>Talking to my parents
>I'm drinking and cooking dinner
>They're legitimate Republicans, hate Liberals
>Somehow Israel comes up
>Netanyahu did nothing wrong
>Hate George Soros - "Oh he's a Jew? So what? He's Hungarian. Check that out."
>Know they're retarded but they make more money than I do currently
>Think I'm fucking retarded for calling out the Jews over chosen enemy Islam
>Become increasingly condescending and irrational, even though they're fucking retarded
>Realize that my parents are just like leftists who are locked in ideology have no idea what the fuck is going on in the bigger picture
>Who are the Rothschilds.jpg
>Literally want to fucking kill them for being so fucking retarded + unreasonable
>Realize that they're still as fucking retarded and dysfunctional as when I was a kid
Just drinking now.
When will the truth prevail?
Other urls found in this thread:
So calmly explain your viewpoint and provide articles backing it. Talk to them like normal humans talk. They disagree with you, you explain why you think what you think in a sane fashion.
Who knows? Who cares? I'm feeling sleepy, etc.
Seriously though, give up. Only the most enlightened of parents are able to receive information upward from their offspring. (Hint: not yours)
I feel you but it wouldn't do any good. They're fucking stupid. My dad is talented in his trade but never even graduated high school; my mom has worked at the same company since she was 16.
>Over 40 reps have dual Israeli citizenship
>The Jews own all the media that you hate
>"What about what Hitler did to the Jews? I don't blame them!"
>What about what the Jews did to Germany
>Think I'm a fucking neo-nazi or some shit
Did you mention to them that Soros cut off Femen and BLM after going against Israeli interests?
Did you mention the Revolution of 1918 in Germany?
>more than one .jpg reference in a greentext story in which you indeed did post an image
Fuck off.
Cuckservatives and alt-right fags are just as stubborn and unreasonable as liberals and commies. Nobody can understand the bigger picture.
I feel ya, my family feels like this song.
>Daddy's a lazy middle class intellectual
>just like leftists
you are like a little babby
When you get further in your redpill journey, you'll realize everyone acts that way because they're human.
Leftists act the exact same way as the right does, but with different mantras and methods.
You're judging me by arbitrary standards. Literally Kys. It's not even hyperbole.
Didn't get nearly to that but I doubt it would matter. Completely unreceptive.
I realize that you condescending fuck. I don't want my parents to be that way. Fuck you.
You have the last laugh, you can stick them in a nursing home where brown people mistreat them every day for being jew loving globalists that they are.
Also I never talk politics or anything with my parents. I am a sperg tho saying, how much i hate brown people
>"user don't be racist! I didn't raise you like that"
>"shut up mom I can bitch about the niggers all I want, don't forget you only have 1 kid and no extended family and I'll stick you in a nursing home"
They get furious but deep down they know not to step on my toes or I'll shove them in a nursing home. It's empty threats I wouldn't do it
Baby boomers are already past the point of trying to redpill them on some things. Choose your battles, anons. Let other things go
t. Baby boomer parents
>I realize that you condescending fuck. I don't want my parents to be that way. Fuck you.
They're human, brother. They'll be that way.
Here's a redpill for you. The moment you realize everyone is a puppet being pulled by a puppet master and you cut your strings, you have to also be a puppet master and tug their strings, but with benevolent intention.
Look at Alex Jones. Spewing things for years and yet he's at the same place he started.
You can't fix your parents. It's already over for them. Their minds are made up.
Focus on your future. Everything you want to tell your parents, save it for your kids.
>Come from a Pennsylvania German family
>father is redpilled as fuck on Jews because his grandfather hated Jews and gypsies that would drift around when he was a kid
Take these
also this
who cares about redpilling your mom or dad.
You're an adult, not a kid.
Join an organization, make your opinions come to life.
Dick your mom real good so she will listen you, then she can redpill your dad.
>but moooooom, the Jews are the reason I don't have a gf.
pretty much this
Yes. Show them the Talmud.
Ah, another enlightened frog poster, I see.
stopped reading there. kys degenerate.
Thanks user but I've tried to talk to them about this also. I don't see my dad as much but my mom totally believes Assad is gassing up his country just like Hannity tells it, no matter what I counter with. Again, she's fucking retarded. "Well, Hannity I trust."
Aren't even receptive about OurGreatestAlly.jpg let alone the Talmud or the Synagogue of Satan or god forbid I say the word "Illuminati", who knows what the fuck would happen? Can't even ease them into this shit. Completely infatuated with what the media tells them. Fuck them.
Go full Menendez on their asses.
>Drinking is degenerate
Fuck you. Civilization was built on fucking alcohol. I know it's degenerate. What like you're fucking perfect? You fucking LARPing fuck. I shouldn't have even responded.
i know tha feel OP. Boomers are the most ingrained and ignorant cucks on both sides and they're almost unsalvagable. You think the worst generation could randomly sprout some redeeming qualities at their old and sad age? Why waste the energy if it is a dead end?
You are retarded. Be grateful they're at least willing to acknowledge the Islamic threat.
NEETsocs have the rhetorical ability of Siri.
What it sounds like to me is you don't have your arguments fully formed yet, and can't cite stuff on the fly. Work on it before you try to convince people of literally the greatest taboo of our time.
Have you read culture of critique yet?
Negroid here, I did the same thing, but calmly. Same effect. It isn't worth it. People would much rather lay on a tempur-pedic on the Titanic and sink with the ship than get off the fucking boat.
Comfort × acceptance from peers >> knowing the truth.
settle down man. but its true it allows people to bond easier.
You think you got it bad
>Dad is a commie and so was grandpa and great-grandpa
>All of them couldn't talk about communism without sperging out whatever legitimate criticism of communism was invalid
>Mother is a dumb socialist that doesn't know anything beside being a housewife and not even good at that
>Sister is a dumb liberal
Only people i can talk to is
>a crazy descendant of possibly a German soldier of WW2 that follows the same ideology
>The nerdiest man to nerd
>Two old guys which one is a NatSoc and the other idk