p. 3]
"Embryo: The developing individual between the union of the germ cells and the completion of the organs which characterize its body when it becomes a separate organism.... At the moment the sperm cell of the human male meets the ovum of the female and the union results in a fertilized ovum (zygote), a new life has begun.... The term embryo covers the several stages of early development from conception to the ninth or tenth week of life."
[Considine, Douglas (ed.). Van Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia. 5th edition. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1976, p. 943]
The scientific community continues to prove that human life begins at conception (fertilization).
In their latest edition of The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, professors Keith Moore, TVN Persaud, and Mark Torchia shed significant light on the development of the human person – and they don’t shy away from the reality of when life begins.
Can you expand on the marginalization of the father figure?
Blacks are still low pop. But with immigration and globalism you need to consider densities. Much harder to cross oceans than seas. Yurp is probably gone.
Overpopulation is a self correcting thing if localized.
Theistic arguments
Jeremiah 1:5
Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
Psalm 139:13-16
13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Not only muslims will never abort, they will have 5 children on average, and that if they don't have with multiple women.
Ultimately, abortion is killing things for convenience. Women argue for it because they never want to be held responsible for their decisions, and would rather live in a consequence-free environment.
You will understand abortion when you understand the memes behind abortion
Meme 1: Abortion is when a female kills her offspring
Meme 2: Women can do no wrong and can't be held accountable .
Meme 3: all life is precious and killing is wrong.
This is what makes everyone's head explode. They can't conceptualize women as killers since killers are bad and women are good. Logically there is no controversy.
Watch Molyneux if you want more insight.
Thats just the fluff around it all. The meat and bones of the argument is the legal reason, which is "Her body, her choice"
You can't expect a women to carry a child to term for the same reason why you can't compel a person to donate a kidney to save your life.
I think it's apples and oranges since there is choice involved between the mother and the child and that it's a special kind of relationship, but this is more or less the reason why abortion is a thing.
Please don't try to redpill people, user. It always ends up with them thinking you're a crazy nazi/weirdo, and shifting them farther to the left. Simply suggest things that would lead them to their own conclusions. The best strategy is to start small, user. Convince her at least that having an abortion in lieu of birth control or abstinence is bad because there's literally no reason for it. Start there. Remember, the slope to being redpilled is gradual and slow, but she'll get there if you do it right.
I've been struggling with this question. on the one hand I want to say pro-choice (that means I support ppl who believe in abortion and carrying to term bc it's choice). on the other I really want to say at the moment of fertilization. however this does not mean that the fetus is living per se but going through a process by which it will eventually live. however this also begs the question if the faculty to live means living (ex I have the faculty to live but at any moment I could die of a disease/car accident/etc.. which means I lose that faculty). So to me the answer appears that it's the moment when something obtains a faculty to live. not that it's living, but that there's the possibility of it living. I think this is only one exploration of the subject and that there are many more. eg. what if the faculty to live begins with the ppl having sex? as in, the ppl want to make a baby vs they were doing it for pleasure. The faculty argument can be pushed back to a time before fertilization in which the ontology of the argument rests with the parents and host body. Obv now we're getting into why libs and cons argue about this. but I think it's important to think about why they argue. Usually a libfag on debates, but I still lean more cuckservative on this.
>The meat and bones of the argument is the legal reason, which is "Her body, her choice"
Logically if there is a being inside you, then there is a being inside you. and it's not you. A fetus is not an organ of a females body. That's illogical.
>You can't expect a women to carry a child to term for the same reason why you can't compel a person to donate a kidney to save your life.
Consent isn't an issue. We've concluded consent doesn't matter in general except to give women a back door out of punishment.
Men don't want to be drafted and die in war. I didn't consent to be circumsized. I don't consent to taxes. The idea that women don't consent to another person existing is irrelevant, since in nearly no other circumstance is it even considered.